Homeopathic Medicines for Hypertension

Hypertension is a serious condition that can increase the risk of stroke, heart conditions and kidney problems. Nervousness, stress and worry may all temporarily cause a rise in blood pressure, and is normal, but long-term elevated blood pressure can be dangerous and should be monitored regularly. Homeopathic medicines can offer a safe and effective alternative to prescription drugs, and may help to lower blood pressure in some people. Remedies are chosen based on both physiological and psychological symptoms.

Argentum Nitricum

This homeopathic remedy may be indicated when anxiety and nervousness cause a rise in blood pressure. Nervous anticipation such as stage fright may lead to dizziness, diarrhea and headache, with a pounding pulse. For those who are impulsive, imaginative and have a tendency toward claustrophobia, argentum may offer benefit.


Hypertension that leads to vertigo and pounding headaches may indicate a need for belladonna. Symptoms such as a flushed face, dilated pupils and throbbing throughout the body may come on suddenly. Though the person may have a general feeling of heat, the hands and feet may be cold.

Calcarea Carbonica

For those who suffer from high blood pressure, tire easily and have poor stamina, calc carb may be the appropriate remedy. The person in need of this homeopathic remedy is generally responsible and feels overwhelmed during illness. Walking on an incline or upstairs may increase breathing problems and associated palpitations. Clammy hands and feet accompanied by a sweaty head while sleeping are also key indications for this remedy. Weight management problems along with cravings for sweets may also be present.


Lachesis is often indicated for the person who is typically intense and talkative. Psychological factors may include feelings of suspicion, revenge and jealousy and fear of disease. Cardiovascular problems may exist, leaving the person with a flushed or purple appearance. Upon waking in the morning or after taking a nap, the person in need of this remedy may feel worse. People in need of lachesis may find restrictive clothing intolerable, especially around the neck.

Natrum Muriaticum

When headaches and palpitations accompany hypertension, natrum mur may be indicated. Intense emotions of grief, anger or disappointment in the more reserved and responsible person may also point to the use of this homeopathic remedy. Being alone in a quiet and secluded place often helps the person in need of this remedy to feel better. Cravings for salt accompanied by strong thirst may be present .


If high blood pressure is accompanied by nosebleeds, palpitations and a heaviness in the chest, phosphorus may be the remedy of choice. Other indications for the use of this remedy include sensitivity, dizziness and fearfulness. Facial flushing may also occur. An obvious improvement after someone has eaten or slept may confirm the need for phosphorus.

About this Author

Laura Dyke has been working in the natural health field since 2003. Her writing experience dates back to 1995 with her freelance career starting in 2009. Dyke is a naturopathic doctor, certified natural health professional, and certified Pilates instructor. She has written health articles for websites including LIVESTRONG and eHow.