Homeopathic Remedies for an Itchy Scalp

Another term for an itchy scalp is seborrheic dermatitis, a common inflammatory skin condition, states the National Institutes of Health. Your itchy scalp can be caused by your inherited genes, climate, stress, yeast and/or your overall general health, states the American Academy of Dermatology. No treatment can guarantee stopping your seborrheic dermatitis. However, homeopathic remedies for your itchy scalp will help reduce your inflammation and itch, and control your symptoms.

Control Your Environmental Triggers

Certain everyday occurrences may trigger your itchy scalp. Animal dander, mites, molds and pollens can lead to flare-ups of your symptoms, states the American Academy of Dermatology. If you are allergic to pollen and/or mold, limit your time outdoors when those counts are high. You can decrease, or eliminate, your flare-ups by taking precautions in your surrounding environment. Reduce indoor dust mites by eliminating carpets, blinds and rugs. Limit the amount of upholstered furniture you have. Air out your room thoroughly after cleaning it. Wash your bedding and curtains at least once weekly in water heated to 130 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter. Keep exposure to your furry friends to a minimum, if you are allergic to animal dander.

Reduce Stress

Stress is a common trigger for an itchy scalp, states the Mayo Clinic. Limiting your stress level plays a major role in preventing flare-ups, states skincarephysicians.com. Choose from a number of ways to naturally lower your stress level. These include listening to music, learning and using time management skills, laughing and/or having a positive mindset. Meditating will help revitalize your mind, states holisticonline.com. Choose a word such as “peace.” Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly and naturally as you relax your muscles. When you exhale, repeat the word. Do this stress reduction exercise for 10 to 20 minutes once or twice daily. Start eating a healthy diet to help reduce your stress and itchy scalp. Exercising is the recommended way to reduce your stress, according to the American Heart Association. Get at least 30 minutes of moderately brisk exercise on at least five days of the week to get the best results.

Stop Scratching

You do not want to puncture your skin, so stop scratching. Scratching your itchy scalp will make it worse and may also puncture your skin. A skin puncture can result in an infection. When you feel the need to scratch, apply coldness to your itchy scalp, states skincarephysicians.com. The coldness reduces your inflammation and lessens the desire to scratch. Keeping your nails short is another way you lessen your chances of puncturing your skin, if you do mistakenly scratch it. Wear cotton gloves at night to prevent unintentional scratching while you sleep.

Use Gentle Cleansers

Switch to gentle cleansers in all areas of your life. Stop using harsh household and dish-cleaning products, which can trigger symptoms of an itchy scalp, states states the American Academy of Dermatology website found at skincarephysicians.com. Start using more natural alternatives to help your skin and scalp health. For your personal hygiene, start using products that are free of antibacterial agents, fragrances and other skin irritants. Your personal cleaning agent needs to clean without causing any excessive scalp or skin roughness or dryness. Even mild cleansers can irritate your scalp. If a product leaves your skin feeling irritated or dry, immediately stop using it. Avoid using washcloths and bath sponges. Dry your skin by patting dry, not rubbing or scrubbing.