Honey Face Treatment


Honey is one of the world’s oldest known cosmetic treatments, and its power to refine and improve skin tone and heal facial irregularities is legendary. The composition of honey will vary because it is a natural product.. But in its pure form, all honey contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids, that whether ingested or applied to the skin, have verifiable curative powers. A tablespoon or two of honey applied as a face treatment provides the curative and softening benefits of the finest cosmetics for less than a dollar and fifteen minutes of time.


The color and flavors of honey is dependent upon the source for nectar. Bees travel for miles in search of sources, and their choice of blossoms range from the purple flowers of alfalfa to the white blossoms of the Michigan blueberry bush. Clove, eucalyptus, sage and a wide variety of wildflowers are other sources for bees’ nectar gathering.


Honey’s antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties made it an ideal choice for treatment of open wounds, burns, blisters and even bed sores prior to the development of antibiotics. Honey’s role as a perfect healing medium may return to the forefront, as conventional medicine becomes less effective in the treatment of infections and other antibiotic resistant bacteria.


Honey’s natural ability to attract and retain moisture makes it an ideal softening agent for the skin. It also contains alpha hydroxy acids which help to exfoliate and hydrate the skin. The website WorldWideWounds.com explains that honey’s antibacterial action is a result of the slow release of hydrogen peroxide when diluted with water.


Honey can be used alone or as a secondary ingredient in cleansers, masks or facial scrubs. Regardless of the recipe, honey’s healing effects and softening abilities make a powerful contribution to the desired outcome. Add sugar, salt or finely ground almonds for a gentle face scrub. A blend of honey and milk or yogurt provides extra moisturizing benefits. Begin with a clean face before applying masks or facial scrubs for the best results.


Raw honey likely retains more healing properties than manufacturer brands due to processing requirements for commercial brands. Medical grade honeys can be found in most health food stores to ensure optimum results. Warning: Do not give honey to a baby under one year of age because of the risk of infant botulism.