How Does Blood Clot?
Overview Blood clotting, also called blood coagulation, occurs in reaction to a wound to halt the flow of blood. This happens so that blood loss will stop and also so that the wound will be closed and no bacteria or…
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Overview Blood clotting, also called blood coagulation, occurs in reaction to a wound to halt the flow of blood. This happens so that blood loss will stop and also so that the wound will be closed and no bacteria or…
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Gastroesophageal reflux disorder is a serious form of heartburn that is persistent. People who suffer from heartburn or acid reflux symptoms more than twice a week are considered to have the disorder, which is also called gastroesophageal reflux disease or…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
Forgiving and forgetting. Sounds as simple as apple pie in the window right? I used to think I was the hottest thing in my small hick town. I had the girls falling’ at my feet, or did I? Relationships came…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
Having an unfaithful mate is one of the most painful and debilitating life events that can happen to you especially if the relationship is of a long duration and life is not stretching out seemingly endlessly before you. People to…
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Toning the belly with abdominal exercises may be more realistic than once thought. “Combat the Fat” author Jeff Anderson uses new research on spot reduction of body fat directly from the abdomen as proof of his claim. You may directly…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
In light of the increasing number of people who admit to having had at least one affair during the course their relationship, it could be easy to say that infidelity is to be expected. However, there are always underlying causes…
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November 8, 2013 Children's Health
ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, causes symptoms such as inability to concentrate, impulsive behavior and hyperactivity, according to the Mayo Clinic. Many adult patients experience poor work and school performance, lowered self-esteem and inability to maintain stable relationships. Much like children…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
Falling in love with a married man! It is a taboo subject isn’t it but has happened to so many of us! It happened to me, I cannot explain how or why as I had come from a family where…
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November 8, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a psychological condition that affects children and adults. It is characterized by inattention, distractibility, impulsivity and over-active behavior. ADHD cannot be cured but drug and psychotherapy treatment can minimize symptoms. Nutrition as both a…
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Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine. Structural abnormalities and muscle and nerve disorders commonly cause bladder control problems. There are four types of urinary incontinence: stress, urge, overflow and functional incontinence. Some people have a combination of these…
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November 8, 2013 What Are the Health Benefits of Dead Sea Salts?
People today are busier than ever, and often they overlook health problems because they don’t have time to go to the doctor. Some claim that there is an easy, at-home remedy that doesn’t take much time to administer. Dead Sea…
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November 8, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
1. Create a Personalized Calorie Chart Most people eat far more calories that they think they do. The bag of chips at work, cream in the coffee and the heavy salad dressing at dinner can all add significantly to your…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
Have you ever been involved in a relationship that was devastated by an affair? Why is it that often times the cheating spouse finds it okay to abuse the other spouse verbally and sometimes physically? Words are slung around that…
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According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases states, more than 31 million people in the United States suffer from chronic sinus infections (sinusitis). A sinus infection occurs when the nasal cavity becomes inflamed and swollen which cuts…
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Diabetes affects nearly 8 percent of the population in the United States, according to the American Diabetes Association. It was the 7th leading cause of death in 2006. Diabetes treatment consists of oral or injected medications that lower blood sugar….
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November 8, 2013 Skincare and Beauty
Overview Eye wrinkles are a natural part of aging, when collagen production slows down and skin becomes less elastic. Environmental factors can cause eye wrinkles as well, such as prolonged sun exposure and smoking. These factors take away from the…
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November 8, 2013 Senior Health
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the presence of tremors and accompaniment of a shuffling gait. There is no cure for PD and this disease is progressive. The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation reports that an estimated 1 million…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
Several studies have shown that in recent years, online cheating has reached almost epidemic proportions, and is steadily becoming one of the main causes of divorce litigation. While a high number of individuals do not believe that online cheating “counts”…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
The signs of a cheating spouse are very obvious especially after the event.However unless you have an extremely suspicious nature, and then maybe it is you with the problem,your instincts that something is not right will be the first definite…
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November 8, 2013 Names of Yoga Positions
Depending on the style of yoga practiced, there can be hundreds of yoga poses to try, plus numerous variations of each. The position of the hands (mudras) and arms in a pose can give it a different feel or focus….
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
The reaction to a cheating wife will not be totally unlike the reaction a husband would have to her death. When you think about it, it makes sense. The relationship, at least as it was, will never be the same;…
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Crohn’s disease affects the gastrointestinal tract and is characterized by inflammation of the digestive tract lining. It can result in abdominal pain, diarrhea and malnutrition. Other complications can also occur due to the spreading of inflammation into the deep tissues…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
I think that there are more than four main reasons but I will list four. 1) Spending too much time together. If a couple spends too much time together, then one or the other person feels trapped in the relationship,…
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November 8, 2013 Sexual and Reproductive Health
Bacteria have a variety of weapons that they can use to invade the human body. Some have enzymes which help them escape from the immune system, while others are part of the normal flora, just waiting for the opportunity to…
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1. Use Shock Treatment With Other Remedies Extracoroporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive treatment for heel pain that results from chronic plantar fasciitis, but it’s used only for acute cases. Most patients who are candidates for ESWT have tried…
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November 8, 2013 Eye Complications in Diabetics
Diabetes is a systemic disease characterized by increased blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia. It causes damage to many of the body’s organs including the eye. Effects increase with age as the damage accumulates. According to a February 2008 article…
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November 8, 2013 Marriage and Divorce
Sit down and watch it with him! First of all, ladies lets stop lying to ourselves! We enjoy sex just as much if not more than men, but we get into what society says is, proper behavior for women. The…
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White blood cells, also called leukocytes, make up a portion of the cells in your blood. There are five major types of leukocytes, known as neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes, all of which have distict morphological characteristics and functions…
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November 8, 2013 Medications Used for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is a chronic autoimmune disease marked by inflammation of the lining of the joints. It causes painful swelling and stiffness of the joints, which may result in permanent damage and long term disability. Although the joints…
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Upper arm flab or fat is the result of excessive amounts of fatty tissue along with a decrease in muscle tone. A combination of cardiovascular and resistance training exercise will allow for the best results in toning the upper arms….
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November 8, 2013 Diseases That Can Occur to the Human Eye
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, although approximately 61 million adults are considered to be at risk of losing their vision, only half of them have seen an eye doctor within the past year. Most people…
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