Skin and Body
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
Many women want to look younger and more attractive as they age. If you do not have the bank account to back cosmetic plastic surgery or the desire to go under the knife, there are still ways to achieve a…
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Jenny Matthew
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
The fact of the matter is that being skiny does not equal being healthy. I mean take a look at people on both ends of the scale, their weight does not determin their happiness and many people, regardless of weight,…
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Angela S. Young
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
It’s over 30 years since I’ve seen them, ‘friends’ from my teen years. I remember those days well. They were all friends, but I was different. We were all in the same youth group, but as a painfully shy, overweight…
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Anja Emerson
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
Inspired by the singer’s love for warm oriental aromas, With Love is a fragrance released in September 2006, marking Hilary Duff’s debut on the celebrity fragrance market. This modern, alluring fragrance embodies feminine sensuality and youthfulness in a beautiful blend…
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Steve Tulloch
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
The question has two sides – the coin spins and you find yourself pondering again. Brains: The books regarding human knowledge come in all shapes and styles for both the layman and the speculative philosopher. “We hear how knowledge is…
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Dasa Suciu
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
Aftershave lotions are an important element in male hygiene. Homemade preparations become more and more appreciated as they are easy to make and consist of cheap ingredients we may have at home. Aftershave lotion is one of them. Why spend…
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Sonya Crossland
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
I do love my Yves Rocher products but I have refrained from buying for a while as I not only have a large collection of beauty products to use, I also have a serious lack of funds to feed my…
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Tim Webb
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
As a person who is approaching the magic Four 0, being given a bottle of CK One for a birthday or Christmas present is really a good thing for me as this is actually something that I use quite often, whether…
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Jessica Wiley
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
The Body Shop EDTs aren’t as highly priced as other designer fragrances, and the bottles aren’t the best looking perfume bottles out there. It is quite simply a rectangular glass bottle with a label stuck on either side. One good…
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Denisa Howe
February 24, 2015
Skin and Body
Most men do not enjoy grooming as much as women, but they do indeed have their own particulars. Men like to be able to finish this morning ritual using very little time. They still pride themselves in being able to…
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February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
My husband and I have different tastes in everything. One of the most controversial categories with us is perfumes. My husband has Davidoff cool water for men and he has been using it for years now however I never liked…
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Matt Bird
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Extreme skinniness in women is about as over-hyped as trends get. The thought that women need to have not an ounce of fat on their body in order to be attractive is wrong, wrong, wrong, and society in general is…
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Marlee Dorst
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
During the last decade especially, obesity has become a serious problem in our country. Many people are concerned about stomach fat, and stress levels are climbing higher and higher as fuss and worry about our weight. Are you one of…
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February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
The saying “Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder” has become somewhat of a cliche in our modern American society that focuses so greatly on wafer thin waist lines and Cosmopolitan looks. The truth is, not many of…
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Michelle Wilkinson
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Some people become so preoccupied with the parts of their body that they dislike that they can think of nothing else. What is the point obsessing about your big nose or small breasts? It isn’t going to make you feel…
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February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Breasts are the one body part associated with sex that are basically on display for the world to judge. Even when we wear conservative shirts or blouses the general size of our breasts can not be well hidden. Large breasts…
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Gwendolyn Walls
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
“How old are you?” a woman asked as I was running an errand for my husband. I stopped and inwardly groaned a little. “I’m 22,” I said, “but I look a lot younger, huh?” I get this a lot. When…
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February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Body image is a big concern to most people. We are constantly faced with stick-thin or hourglass shaped models in magazines and on billboards. Bombarded by ads for products to lift saggy parts, tone muscle and loose weight. Cosmetic companies…
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Virginia Boudreau
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
You see it all over the news now, every talk show, even commercials and magazines now: skinny is out, full-figured is in. Dove has their campaign for real beauty, Tyra Banks has her “So What?” campaign. I do love that…
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Debbie Robus
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Some people claim to be unaffected by what others think of them, and on the surface, these persons may seem to have a healthy self-esteem. But right or wrong, appearance is everything in today’s society… and you ARE judged by…
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Bruce W. Coffman
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
What you wear is absolutely a reflection of who you are. Some will mistakenly take this to mean what you wear defines who you are, but there is a huge difference in those two statements. Take the example of two…
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Elaine Lynne
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
It is likely that most of us at one time or another have caught ourselves envying the figure of a celebrity, or even a friend or relative. As difficult as it is to remember in this appearance-driven society in which…
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Kimberly Boren
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Who cares about breast size? I am so sick of everyone who has small breasts complaining about how they want bigger ones! Trust me, if you had big ones then you would want small ones. I know firsthand about this….
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Angela S. Young
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
While, I don’t know from experience, I have to say that having small breasts would be a good thing. Having large breasts has one advantage, and it’s also a liability: attracting men. For my own part, I would rather they…
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Victoria Quinn
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Everyday we wake up to the same thing. A diverse world filled with cheaters, fakes, lovers, hypocrites, liars, etc. Another thing we wake up to every day is the extreme pressure to be skinny and beautiful. All your life you…
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Kalyan Zacharias
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Okay, this is an especially hard topic for me because this is all from personal experience. I remember the first day that I became self conscious about my body. It was grade ten, in our gym class. Our class had…
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February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Although the fabulous life in the world of the media may make one believe that being thin is the way to be, it’s only for a certain time. When Mariah Carey came into the screen, people said she was to…
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Kathryn Inglis
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
The number of teenagers with eating disorders (ED) in the UK alone is rising dramatically. It is a common misconception that girls alone are sufferers, boys too suffer from the pressure on young people to conform to the idea of…
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Em Saenz
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Negative body image used to be the sole province of the female sex, but now men, too have body image problems. so much so, that , anorexia, which used to happen almost exclusively to teenage girls, now includes men among…
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Lindsay Grahaem
February 23, 2015
Skin and Body
Sun Moon Stars perfume by Karl Lagerfeld has become a classic fragrance after being released in 1994. Although not as widely available as it used to be, purchasing this distinct Eau de Toilette is still very much possible, and a…
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