Skin and Body
Bernice Dennis - 314242
November 1, 2015
Skin and Body
Have you ever heard the saying that the clothes make the man. I agree. How you dress is a pretty good indication as to who you are and what you are about. Our choice of clothes speaks for us in…
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Dr Pandula Siribaddana
November 1, 2015
Skin and Body
Foot odor is a socially embarrassing problem that can develop either due to pure negligence of self care or due to a disorder that produce more perspiration than usual. The cause for the foot odor is the bacterial action over…
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Annalyn Andriyenko
November 1, 2015
Skin and Body
It’s a youth obsessed world here on our Earth and our human females are definitely playing their part. There’s even a mention of a Fountain of Youth in old myths and stories and how old battered women would grab hold…
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Michelle Wilkinson
November 1, 2015
Skin and Body
The majority of women are unhappy with their bodies, and spend most of their lives on a diet in the belief that being stick-thin will make somehow them more content with their appearance. They look at the images of ‘beautiful’…
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Michelle Wilkinson
November 1, 2015
Skin and Body
Living in the age of celebrity makes it virtually impossible to escape the images of perfectly coiffed, exquisitely styled, and incredibly slim specimens that make it on to the front cover of various magazines. Beautiful female celebrities seem to everywhere,…
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Michelle Wilkinson
November 1, 2015
Skin and Body
Women are so critical of their bodies that they can never simply look in the mirror and appreciate what they’ve got. Instead, they simply spend their time comparing themselves to other women, including supposedly perfect female celebrities, who obviously have…
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Karon Brandt
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
Does height matter? Is taller, better? Overall, height appears to have advantages. Do taller people earn more money? Height correlates directly with earnings. According to an Australian study, taller people, men especially, earned $1000 more per year, per 2″ height…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
Ask any woman how she feels about her body and she will probably respond by saying that she is dissatisfied with it, as so many women are. One of the most prominent issues that women face with regard to their…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
It seems that most of the time a great deal of attention is paid to how images in the media affect women’s self-esteem and body issues without considering the fact that men are also influenced by the images they see….
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
Body image issues affect both men and women, but the fact that men feel a great deal of pressure to conform to a certain ideal tends to get ignored. Perhaps this is because more women than men seek treatment for…
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Elena Neville
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
Teenagers are truly bizarre creatures. These bedroom dwelling, loud music listening, back chatting little humans yet to discover their place in the world. Most of our life’s experimentation happens during those formidable years. They what to feel like they have…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
Do glamour magazines really have any impact on women at all, since they are primarily targeted at men? Glamour models tend to have a certain artificialness about them they are not presented as real women, but rather as Barbie dolls,…
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I Am Rosa
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
The art of face reading has its roots in ancient Greece and China and there are many sayings about the face; “If looks could kill”, “Her face was an open book” and of course, “The eyes are the windows to…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
Everybody has body image issues; young and old, male and female, because this is a society where appearances matter. People are judged by the way they look, and so it is not surprising when individuals become preoccupied with what they…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
It seems that women are particularly susceptible to the influence of the media when it comes to personal appearance, which partly accounts for why a majority of women have poor body image and issues with their bodies in general. An…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
Women are not the only ones worried about the way they look, since men are just as susceptible to the images they see in the media. It seems that women are exposed to images of female celebrities who are extremely…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
Most individuals try to take care of their appearance as a great deal of importance is attributed to the way people look in our society. It seems that women are particularly susceptible to the images they see so that when…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
It seems that everybody is worried about their weight. It is actually rare to encounter someone who is completely satisfied with their body most people feel that they could do with losing a few pounds or think that they need…
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Julie Young
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
What a sick society we live in, to place mirrors as the essential “worthy” or “unworthy” decor in every household, restaurant, museum, you name it. Image is everything, or so we’ve all been believing. Yet we have not only been…
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Bridget Webber
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
If winters the season to be jolly then the summer is the season to be covered up and blue for some folks. Why? Because when the sun comes out so do peoples bodies. If you feel insecure about your appearance…
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Linda Ann Nickerson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
What is a muffin top? Originally, a muffin top was simply the uppermost domed portion of a baked muffin. Many muffin connoisseurs actually like the muffin top the best. In fact, cookware stores now sell muffin top baking pans, so…
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Debbie Gillotti
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
A tiny woman stands in the hardware aisle in a local home improvement store. She hears a small girl calling to someone a short distance away. “Hey lady”. A few moments later, another call. “Hey lady.” The tiny woman looks…
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Michelle Wilkinson
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
The world of high-fashion is based on snobbery it involves a select group of people designing clothes to fit women who are unusual due to their height and frame. Fashion designers do not create their clothing to fit the average…
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Bridget Webber
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
The term that states that someone is ‘worth their weight in gold,’ generally refers to personality. However, this term may soon be going out of fashion as nowadays it seems that the more you weigh the less you are worth….
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Das Govind
October 31, 2015
Skin and Body
UGLY! How many so called ugly people do I really know. I am trying to think. There are not many ugly people in the world, just people coming form different cultures, beliefs and ethnicity groups. What features one racial group…
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Virginia L. Allen
October 27, 2015
Skin and Body
Baking soda isn’t just for the kitchen anymore. In addition to being a great baking, cooking and cleaning product, baking soda offers a wide range of health and beauty uses. The book, ‘Arm and Hammer Baking Soda: Over 100 Helpful…
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Joan Mccord
October 27, 2015
Skin and Body
Baking soda is a powerful, familiar, and earth-friendly natural product that is undergoing a resurgence of popularity. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate (chemically, NaHCO3), is a compound that occurs naturally in mineral deposits throughout the world. It helps maintain, neutralize,…
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A. Sc.
October 27, 2015
Skin and Body
Baking soda is one of those wonderful substances that has many different applications. It can be used to clean pipe drains, freshen carpets and can even be an ingredient in some kinds of candy. However, it’s the health and beauty…
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Olivia Bredbenner
October 27, 2015
Skin and Body
Don’t be fooled by the small box. . You will find it in the supermarket in the baking area . Be careful not to mix it up with baking powder , as they are entirely different from each other. After…
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Tina Samuels
October 27, 2015
Skin and Body
A skin growth that is rough on the surface is called a wart. While folklore has it that you get these from frogs and toads, it is not the case. Warts are caused by the HPV virus, or human papillomavirus….
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