Skin and Body
Hanny A
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Winter is a time of the month where one can suffer a lot from the cold and as a result, their feet may become dry, cracked and sore. However, you can have healthy feet all winter so they will be…
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Aisling Ashbery
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
One of the trendiest accessories of the season is closer than you think – it’s right at your fingertips! Statement nails are one of the easiest ways to incorporate a trend into your wardrobe this season. From spins on the…
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Hanny A
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Filing fingernails may seem like an easy task, but then that is thrown off the hook that manicures are at a tremendously high price. You also can get your fingernails to look absolutely gorgeous at home, without the expense of…
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M. J. Joachim
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
It’s almost a given that heels and hands have a tendency to crack with dry weather. Calluses form and inevitably, heels and hands tend to dry out, sometimes to the point of cracking and bleeding even. It’s easy to point…
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Sarah Dickinson
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Barry M’s make-up stands out from all the other make-up collections, due to its vibrant coloured nail varnishes and lipsticks, its fair to say you can see Barry m’s section in a cosmetic store a mile off. When I’m feeling…
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Reza Joshi
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Nail biting is a problematic behavior which has various forms. Technically speaking, nail biting is called onychophagia. Typically this behavior defect begins between the ages of five and ten. One of the most noteworthy and surprising facts about nail biting…
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Hanny A
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Dirt and bacteria get trapped inside our fingernails from day to day, especially doing the gardening chores and are continuously transferred into our skin and mouths, which isn’t at all pleasant. However it isn’t hard to remove dirt from your…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Splitting fingernails look unsightly but there are ways you can treat your nails to prevent them from splitting in the first place. Trying to paint over them to disguise it will not work. You need to prevent the splitting fingernails…
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Michelle Wilkinson
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Everybody wants to believe that it’s really what’s inside a person that counts, not what they look like, but it is an inescapable fact that people are judged by their appearance. In your daily life you encounter a lot of…
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Connie Earl Robertson
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Diabetes is a serious disease that has to do with the amount of sugar there is in the blood. When sugar builds up in the bloodstream and the body cannot use it correctly, all kinds of problems can develop. For…
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Sharon Stellarini
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
The pressure to have massive breasts is immense. The media has led women to believe that the bigger their breasts, the more desirable they are to men. However, this is not the case. Many men care more about a woman’s…
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Freyda Tartak
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
So much of how people view each other has to do with what they look like that people are often obsessed with their body image. The first three seconds of an initial meeting is all it takes to form deep…
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Esther Mills
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
It should go without saying that the first – and most important – reason to be proud of your breasts, in whatever condition you find them, is that they’re yours, and having a healthy appreciation for your body is essential…
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Janeen Elite
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
While there is not much one can do to change the actual structure of their breasts (aside from getting plastic surgery), there are quite a few tricks women can use to make their breast appear firmer and higher. Here are…
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Deborah Paukstys
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
First impressions are our first line of defense. In that millisecond that another will form a first impression our looks may be our best tool to steer that impression in a direction that is most favorable to us. How we…
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Loralie Lynn
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Having smelly feet can be an unpleasant thing not only for you, but for those around you who have to endure those smelly walkers. Smelly feet can be embarrassing, irritating, and often frustrating due to the trouble of alleviating such…
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Shanna Campbell
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
There are many reasons why would feel the need to change their style. Maybe you’ve changed schools and want to impress a new crowd of people. If your wardrobe hasn’t changed since you were still IN school, maybe it’s also…
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M. R. Taylor
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Don’t we all want to look younger than we are? Not just women, but men too. Is there any better feeling than when we share our age with someone, and they respond with complete shock? When we’re young, we pray…
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Richard Serra
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Forget about everything you’ve ever heard of in trying to prevent foot odor. Some work, but for the most part, many suffer with it regardless of how many remedies they have tried. I use to rent out a couple of…
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Keri Withington
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
With autumn now here, children back in school, and winter rapidly approaching, it’s cold and flu season. You may want to protect yourself against common illnesses (including swine flu) or have a job where you need to disinfect your hands…
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Hanny A
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Manicures feel and look absolutely fabulous, but after a while can start to look worn out, though you can keep your manicure still looking like you got it done earlier that morning! With some care and attention, it couldn’t be…
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Michelle Wilkinson
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Men don’t necessarily age better than women, since everybody gets wrinkles and watches their hair going grey, but society seems to be much more tolerant of men who decide to grow old naturally than women. There seems to be an…
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Jayne Clarkson
January 14, 2015
Skin and Body
Our feet are often the most neglected part of our body. We exert enormous pressure on them every day, without much reward. During the summer season, due to our desire to wear pretty sandals and shoes , it is easier…
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Sandi Crain
January 13, 2015
Skin and Body
In our freedom loving society there are more choices today than ever before. Whether or not this is a good thing is up to the individual to decide but having so much choice does have consequences. One is that some…
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Joan Inong
January 13, 2015
Skin and Body
Looking younger is, thankfully, not that difficult to do. With all of the cosmetic surgery available to the general public, and all of the creams and lotions and beauty products claiming to give you younger-looking skin, it’s no wonder that…
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Michelle Wilkinson
January 13, 2015
Skin and Body
Some people do appear to be overly obsessed with the way they look, but then who can blame them? Actors basically have to look good if they want to keep getting work, and thus it is not surprising the most…
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Marina Shemesh
January 13, 2015
Skin and Body
Dry feet not only looks awful, it gives the impressions that you are a bit lax about your grooming! Dry cracked skin can snag sheer pantihose and often cause you discomfort. Luckily it is easy to take care of the…
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M. J. Joachim
January 13, 2015
Skin and Body
There are lots of products on the market that heal dry skin. One of my all time favorites is Avon’s Moisture Therapy. I discovered it quite by accident when I was in high school. Washing my hands a lot was…
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Michal Zisman
January 13, 2015
Skin and Body
NO! Getting older does NOT mean putting appearance aside. Everybody, no matter what age, cares about the way he or she looks. In fact, as you get older your body image tends to increase. I know this much from socializing…
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Alstary Luegoy
January 13, 2015
Skin and Body
No man wants to have breasts and yet this is one condition that many men almost 40 per cent do end up having at some period in their life time. This condition of man boobs is the result of abnormal…
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