What Are the Uses of Vinegar on the Hair?

Vinegar has an extraordinary range of practical, proven applications: It is a common cooking ingredient, a powerful cleaning solution, part of numerous home remedies and even an effective hair-care agent. Homemade, vinegar-based hair treatments are all-natural alternatives to expensive shampoos and harsh topical formulas, and because vinegar is so affordable and widely available, you can significantly reduce your hair-care budget if you like the results.


A solution of diluted vinegar can make a powerfully revitalizing conditioner when used as a simple rinse after shampooing. Both vinegar and human hair are mildly acidic, and many shampoos and conditioners are fairly alkaline solutions. Rinsing clean hair with a vinegar solution can restore its pH balance and strip away accumulated layers left behind by repeated shampooing and conditioning. It will also smooth rough hair shafts, giving your hair more shine and an overall smoother look.

Vinegar conditioners are especially helpful for greasy and oily hair, and unfiltered apple cider vinegar is typically the best vinegar to use because of its high levels of protein and essential minerals. For dry and sensitive hair, white or red wine vinegar can be a milder choice. A basic conditioner recipe is a simple 1:12 blend of vinegar and water, but many popular recipes call for a few drops of essential oils to help mask any lingering vinegar odor. After shampooing, rinse your hair thoroughly with the mixture and allow it to set for two to three minutes. Rinse with water and blow dry gently if necessary.

Dandruff Treatment

Apple cider vinegar and unfiltered white vinegar can kill dandruff-causing bacteria on the surface of the scalp and reduce the itching and sensation of dryness that often accompany dandruff. It is best to treat dandruff cases with undiluted, full-strength vinegar applied directly to your scalp with your fingers. After thoroughly massaging the vinegar across the entire surface of your scalp, allow it to set for 30 minutes, then shampoo and rinse normally. You can finish with the vinegar-based conditioner described above, but this isn’t necessary for treating dandruff.

If you find that this treatment is somewhat effective but not quite powerful enough, you can infuse some vinegar with tea tree oil or burdock root to create a more potent formula. Combine the ingredients in an airtight container and allow them to combine for about two weeks before applying the liquid to your scalp.

Head Lice Remedy

Vinegar can be part of a natural, effective head lice remedy, though you can’t cure a case of head lice with vinegar alone. Vinegar’s crucial role in the process is to dissolve the natural glue used by head lice to affix their eggs to strands of hair, but it won’t kill the eggs or the lice.

To begin the treatment, saturate the affected hair and scalp with either olive oil or baby oil and secure it with a shower cap. Leave the cap in place for five hours, which is long enough to smother and kill the present lice and eggs. Rinse out the oil thoroughly with water, then flush the hair with either unfiltered apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Comb the hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb or a special nit comb to remove any remaining nits and eggs, then shampoo as usual.