How Does Blood Clot?
Overview Blood clotting, also called blood coagulation, occurs in reaction to a wound to halt the flow of blood. This happens so that blood loss will stop and also so that the wound will be closed and no bacteria or…
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Overview Blood clotting, also called blood coagulation, occurs in reaction to a wound to halt the flow of blood. This happens so that blood loss will stop and also so that the wound will be closed and no bacteria or…
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November 12, 2013 Skincare and Beauty
Overview One of the most common causes of facial joint and neck pain is temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMJ. Craniomandibular dysfunction, or CMD, is another common condition that causes headaches, jaw pain, facial discomfort and migraines, report doctors at the…
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November 12, 2013 Skincare and Beauty
Overview Gyncecomastia is the medical term for the growth of male breast tissue. It is due to a hormonal imbalance involving the ratio of estrogen to testosterone. The breasts often become swollen and tender as they enlarge beyond normal size….
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Overview Stamina is one of the most important factors when it comes to mixed martial arts. The ability throw punches and kicks in combinations is one aspect to mixed martial arts, and so is avoiding your opponent’s punches and kicks….
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1. Go in Reverse Strengthen shoulders with reverse flies to raise your training intensity. This is an advanced move that should use proper form with light weight before increasing the weight. The lift should be felt in the lateral muscles…
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November 12, 2013 Sexual and Reproductive Health
AIDS is a chronic incurable disease that is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is contracted through sexual contact, contaminated blood or blood products, contamination through intravenous needle sharing and via mother-to-child transmission during childbirth. By damaging your…
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The breasts are composed of fat, glands and ducts. To help make them perkier, focus on the muscle that lies beneath them. In anatomical notation, these muscles are called the pectorals. You can use free weights and the weight of…
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November 12, 2013 Communication
I have recently begun to compile a List of Things You Should Never Have to Ask Your Teen. I would dearly love to never have to ask these questions, but after comparing notes with other parents, I find that most…
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There are no magic pills to cure alcoholism. However, medications are available to help relieve the withdrawal symptoms and cravings alcoholics experience, making treatment such as psychosocial therapy more effective. Disulfiram Disulfiram, generically known as Antabuse, is the oldest drug…
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November 12, 2013 Communication
As much as i love my father, there are just some things that I can not talk to him about. it is for that reason that I personally, find it is easier to communicate with my mother and not my…
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November 12, 2013 Diet & Nutrition
1. Look at Your Program The HMR diet products that you need depend on the diet plan you are following. For example, on the Decision Free diet, you eat only HMR products so your program dictates what products you will…
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1. Desmopressin (DDAVP) Can Prevent Bleeding For mild to moderate cases of hemophilia, the medicine desmopression or DDAVP can be an effective treatment. It is a man-made hormone designed to stimulate your blood to release more of its own clotting…
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November 12, 2013 Women's Health
Overview A vaginal hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus by way of the vagina. According to Mayo Clinic, a vaginal hysterectomy provides a quicker recovery time with a shorter stay in the hospital and a lower cost versus…
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Each year, nearly 20,000 people are diagnosed with brain cancer in the United States, report health officials at the National Cancer Institute. This condition, which is also known as primary brain cancer, is caused by the development of cancerous cells…
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November 12, 2013 Final Stages of Melanoma Cancer
Melanoma is cancer that develops in skin cells called melanocytes, the cells that contain pigment, according to the National Cancer Institute. Once cancer has been diagnosed, it is staged. Staging is a standardized system that describes the spread and extent…
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November 12, 2013 Baseball Safety for Little League
Overview Due to the relative lack of body-to-body contact, baseball is a safer youth sports when compared with football and basketball. But there are still risks and injuries associated with baseball. Kids and parents of kids who play Little League…
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November 12, 2013 Yoga & Breathing Exercises in Menopause
Yoga has many benefits during menopause. It provides a gentle physical practice that will ease anxiety and irritability and support hormone balance. Be sure to adapt your practice as your needs change. Strenuous practice can aggravate symptoms, while supported and…
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November 12, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Weight is a sensitive issue for teenage girls. Many girls begin to obsess about their appearance as they are bombarded with images of the standard beautiful, thin woman. At the same time, their bodies are beginning to change and become…
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November 12, 2013 Communication
In my lifetime, I have seen both the good and bad that can come from parenting skills or lack thereof. I personally believe I was provided all the necessary learning tools to prepare me for and assist me in my…
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Putting is the most crucial aspect of golf because it is the shot with the least margin of error. You can afford to miss a drive or fairway shot by a few feet, but not a putt. Proper putting involves…
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November 12, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
It is easy to forget the simple ways to lose weight at home with all the commercials and advertisements selling the latest weight loss trends. Don’t get lost in a sales pitch if you prefer to work out at home….
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Overview Hypnosis, or trance, is an altered state of awarness, generally characterized by a deep sense of relaxation, coupled with an increased responsiveness to suggestion. While in trance, a person’s outer surroundings seemingly move toward the background, allowing him to…
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1. Watch the Signs When navigating through an injury, it’s necessary to watch for the early warning signs of pain. Pay attention to what your body is telling you through the pain signals it gives. To diagnose bowler’s tendonitis, your…
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Overview No matter what you’re doing—watching TV or running a marathon, chores around the house or hitting the weights at the gym—one of your body’s most important tasks is to supply oxygen to the cells. Two major physiological cycles are…
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November 12, 2013 Diet and Nutrition
Diet and exercise are essential to any weight loss program, but there are many lesser-known things that can help you speed up the process or make it less difficult. Rather than depending on sheer willpower, give yourself an advantage by…
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In contemporary Western culture, large breasts are viewed as symbols of maturity, femininity, fertility and sexual vitality. Because of this, many women turn to cosmetic surgery and natural remedies to improve the size and firmness of their breasts. Mayo Clinic…
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Shooting a lay-up is one of the most fundamental actions in the game of basketball. A lay-up is used by players not yet tall enough to dunk the ball when open on a fast break as well as players who…
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Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert. Muscular endurance, on the other hand, refers to your muscles’ ability to forcefully contract repeatedly over an extended period of time. A boxer’s knock-out punch is largely…
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Overview There are many factors in daily life that can wear you down. Some days you might not feel very rested, even if you slept well the night before. Doctors at the Mayo Clinic list unhealthy lifestyle habits, depression and…
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1. Try Other Solutions First People with severe symptoms of TMJ–a painful condition in which the jaw joint clicks, pops and cracks during normal activities such as chewing and yawning–may find relief with arthroscopic surgery. However, the jaw muscles and…
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November 12, 2013 Senior Health
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