How to Loosen Blackheads


Blackheads are made up of impacted dirt, oil and bacteria that creep into your pores and take up residence. If you want to get rid of them, first you need to loosen them. There are several tricks you can try at home to break up the impacted material without turning to chemical peels and other spa or dermatological treatments.

Step 1

Wash your face with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Apply a retinoid topical cream to your face. Retinoids slow facial oil production, according to beauty experts at Daily Glow. Oils clog pores and help make up blackheads.

Step 2

Steam open your pores to loosen blackheads, according to Daily Glow. Apply a warm compress to your face, place your face over a facial steamer or take a hot shower.

Step 3

Treat your face with a gentle exfoliating cream. Use small, gentle circles over the areas you have blackheads. The scrubbing action will loosen your blackheads. Avoid scrubbing too hard as this can make skin conditions worse, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Step 4

Use a blackhead removal strip. Apply the strip to your blackheads according to the package instructions. Remove the strip with a firm but quick pull to loosen and remove blackheads.

Step 5

Keep your hands off your face as much as possible. Avoid excessively touching your face as it deposits dirt, oils and bacteria on your skin which can further impact blackheads. Resist the urge to pick at or pop blackheads to loosen them. This leads to scarring and infection, according to the Mayo Clinic.