Strength training shoes are designed to help improve speed in short sprints and increase vertical jump height. The strength shoe is much like a basketball shoe but with the addition of a flat platform added to the bottom front half of the shoe. The platform forces users to remain on the ball of the foot while using their calves to support all their body weight. Strength shoes are commonly used by athletes; unfortunately, there is no real evidence that strength training shoes enhance athletic performance. According to, experts that have tested strength training shoes found that the unnatural position can lead to injury and weakened calf muscles. However, for those that still desire a challenging workout, there are several traditional exercises that can be performed while wearing strength training shoes.
Jumping Rope
Jumping rope offers a combination of upper and lower body training during aerobic exercise. In addition to experiencing a concentrated calf workout when jumping, you are also strengthening the muscles in your shoulders and forearms while twirling the rope. Also, jump rope exercises alone help improve an athlete’s balance and coordination. Choosing to jump rope while wearing strength shoes heightens the intensity for training the calf and lower leg muscles, as well as applying additional concentration on balance. Strength shoes force the user to remain on the balls of the feet throughout the duration of the exercise.
Box Jumps
Box jump routines provide a superior plyometric training program for athletes seeking to add inches to their vertical jumps. For box jump workouts, the box heights should be at least six inches or higher off the ground to be effective. The use of strength training shoes during box jumps requires full use of the calves in order to execute the exercises. Additionally, the leaping movement from box to box provides an intense lower body workout as it helps develop explosive power in the legs. Box jump exercises improve muscular strength and definition as well as provide you with a different type of total body workout.
Stadium Stair Runs
Running stadium stairs is an excellent high intensity cardio workout that increases your heart rate relatively quick. Stadium stair workouts are beneficial to athletes trying to build muscle, lose weight and improve muscular and cardiovascular endurance. This specific exercise helps develop overall lower body strength; with the addition of wearing strength training shoes, more attention can be geared toward intensely training your calves.
About this Author
Based in Atlanta, Javonne Blackley has been writing health and fitness-related articles since 2009 for As an ISSA-certified fitness trainer, she runs a personal training business with more than 10 years’ experience in the fitness industry. Blackley serves as a positive influence to individuals looking to effectively maximize optimal health and fitness.