When it comes to strengthening and stabilizing weak neck muscles, you can literally take the matter into your own hands. Using resistance with your hands placed on different areas of your head allows you to strengthen the front, back and side muscles that support your cervical spine or neck area. For improved stability and postural alignment, is it important to work all four areas equally.
Stretch Before Strength
Warm-up stretches are highly recommended before you begin to apply resistance. Before you begin your stretches, sit up tall with your vertebrae stacked, your abdominals tucked in and your head centered between your shoulders. Slowly drop your chin towards your chest as in a nod or yes gesture. Hold the stretch for a few seconds and gently turn your chin towards your left shoulder, hold for a few more seconds and turn your chin towards the right shoulder for a few more seconds. Return your chin to center and lift your head back up.
Anterior Neck Stabilization
To strengthen the anterior or front muscles of the neck, you will apply pressure to your forehead with your hands. Sit up tall with your head perfectly centered between your shoulders, with both hands placed on your forehead. Press your forehead forward into your hands while your resist the movement with your arm strength. Be careful not to jut your chin forward. Hold the pressure steady for about five to 10 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat. If your neck muscles tense up after the exercise, repeat the warm-up stretches before moving on to the posterior resistance phase.
Posterior Neck Stabilization
To strengthen the posterior or back muscles of the neck, begin by placing both hands on the back of your head, with head centered between your shoulders and chin tucked in. Press your head back into your hands applying steady resistance for five to 10 seconds. Rest for about 30 seconds and repeat the exercise. If needed, stretch again before moving on to the next exercise.
Lateral Neck Stabilization
To strengthen the neck muscles which are responsible for side-to-side motion, place your right hand on the right side of your head and press your ear towards your right shoulder applying resistance with your arm strength. As before, hold steady pressure for five to 10 seconds, release, rest and repeat. Change to the left side, applying pressure with your left hand and pressing left ear towards the shoulder. Resist the movement for five to 10 seconds, rest and repeat.
About this Author
Alison Stellner, owner of Body Tune Personal Training, is a fitness instructor and freelance writer with more than 25 years in the health and fitness industry. Her first professional article was published in “Idea Today Fitness Magazine” in 1993. She majored in music and business administration at the University of Oklahoma.