Skin and Body
Sarah Lewis
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Colgate- Palmolive say that they like to feel that their customers trust them and to a greater extent I think that is a very true statement. The company have been around for years and are known for producing good quality…
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November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Do you have a hard time getting your little ones into the bath? Has bath time in your house become a hectic ritual, accompanied by screams of protest? Turn bath time into a fun experience, by implementing a few bath…
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Kristen Moore
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Winter is a time for glistening ice sickles, fluffy snowflakes and pure white meadows. Although winter can be beautiful, it can do considerable damage to the skin. The frigid air outside can lead to chapping; while the heated air inside…
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Molly Russo
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
It all starts as a simple shopping trip for a few much needed everyday products. You’ve got the milk, eggs, paper towels, toilet paper and then you turn into the next aisle to get the next item on your list,…
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Denisa Howe
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Stressed because of large skin pores is a daily problem for many women. There are many ways to naturally reduce the size of your pores, especially on your face. To begin the process, you must first clean your face. Cleaning…
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Sunshine Simmons
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Body wash, or bar soap? That is the question, or so we thought. With the average person tossing out over 200 bottles of liquid soap in their life time, the question becomes which is more green, liquid or bar soap’….
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Harmony Wells
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Imagine walking into a public restroom and seeing that there is no liquid dispenser. Bar soap is the only option for washing your hands. If that bar soap is sitting in mucky liquid, it has probably begun to break down into some…
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JC Campbell
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
The bar soap versus body wash argument rages on as people all over the country refuse to move into the body wash period, continuing their love for the bar soap method. In bathrooms everywhere, you will still find the bar…
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Judy Mosca
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Tanning is a year round regimen I have incorporated into my lifestyle. Despite the warnings, I do not plan to eliminate my tanning routine any time soon. Besides, warnings are given to advise the public as to what may or…
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Tara Liverios
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
“Tanning: Vanity or Peer Pressure” There are a number of reasons that people give for why they go tanning. Whether it is in a pool, at the beach, or in a tanning booth, some people are a slave of the…
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TC Crumpton
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Why do we continue exposing our skin to ultraviolet light despite the health risks? Why do we smoke, drink alcohol, eat unhealthy foods, cheat, or lie? Choose a harmful habit and rest assured there is a perfectly irrational explanation. Many…
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Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Who would’ve thunk it?!An article promoting tanning, in today’s ozone depleted, global warming issued, threatened state…..and yet, here I am, a self professed lover of the Sun and definite occasional tanner. We all know the downsides to tanning, especially without…
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Michele Lyons
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
I walk outside everyday during the bright summer days and love every bit of it. I know all the warnings about the UV rays causing skin damage but I go out anyways with no thought of putting on sun block….
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Cynthia Stodolka
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Red gold hair and milky white porcelain skin , a fair iridescent body untouched by the golden rays of the sun. A pale beauty as white as the first snow of winter unmolested by color, blemish, or prior sun burn….
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Marsha Sigman
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
I love to tan. I am not tanning myself to death, however. I do take a break in December and January. I understand all the warnings that have been released from doctors and medical professionals. I have read all the…
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Aria Cian
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
“You are so white!” These four simple words sum up why I, and many others like me, defy all the medical warnings and choose to frequent tanning beds despite the considerable risks. It may be a shallow and vain reason…
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Karen Moore
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
My addiction to tanning year round began quite innocently. Winters in Wyoming can be quite harsh and one’s skin color matches the blanket of white across the landscape. Planning our first trip to Mexico at Christmas time lead to the…
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Kerry Michael Wood
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
I know skin cancer. I have scars to show for it. I am grateful to modern computers that enable me to touch up a thumb-print size pink scar on my forehead when I transfer photos electronically. I have a friend…
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Kenda Robertson
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
There’s nothing like the smell of warm, tanned skin after a sunny day at the beach. Or, how sexy you feel with your skin all sun-kissed and browned. While tanning in today’s society has fallen out of favor, supposedly due…
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November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Soap & Glory – Clean on Me Creamy Clarifying Shower Gel…… WOW! A few week ago I was still a Soap & Glory virgin and it wasn’t until reading some reviews on this site that I decided to check out…
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Caroline St Clare
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Despite celebrities such as Madonna opting for the pale look, the quest for a golden tan doesn’t appear to be waning. Indeed for some, the desire for a golden tan is so strong that doctors have coined the term tanorexia’…
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Elise Marie
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
One of my favorite homemade body splashes to make in the summertime is my homemade tangerine cooling and soothing aloe splash spray to help protect, soothe and lightly scent the skin with a nice summery fruity scent. It’s very easy to…
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November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Are some people predestined to become a skin cancer statistic? Is there something about heredity or our genetic makeup that makes some people more or less likely to succumb to that dreaded disease? As a child I spend countless hours…
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Elise Marie
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Every now and again, I have a hard time waking myself up in the morning because I am just so sleepy. On those types of mornings, I make a quick homemade moisturizing wakeup body wash and wash up with it…
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Sun Meilan
November 4, 2014
Skin and Body
Most householders these days have the choice of either taking a bath or a shower, although smaller properties tend to have showers rather than baths. Showers are generally quick and easy, they cost less to run and are ideal for…
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Caroline St Clare
November 3, 2014
Skin and Body
Back in the late 1800s, few American households were without a jar of Vaseline® petroleum jelly. Now the Vaseline® brand is instantly recognizable around the world. While Vaseline petroleum jelly is still a big seller, they also provide a wide…
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Sarah Yates
November 3, 2014
Skin and Body
Another product in my parcel from Lush customer services was their Dream Cream, this usually cost’s £9.85 for a 240g pot, which if I paid for it I would find that rather expensive. It come’s in the trademark black pot…
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Helena Reimer
November 3, 2014
Skin and Body
Body odor is usually brought about when a person begins to sweat, and therefore it is commonly believed that it is the sweating that causes body odor. However, it is not the sweat that causes the odor to occur, but…
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Lindsay Grahaem
November 3, 2014
Skin and Body
Lush Snow Fairy shower gel is a vibrant pink, ultra-girly shower gel that will fill your senses with the sweetest of candy aromas in your daily shower. If you’ve tried Lush’s Candy Fluff dusting powder which has the same scent,…
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Helena Reimer
November 3, 2014
Skin and Body
Body odor is normally present when a person sweats, and the more one sweats the more odors arise. However, it is not the sweat that causes the odor, but rather it is the toxins that the sweat brings out of…
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