Homemade Facial Cream


There are several reasons you might want to make your own face cream. Making skin care products at home lets you control your ingredients so you can avoid chemicals you don’t want to use, gives you the ability to concoct a cream that suits your skin’s particular needs, and is often more affordable than buying higher-end drugstore and department store face creams.

Step 1

Melt beeswax and almond oil over low heat, stirring frequently until the mixture is thoroughly combined.

Step 2

Pour the rosewater into the beeswax mixture in a thin stream, whisking constantly to completely incorporate the rosewater.

Step 3

Remove the pot from the heat and let the mixture cool completely.

Step 4

Add 15 to 20 drops of essential oil to the mixture, if you like. If your skin is sensitive, add chamomile oil to soothe and heal it. If you are prone to stress, add lavender oil to promote relaxation. If you have a tendency to break out, add tea tree oil to fight blemishes.

Step 5

Transfer your face cream to a glass jar with a lid. Store in your bathroom or in the refrigerator for up to a month.