Home Remedy for Smoothing Pock Marks on the Face


Acne is the result of skin pores that become clogged due to excess oil. This oil is known as sebum and is produced by the sebaceous glands, especially during adolescence. This blockage of the pores can cause pustules to develop on the skin, which may form open lesions. These lesions may leave pock marks in severe cases. You can reduce the appearance of pock marks with home remedies that use commonly available substances.

Step 1

Wash your face with a mild soap and soft washcloth. Rub the soap gently into your pock marks to remove any dirt, oil and makeup on your face. Rinse the soap thoroughly with warm water, and dry your with a clean towel.

Step 2

Apply a thin layer of honey to the pock marks on your face. Allow the honey to dry and remove it with soap and warm water. This treatment acts as a mild skin peel for your face. The honey will remove the dead skin cells on the surface of your face, which can help minimize the appearance of the pock marks.

Step 3

Squeeze the juice from a whole lemon into a bowl; dilute it with 1 cup of water. Dip a soft washcloth in the resulting liquid. Hold the wet washcloth against the pock marks on your face for a few minutes each day. The citric acid in the lemon juice can lighten the discoloration of the pock marks on your face.

Step 4

Rub various oils into your pock marks to soften them and minimize their appearance. You can apply the oil in liberal amounts as often as five times each day. Apply the oil from a Vitamin E capsule to your pock marks up to twice a day. You can also use a few drops of rosehip seed oil, as often as twice a day, to soften your skin.