Dead skin cells, which mix with your skin’s natural oils and clog your pores, are one of the most common causes of acne, according to the Center for Young Women’s Health. Dry, flaky skin gives off dead skin cells at a faster rate, which can contribute to increased acne. Prescription and commercial remedies can help, but the irony is, one of the most common side effects of these treatments is dry skin. This extra drying out leads to rebound oil production as your skin tries to balance itself out. Natural remedies for acne may be able to balance out your dry skin and ease your acne, so you don’t have to rely on harsher treatments.
Increasing the amount of moisture in your home’s air can help increase the moisture in your skin, according to the Mayo Clinic. Dry air leeches moisture from your skin at a faster rate, especially in combination with hot or cold temperatures. There are two kinds of humidifiers. Small personal humidifiers sit on a counter or table top and need to be refilled with water daily. Larger-scale humidifiers are attached to your home’s heating and cooling system.
Long, hot showers strip the skin of oils, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you already have dry skin and acne, try shorter showers with warm water. Use a mild cleaner to wash your face that doesn’t contain additives, dyes, perfumes or acne treatment chemicals. Instead wash with pure, mild soap and follow up with a light moisturizer. Some people find that natural oils such as olive oil and sweet almond oil, applied in very thin layers, make effective natural moisturizers. Others find any products containing oil only make acne worse. Experiment with moisturizing products until you find one that helps address your dry skin without exacerbating your acne.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a natural skin antibiotic, according to natural healing site Granny Med. It’s an effective solution for people with dry skin and acne because it moisturizes dry skin while helping to kill excess bacteria in your pores. If your skin is also irritated, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties.
Dietary Changes
Dietary sensitivities to sugar, dairy or wheat, can lead to acne, according Dr. Elson Haas, director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in California. Practicing an elimination diet may help clear up your skin. Also including water and nutrient rich foods, like greens and fruits, helps to keep you hydrated and healthy, which aids in correcting and preventing dry skin. Dr. Haas also recommends eating yellow-orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, and cantaloupe, which are high in beta-carotene.