Skin and Body
Rene Michael Browne
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Hair loss can be difficult to deal with especially for women. Many men and women try different products, wigs and hair pieces to grow or improve their appearance. The hair restoration or hair transplant in the 1960 started the search…
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Rene Michael Browne
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
The feet are extremely important for the body. They are the foundation for our entire physical structure. Serious complications can occur when the feet are injured due to cosmetic foot surgery. However, despite physician’s recommendations not to have these surgeries,…
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Kimberley Heit
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Dermabrasion is a mechanical resurfacing procedure that refines the top layers of the skin. It is commonly used to improve the appearance of acne scarring, burns and fine wrinkles. It has a similar effect to a chemical peel, but instead…
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Imonikhe Ahimie
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Mammoplasty is surgery to change the size and/or shape of the breast and it may be carried out in order to increase or augment the size of the breasts i.e. augmentation mammoplasty or in order to reduce the size of…
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Bridget Webber
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
There are several ways you can cover up a tattoo, as opposed to the more brutal forms of complete tattoo removal. Tattoo removal can be painful and leave scared areas of skin, where as simply covering up a tattoo, is…
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Amber Golden
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Did you know that the first temporary tattoos were found in bubble gum? Though it is difficult to determine when the first temporary tattoo was printed, it is thought that they have been designed and manufactured since the turn of…
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Betty Carew
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Over the years there has been a lot of controversy within the orthopedic community with uncertainty involving its benefits and the risk of foot surgery. There are some instances that really do require reconstruction of the foot but cosmetic foot…
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Suzanne Rose
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
There are a lot of important questions that you should ask when you go to a tattoo shop. However, there are some questions that you should most decidedly not ask. The following are some questions you should consider on your…
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Kevin Walworth
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
After you choose where to get your tattoo, what you choose to put on your body is paramount when contemplating this adventure. Although tattoo removal and cover ups can sometimes be an option, is best to go into a tattoo…
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Snow Vandemore
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Nose piercing does have its risks, as does any procedure that invades your body’s natural environment. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy one of today’s trendiest fashion statements and remain healthy and infection-free. Here are a few tips…
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Ethel Smith
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
I have had my ears pierced many years now so I have learned over the years what types of earrings I can and can’t wear. I have a nickel allergy when it comes to earrings , though not watches. Of…
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Summer Banks
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Choosing the perfect tattoo can turn your first or twentieth experience into a fantastic memory engraved in your skin for a lifetime. But, how can we be sure we are picking a tattoo that we will be happy with for…
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Ethel Smith
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Personally I think that there are a few basic traits which make for a good piercing artist. Here are some examples of those which I think are the most important. HYGIENEThe artist must be clean both in their person and…
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Bridget Webber
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
It is generally thought by both tattooists and the medical profession that it is unwise to take the risk of having a tattoo when pregnant. This is partly because of the possibility, although small, of infection. If the tattoo artist…
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Owain Bury
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Whilst certainly not illegal, there are countless reasons as to why it is unwise getting a tattoo during pregnancy, many of which I have presented here, in three categories. The most obvious category is safety, with uncertain risks proving as…
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Charles Swope
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
You can wear jewelry, expensive clothing, and decorate yourself with nice accessories to accentuate your body’s best features, however, today’s most popular and perhaps most extreme way is by tattoos. Tattoos attract attention and what could be a better way…
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Sharon Brook
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Spider vein disease is very common these days. Vitamin K is used to treat this varicose vein disease. The treatment of spider veins and bruises is a time taking method. Studies confirm that the prolonged use of vitamin K in…
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Amber Hilton
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Will getting a tattoo during pregnancy threaten the health of your unborn child? Probably not. But could it? The answer is yes. And pregnancy is not a time when you want to be playing the odds. During pregnancy, you want…
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Stephanie Bridgeman
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
IS IT WORTH GETTING BURNED FROM THE SIDE EFFECTS OF LASER HAIR REMOVAL? As a light skinned person, who is interested in getting “Laser Hair Removal”, I am always looking into the potential benefits, and the side effects, -especially, the…
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Bridget Webber
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
If you are going to let someone make a hole in your body then you have to be pretty sure that they are trustworthy before you let them go ahead. Piercings can be fun, but not when they go wrong…
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February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Throughout history women have always gone to great lengths for beauty. We shave, pluck and wax; we undergo laser treatments, use harsh chemicals on our hair and wear binding undergarments to hide our imperfections. In recent decades our methods of…
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Joyce V Harrison
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Palomar Medical Technologies made mainstream headlines recently when the FDA announced (June, 2009) that it had approved non-prescription sales of a Palomar laser device to treat wrinkles. No longer will you have to go to the dermatologist’s office, spa or…
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Jennifer Walker - 423099
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Liposuction has come a long way, Baby, says Dr. Linda Huang. Today there is a dizzying array of various techniques each espousing they are the latest and the greatest. What was once a painful operation with a lot of down…
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Sharon Brook
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Summer time is here! It’s time to bring out those cool cotton mini-dresses, shorts and swim wear. You are raring’ to hit the pool or better yet the beach when you suddenly see yourself in the mirror and lo, you’ve…
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Brian Hopper
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
As a type of decorative body jewelry, flesh tunnels are worn in an ear piercing which has been deliberately stretched or dermal punched. Other names such as eyelet, spool fleshy, expander, earlet and spacer are used to refer to this…
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Rene Michael Browne
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Veins are positioned beneath layers of soft tissue and muscles. Medical conditions such as varicose and spider veins cause discoloration of the veins accompanied by extreme pain. Vein treatments are sometimes the only way to improve these conditions. However, before…
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T. Scott Randolph
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
I have been piercing for more than a decade. In that time I have seen many, many mistakes made by people doing piercings without the proper training. Sometimes this results in a minor problem like the jewelry is crooked. This…
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Kimberley Heit
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
Laser skin rejuvenation can help restore a more youthful appearance, remove a tattoo, or diminish the appearance of scarring. A highly focused beam of light is directed at an area to change the structure, texture or color of the skin….
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J. van der Gaag
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
If you’re making a lifetime commitment to a tattoo, you want to be sure that you chose a quality shop. How do you know if a tattoo shop is legitimate and safe? Below are eight things you should consider when…
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Hasnain Mohmad
February 21, 2015
Skin and Body
A tattoo is basically a wound deep in your skin and it is stuffed with ink. To get started, you need to become brave enough to bear the pain caused by the piercing of a needle. They are so long…
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