Skin and Body
Molly Carter
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Daily skincare is important. Battling excess sun exposure to poor diet, a daily regimen helps our skin remain radiant, and ease itself into the aging process. With numerous different skincare lines, it’s easy to get lost in the hype. There…
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Jennifer Eblin
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
It starts with a cluster of red bumps that slowly turns into a larger rash. Almost before you know it, you have a full blown skin rash, and chances are that you don’t even know what kind of rash you…
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Bridget Webber
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Homemade skin care recipes can be great to use in the summer instead of expensive, store bought products which have added chemicals. There are many fresh ingredients available in the summer season which can make concocting lotions and potions a…
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Bethany Gentry
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Although it’s been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, many of us have “beheld” some dreadful beauty “sins” and perhaps, committed some ourselves. Here are the 10 most common beauty sins that I have witnessed (and…
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Courtney Thinks
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Beauty basics: How will we know if our mothers never taught us? Well, we also have sisters, best friends, aunts, co workers, neighbors, magazines, TV, internet and most important – – THE MIRROR. But just in case your mirror is…
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Elizabeth Nuttall
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
During the summertime months, one of the best ways to spend a day out pn your own, as a couple, with friends or as a family is to enjoy some summer fun or some warming relaxation on the beach. However,…
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Katherine Harms
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Having endured many episodes of itchy skin, I can attest to the fact that few things are more annoying and distracting. When your skin itches, it is extremely difficult to sit still. As soon as one itch subsides another pops…
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Lee-Ann Losper
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and during summer it has many unique challenges thrown at it. You can help protect, nourish and replenish your skin with ingredients that you will easily find in your refrigerator…
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Blaise Pascal
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Dry scalp is a common problem for many people and may go away only to return again later or be a chronic problem for some. It typically occurs from young adulthood to middle age and men are more likely to…
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Steliana Yanakieva
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Summer is the season when you have a chance to shine with the beautiful look of your skin. Fortunately, everything you need may be found in your kitchen. Here are the recipes. For this one you will need about a…
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DC Aries
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Acne is a painful condition to have, both physically and psychologically. Acne sufferers know what its like to deal with the frustration acne causes. Many people go through countless acne treatments, special face washes, and even prescription medication. For some…
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Dorothy Kieffer
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
As a woman becomes older her skin tends to become dryer leaving it looking dull and feeling tight. For some women genetics is responsible for dry skin, but for others simple neglect such as prolonged sun exposure and lack of…
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Dorothy Kieffer
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Clear skin radiates health and requires little makeup or special treatments to look good. Some people are just born with it, and others have to work to encourage their skin to be clear. Vitamins taken as supplements, applied topically or eaten…
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Samantha Jo
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
When caring for your skin, it is important to start when you are young. As a preteen, your hormones fluctuate and cause your oil glands to produce excess amounts of sebum, which is a fatty substance secreted by the…
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Breanne Dodds
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
You eat it, you can make smoothies with it, you mix it, it can help you loose weight, and now it can be beneficial for your dry skin. Yogurt can be found in any supermarket out there, and it’s popular due…
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Tara Seaks
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Psoriasis: three out of every hundred people are inflicted with this irritating skin disease. It can appear in many forms. The most well-known form is plaque psoriasis. How can it be identified? The symptoms tend to consist of red patches…
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Tammy Lim
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
We do not need to spend a lot of money to upkeep our skin. What we can do to keep our skin looking great is to keep it clean and keep ourselves healthy. Following are some ways that visibly improve…
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Amber Grace
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
Though they may not talk about it as often and you do not find nearly as many skin care products targeted toward men as women, men have skin to care for too! In fact, men are even more predisposed to…
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Tammy Lim
December 17, 2014
Skin and Body
The key to basic skin care for an adult is to have a balanced diet high with plenty of vegetables and fruits, drinking about 6-8 glasses of water daily. These keep our skin naturally nourished and supple at no extra…
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Jennifer Walker - 354221
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
Beauty secrets for the face, skin and body, for myself the best thing for the face and skin is your basic soap and water and finish with a great moisturizer, one for the face and one for the body. And…
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December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
Women will go to great lengths to add youth to their appearance, but they don’t have to! Cosmetic surgery is not the answer. Neither are 90 pound facial creams. All it takes is the right skin care regimen, healthy hair,…
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Tanya Smith
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
Your inner warrior should fight aging with a battle plan covering every line of attack! Front line defense: Nutrition Eat more Omega-3s! You are battling aging every time you consume salmon, fresh water trout, or leafy green veggies. Anti-Oxidants are…
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Angie Lewis
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
The Obsession To Look Younger Has Gotten Out of Hand The obsession to turn back the clock and change something about our natural selves can be a time consuming affair. Why are we always scrambling to find the next fad…
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Johanna Draper
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
Lets face it. We all get older. And taking care of our skin is essential when getting older. Sometimes we gain unwanted weight, and loose our shape. Here are some tips to help you look younger and beautiful. Hydrate your…
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Leonard Konis
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
Carbon Dioxide Therapy (carboxy) is a non-surgical beauty rejuvenation treatment (treatment for cellulite 3) administering under the surface of skin with a fine needle, eliminating fade stretch marks, scars, fat and other skin applications. The procedure is safe and few…
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Stefani Christenot
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
We know the simple attitude towards aging is this: we don’t want to. We want to think that we can buy it from all the beauty supplies we can’t afford. Forget Botox. And pass the injections to those who want…
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Ruby Ernica Samy
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
Wrinkles are part of growing old and are natural; it is a non-stop process which you simply cannot stop. In the present times due to various factors wrinkles start appearing in late thirties, and cause a lot of stress in…
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Cynthia Rowland
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
The Secret to Fresh Looking Skin No matter the time of year, going out for the evening whether for dinner, drinks, dancing or just a movie, fresh looking skin is desirable. Even if you have worked all day at home…
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Bryan Kulasisi
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
A skin that looks young is one most important quests of humankind. People now believe that there exists a means of stopping the aging process and even restoring the beauty and vigor of youth. To achieve that, anti aging skin…
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Cynthia Rowland
December 16, 2014
Skin and Body
Why Facial Exercise Controls Aging Double chins, softening jowls and pouches near your mouth indicate that your face is showing visible signs of aging and these areas will not improve unless you are willing to take control of the aging…
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