How to Build Muscles Naturally


The safest and healthiest way to build muscles is naturally, without the use of steroids. It is also much less expensive than relying on supplements. They key to building muscle is weight training. The more intense the training, the more muscle mass you can accumulate. To support your workout regiment, it is important to fuel your body with the proper balance of nutrition to keep you healthy, energized and strong.

Step 1

Consume adequate calories. You can only gain weight, even in muscle form, if you eat enough calories. Consume about 250 more calories than you burn daily to build about 1/2 lb. of muscle per week while you are strength training.

Step 2

Include carbohydrates in your diet. Fifty-five percent of your diet should consist of healthy carbohydrates while you are strength training. Carbohydrates are necessary nutrients used to help your body recover from your training sessions, according to Dr. L. Kravitz and Phil Block of the University of New Mexico.

Step 3

Consume enough healthy protein (fish, beans, eggs, turkey and chicken), but avoid overeating protein. Aim for about 25 percent of your caloric intake coming from a protein source. Protein helps repair muscle tissue which is what actually builds the muscle mass. However, too much protein (more that 30 percent of your diet) will not promote further muscle growth and will place stress on your body.

Step 4

Eat healthy fats (such as avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds) to give your body energy and essential nutrients. About 20 percent of your caloric intake should come from healthy fat sources.

Step 5

Eat beef, poultry and fish. These foods contain creatine, according to registered dietitian at the College of the Canyons, Sheri Barke, which is stored in the muscles as energy. This extra energy helps you perform better during your workouts so you have the ability to build more muscle mass.

Step 6

Incorporate a high intensity resistance training regiment into your workout. Use a high amount of weights (weights that are moderately to highly difficult for you to lift) conjoined with a low amount of repetitions to build muscle mass.

Step 7

Focus your weight training on the area of the body you want to build muscle in. For example, if you want to build leg muscles, perform squats with a barbell across your shoulders. If you want to tone arms, try lifting dumbbells.

Step 8

Work out a specific area of your body no more that every other day. The muscle group you are building needs a day of rest to repair (this is when actual muscle mass is built). If you want to strength train every day just rotate the body part you are focusing on. For example, on Monday and Thursday, focus on your legs and buttocks; abdominal and core muscles on Saturday and Tuesday; and arm muscles on Sunday and Wednesday.