Hints for Removing Blackheads

Blackheads are the result of your skin producing excessive oil and manifesting as a darkly colored clogged pore on your face, notes 10Acne.com. Hardly attractive, blackheads can be difficult to remove; squeeze them too hard and you could end up with an infection, but squeezing too softly will yield little in the way of results. To effectively remove blackheads, you need to open up your pores so that they can be more easily extracted. Hot steam and an extraction tool can make the job easier and faster, with little damage or risk for scarring.

Steaming Pores

Steaming your face before attempting to remove blackheads can help open your pores so that the blackheads can be extracted more easily. Place a pot of water on the stove to simmer. For added benefits, drop in a few slices of lemon; lemon works as a toner and antiseptic for your skin. When the water comes to a simmer, remove it from the heat and make a tent by draping a towel over your head and the pot. Allow the steam to circulate for at least five minutes before attempting to remove blackheads.


Exfoliating helps to remove the dead skin and oil that clogs your pores and causes blackheads. Performed while you have existing blackheads, exfoliating can help buff away the surface of the blackhead so that it is easier to remove. Use a store-bought exfoliating cream, or make your own by combining olive oil, brown sugar and oatmeal to make a paste. Rub onto your face in circular motions for two minutes before rinsing away with cool water.

Extract with Tools

A metal extractor tool is an ideal way to gently squeeze the blackhead to remove it without the risk of infection or scarring from using your fingernails. It’s a short-term solution to get rid of existing blackheads, but won’t prevent them from coming back. AcneTalks.com notes that extractor tools have a long handle and a small round end with a circular opening in it. To use an extractor, position the opening over the blackhead, and gently exert pressure downward. The pressure will cause the blackhead to squeeze out of the pore, which you can then wipe away. Always use a clean extractor by dropping the extractor in boiling water to sanitize it before each use.

Tear Away

Blackhead removal strips are effective in the short-term. They’ll easily remove existing blackheads, but likely won’t do anything for the long term. When you’re using blackhead removal strips, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully. Wet the strip first, and then lay it on the skin. Wait until the strip is dry to the touch before you rip it off. You should see the blackheads on the strip. You’ll still need a good skin care routine in order to keep your skin clear.