Back & Neck Pain Tips

When back and neck pain occur together, muscle strain, posture problems or arthritis may be the culprits. These can be relieved and, in some cases, reversed through home treatment. Shooting pains, numbness or incontinence in addition to neck and back pain indicate more serious problems.

Acute injuries due to motor vehicle collisions or other severe traumas require doctor or hospital administration. Conditions brought on by overexertion or poor posture can and should be remedied at home as soon as symptoms crop up.

Rest the Muscles

Ceasing the activity that created the back pain or neck pain comes first. Yard work, weight lifting or sports play should be suspended until muscles are fully healed, about six weeks, according to the University of Maryland (UM) Medical Center.

Everyday activities should be curtailed as well for the first two days from symptom onset, when inflammation is at its peak. This home treatment is free, works instantly, and prevents further muscular damage that might increase back and neck pain.

Evaluate Posture

Combined neck and back pain can arise from long-term sitting, standing or sleeping posture that stresses the spine at its natural curves. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) shares the following diagnostic test for poor posture.

Patients should stand with their backs to a wall, placing one hand behind the head, with palm toward the neck, and one hand behind the low back, with palm to the wall. If the hands can move freely more than an inch back and forth, home treatment for posture correction may be necessary to solve pain issues.

Evaluate Bedding

The wrong pillow and mattress or bedding that has deteriorated and collapsed won’t support correct spinal alignment. The Better Sleep Council suggests evaluating mattresses that are five to seven years old.

Pillows may need to be replaced every year or sooner. The APTA cautions against simply adding pillows when one grows thin. Patients should test for pillows that neither raise nor lower the head but support the body’s cervical curve without sinking.

Keep Painful Areas Mobile

While a back brace and soft neck collar can offer pain relief through support, using these aids for more than a few hours at a time or for longer than two weeks can exacerbate neck and back pain conditions.

The Mayo Clinic advises beginning range-of-motion stretches after the initial inflammation has passed. This keeps muscles from atrophying and promotes rehabilitation.

Correct Diagnosis

If muscle strains don’t respond to home treatment within a week or so, the UM Medical Center recommends a professional diagnosis for an underlying cause. Treating arthritis neck pain, for example, will only ease symptoms, not address the problem. If patients suspect arthritis, they should seek a medical assessment of any bone and joint degeneration.