Back Massage Tips

Getting a back massage is a wonderful way to relax. Many spas offer massage services, but you don’t need to go to a professional to have a good massage. By following a few tips at home, you can create that spa experience at a fraction of the price.

Get Comfortable

To get the most from a massage, make sure you’re comfortable before you start. If you’re hungry, thirsty or need to go the bathroom, take care of those needs first. The location where you’re getting the massage should be warm enough for you to relax. You can get a back massage by sitting in a chair or lying down. A massage chair or table is ideal, but if you don’t have one, find some blankets or foam to rest on. According to The We Loved website, if you want to make a massage romantic, consider playing some soft music, lighting candles and using incense. If you don’t want to be disturbed during the massage, unplug or turn off your phones.

Use Oils and Lotions

Using massage oils or lotions makes it easier for your hands to glide over the skin and provide a more soothing massage. However, the We Loved website warns that some people can be sensitive to the scents in some of those products. Other people can have a skin sensitivity to some of the products. If that’s the case, cornstarch can be a natural alternative.

Vary Techniques

An article on the Ladies Home Journal website suggests that when it comes to the back, use a shoulder blade glide and steamroller back stroke. For the first massage technique, use your fingers to outline the shoulder blade on the massage recipient. Place one hand on top of the other and circle your palms around the shoulder blade. To create more pressure, Ladies Home Journal suggests pressing the edge of your forearm, just below your elbow, around the shoulder blade. Repeat on the other side. If you find a lump of dense muscle tissue, slide your fingers back and forth over the spot. For the steamroller massage, stand in front of the recipient’s head, and place your palms on the back with fingers pointing toward the lower back. Lean into your palms and glide down the back in one smooth movement. Massage the entire back by moving your hands farther apart each time you begin another downward stroke. Go slowly for ultimate relaxation. Move more quickly to invigorate the massage recipient. We Loved suggests varying your tempo, rhythm and pressure to keep the massage more interesting.


What feels good to you might not feel good to someone else. Some people love a deep massage while others like a lighter touch. Don’t be afraid to ask the recipient what works for them, and if you’re on the receiving end of the massage, communicate your needs and tastes.