Skin and Body
Alexis Fischer
November 18, 2014
Skin and Body
Exfoliating helps remove dead cells from your skin and clears pores leaving it looking brighter and fresher. Store bought exfoliators can be expensive and may be full of chemicals. It is easy to make exfoliators at home using everyday ingredients,…
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Johane Levesque - 604881
November 18, 2014
Skin and Body
Which is better, Mary Kay or Avon? Each company has a long history, has brand recognition and a devoted clientele. So which is better? I have been searching for that answer myself, and I have to say that many of…
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Matilda Willows
November 18, 2014
Skin and Body
It is recommended to exfoliate the skin at least once or twice a week. Exfoliating is essential to take good care of the skin. It removes dead skin cells to reveal fresh and softer skin. Dead skin cells can become…
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November 18, 2014
Skin and Body
Sensational bath products you can make at home. These products are all natural and smell terrific too! Now you will be able to relax in the tub with these luxurious products that you will have created with your own 2…
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Steven Gomez
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
A bad complexion may stick with you no matter how many remedies you’ve tried. But improving your complexion may require much less facial therapy than you think: The key to healthier skin and a better complexion lies in how you…
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Ann Verdine
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Hands and feet do a lot of work during an average day. These overworked extremities deserved their day at the spa even if that spa is just a quiet room at home. One possible spa indulgence to consider is the…
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Shannon Boone
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Cocoa butter is one of Mother Nature’s many gifts, with properties that allow it to be used both internally and externally. It is often referred to as an “ultimate moisturizer”, and for centuries, people have used cocoa butter to add…
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Rebecca and Brian Smith
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Shea Butter is a unique natural butter that is extracted from the fruit of the African Shea-Karite tree. In the United States we have only recently become aware of the many benefits of Shea Butter, but it has been used…
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November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
I love my beauty products, especially shower gels or shower creams. Whenever I go shopping I’m always on the look out for a new beauty product which I haven’t tried before. Out of all the different shower gels I have…
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Amanda N.
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
The natural, ivory-colored cocoa butter has many benefits for the skin. It is extracted from cacao beans, and Africans like to use it to heal the dry skin. Because of its emollient property, cocoa butter is often used to make…
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Laura Magureanu
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
You may have heard the popular saying about how a lady’s age can be told after how old her neck looks like. The truth is too many women pay a lot of attention to their faces, investing quite a lot…
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Michelle Wilkinson
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Everyone needs a change now and again, because it is all too easy to get stuck in a rut with the way you dress and the way you present yourself. Sometimes, all that is needed is a makeover and if…
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Matilda Willows
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
A great complexion shows good physical as well as mental health. What people eat tends to show on the face. A dull and pale complexion often indicates ones diet isn’t optimum and healthy. However, a radiant and glowing complexion shows…
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Michelle Wilkinson
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
If you’re considering getting a makeover then you’re probably not completely happy with the way you look right now. Maybe you’re just fed up with waking up every day and putting on the same clothes and styling your hair the…
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Ian Farquharson
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
There are a variety of options for buying Christmas presents for the ladies in your life, with soaps, bath and shower items, as well as cosmetics being a common choice. There are many companies that produce these types of products…
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Tamera Martin
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Everyone has stress in their life and they want to get rid of it. everyone wants a day where they can have it all to themselves and relax. Want all of the pleasures if spending a day at the spa…
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Sonya Crossland
November 17, 2014
Skin and Body
I am a big fan of Avon’s Skin So Soft range, and in particular their dry oil body spray. When I tried some other products from the new SSS Mineral Gems line Avon introduced this year I was very impressed,…
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Aline Neal
November 13, 2014
Skin and Body
With Avon having so many quality products these days and Hollywood stars backing it up and helping to promote Avon. Avon is becoming increasingly popular. Stars like Salma Hayek, Jennifer Hudson and Celine Dion, all love Avon. Avon even raises…
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In The Mind Of Tara
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
Microdermabrasion Skin Care Microdermabrasion works by manually abrading, sanding as in sandpaper, the skin’s most superficial layer. This is an artificially accelerated form of skin exfoliation which, over eight or more weeks, simulates the production of new living cells at…
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November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
Microdermabrasion is a skin repair process used to smooth the surface of damaged or aging skin. A microdermabrasion treatment sweeps abrasive agents across the skin in order to reach surface layers and skin cells, and is a procedure used to…
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Eve Redstone
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
Avocado and mud are both ingredients in common homemade face masks, and in commercial preparations, some very expensive. Mud is used as an exfoliating agent and as a deep cleanser, drawing impurities from deep in the skin and cleansing in…
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Krystal Waldron
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.” ~~Eleanor Roosevelt~~ Gravity and age may have you a little concerned about sagging skin/ Sagging skin and wrinkles form when the underlying muscles of the…
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Sandra Piddock
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
Avon has been around forever, but it’s only in the last few years that the style and beauty magazines have woken up to what we Avon devotees have always known – Avon supplies quality products at affordable prices. I don’t…
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JC Campbell
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
Avon have become renowned for beautifying women for decades with a vast range of cosmetics that are used regularly by women all over the world, from the poor unknown to the rich and famous. Their skin products are the main…
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Terra L. Fletcher
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
You want fresher, healthier skin, with enhanced surface qualities and absorption? Consider microdermabrasion treatments. Other benefits include collagen regeneration, increased blood flow, and reduction in the appearance of scars, acne, wrinkles and dark spots. Microdermabrasion also enhances the penetration of…
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Kristen Moore
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
In addition to the eyes, the lips serve as a major focal point upon the face. Since the lips attract such a massive amount of attention, it is no wonder that most people desire to keep them in tip top…
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Raven Lebeau
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
If your skin looks dead, that’s because it is. Your skin is constantly growing, replacing itself every 1-2 months. During its lifetime, a skin cell will travel from the inner layer of the skin to the outer layer. The part…
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Kristen Moore
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
Knowledge, wisdom and fulfillment are some positive attributes that come with age. Unfortunately, there are also some negative attributes that come with age. Facial wrinkles definitely fit into the negative category. While some facial wrinkles are inevitable, there are ways…
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Daniella Di Nenno
November 12, 2014
Skin and Body
Luscious Lips in a Snap Taking care of your lips is an easy task that doesn’t require a lot of effort or time. Many women neglect their lips, and eventually fall victim to chapped and cracked lips. Dry lips can…
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November 11, 2014
Skin and Body
Since its humble beginnings in 1886, Avon has been striving to make beauty products both affordable and accessible to all women. Over the years, the company has become a powerhouse in the cosmetics industry by responding to the trends and…
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