People on a gluten-free diet, especially those with celiac disease, need to be extra careful about the foods that they consume. Gluten is the protein-rich part of the wheat kernel and is found in many products from wheat bread to pasta to soy sauces to protein bars to cookies. The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse states that people with celiac disease experience cramping, bloating and severe diarrhea when they consume gluten, which is the reason for the gluten-free diet. On top of daily challenges to choosing gluten-free foods, camping presents an additional hurdle. Followers of the gluten-free diet need to make sure to choose dehydrated foods for camping that still don’t contain any traces of gluten.
Dried Figs
The website Autism Web promotes a gluten-free diet because it is speculated that a diet free of gluten may help people with various types of autism. It states that all fruits are acceptable on the gluten-free diet because they contain no wheat. Dried figs make an excellent snack when camping and are naturally gluten free. The only concern is if they have any additives like brown sugar. People on a gluten-free diet can dehydrate their own figs or purchase natural dried figs for camping.
Raisins are naturally gluten free because they don’t contain any wheat or wheat derivatives. They are also great to take camping because they are dried and don’t spoil easily. Some raisins are treated with sulfur during processing, which doesn’t present a problem for those on the gluten-free diet. Raisins can also be eaten in special homemade gluten-free protein bars or breads because they have a chewy texture and provide moisture to the products.
Homemade Jerky
Another feasible alternative for people on the gluten-free diet is homemade jerky. The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse states that the ingredients added to commercial beef jerky products are not safe on the gluten-free diet. Soy sauces, teriyaki sauce and even certain types of sugars all contain traces of gluten. People who need to be on a gluten-free diet can purchase a small dehydrator from a home goods store and dry their own beef jerky, flavored with gluten-free ingredients like real sugar and salt. This type of jerky makes a safe, easy way to get protein while camping in the wilderness.
Banana Chips
Commercial banana chips are great tasting, and they last for a long period of time because most of the moisture has been removed from the banana. Yet some banana chips have traces of gluten due to the additives. It is possible to find gluten-free banana chips, especially natural ones from the health food store. Banana chips can also be homemade in a dehydrator and taken along for a camping trip.