Methamphetamine or “Meth” is a highly-addictive drug which has numerous consequences for the user. Not only is this drug a powerful stimulant, but the availability and intensity related to its use makes it difficult to treat. The Partnership for a Drug Free America describes Meth as a glassy-shard to rock-like yellowish-white substance that is administered by injection, snorted through the nostrils, smoked or taken orally. Meth is also known on the streets in slang-terms as Chalk, Crank, Croak, Crypto, Crystal, Fire, Glass, Tweek or White Cross.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse lists Meth as a highly-addictive substance that creates chemical and molecular dependency, increased tolerance and intense physical and mental cravings upon the first dose. This is often referrred to as the “medical model” or “disease model” of addiction. Addiction can increase criminal behaviors, aggressiveness and the drug-seeking activities thus feeding the internal drive to maintain the euphoric high and aim for another dose.
Glucose Metabolism
Mood disorders resulting from the use of Meth are related to abnormal glucose metabolism. Glucose metabolism regulates emotional response in the brain and is correlated with high levels of depression and anxiety seen in abusers as well as former addicts. In a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health in 2004 comparing the brains of abusers and non-abusers, they discovered that the abuser not only exhibited abnormalities and damage in general, but high levels of glucose in the reward channels associated with addictive processes and anxiety. In addition, results also indicated extremely low levels were present in regions responsible for depressive disorders, depressed mood and sadness.
Meth increases dopamine, the pleasure chemical in the brain. Dopamine, according to the Meth Project Foundation, is increased by 1200 percent the normal rate delivered while eating a wonderful meal, having sexual intercourse, or even using cocaine. This intense delivery of pleasure is more than 10 times that of any other known form, which explains the difficulty involved in treating this addiction.
About this Author
Robin Wood-Moen holds an M.Sc. in psychology and is currently working on a Ph.D. in health psychology from Walden University. She is an academic researcher and professional writer in health psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, religion/spirituality, bereavement, death/dying, meaning-making processes, and CAM therapies.