Herbs can be more than just a flavorful addition to your dishes. In fact, a number of herbs have medicinal properties that can be used to prevent or treat disease. While there aren’t always definitive studies regarding the healing power of herbs, you shouldn’t let that discourage you. Cooking herbs are safe and even if they don’t turn out to be so effective in the health department, they will still do wonders for your food.
Step 1
Saute garlic in a little bit of olive oil. Then add it to pastas and sauces. Garlic has been used for centuries to treat high cholesterol and as a broad-spectrum antibiotic. According to the Herb Spiral website, garlic can inhibit the advancement of atherosclerosis as well.
Step 2
Incorporate rosemary. Add rosemary to grains and starchy-vegetable dishes, such as roasted potatoes. Rosemary works particularly well with less-common grains, such as couscous and polenta. According to James Duke, Ph.D., in an article for HealthMad, rosemary can aid in Alzheimer’s prevention.
Step 3
Push a couple of your favorite herbs inside a glass bottle of olive oil. This is a particularly useful tip if there’s an herb that you want to consume regularly because of its medicinal properties. Make sure the lid on the bottle is tight so air doesn’t oxidize the oil. Let the bottle stand for at least a few days (weeks is better) before using, so the herb properties can seep into the oil.
Step 4
Make your own marinade for barbecued meats. In a bowl, mix oregano, rosemary and garlic with some olive oil and then use the mix to rub the meats before cooking. Oregano contains up to 20 times more antioxidants than other culinary herbs, according to a study by Wang Zheng, Ph.D., published in the “Journal of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.”
Step 5
Wait before adding fresh herbs. Add them near the end of the cooking process. If you put fresh herbs into the mix too early, you risk charring them and thus diminishing their healing properties. Dried herbs can be mixed in earlier on, but store them in tight-lidded containers, so they don’t lose their potency even before you get the chance to use them.
Step 6
Use herbs instead of salt to flavor your dishes. You will cut down on sodium, which retains water and can cause high blood pressure. Herbs have no calories and are a good option for those trying to lose weight. Simply sprinkle chopped-up fresh herbs on top of your dishes instead of using heavy creamy sauces.
About this Author
Diana Bocco is a health, wellness and travel writer with credits in various publications, including “Woman’s Day,” “Marie Claire,” “Adirondack Life” and “Self.” Bocco is also a seasoned independent traveler as well as a certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant.