Skin and Body
Anja Poulsen
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
As you apply that final brush stroke of polish and pause to admire your manicuring skills, have you ever thought to wonder what is in that polish that you just used to coat your nails? Many people don’t realize that…
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Renee Hill
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
I would like to tell you how to recognize nail fungus and care for it if you should happen to get one. Your fingernails and toenails should be a part of your daily grooming and in this article you will…
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Christianna Garrett-Martin
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
– NORWEGIAN FORMULA HAND CREAM – Being heavily advertised at the moment. Norwegian formula is a hand cream from the Neutrogena range. The hand cream is housed in a very small plastic container with a blue unscrew lid to the…
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Sandy Linson
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
One day, for no apparent reason, opaque spots appear on two of your toenails. Time passes and the spots are now discolored, a greenish brown. There is also a thickening or lifting up of the nail. Diagnosis: A common nail…
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Evan Lee
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Even if it is only forgetting to shave when you first need to, most men have some interest in experimenting with their facial hair. After all, men don’t really have nearly as many fashion options as women, and we’ve all…
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Mona Gallagher
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Men and women have long employed bodily hair removal, but more men are talking about it these days. Techniques that were once thought to be feminine activities are used by both sexes. Swimmers, cyclists, and body builders like smooth bodies…
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Gen Evera
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Unfortunately, many women feel that shaving is a time consuming process that results in only short term effectiveness. Many women prefer the more extreme forms of hair removal including laser treatment or waxing. True, that these treatments have long term…
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Evan Lee
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Whether or not you place any particular value on the medical value of aromatherapy, a nice bath can be a great method of relaxing at the end of long day and a good hot soak can be greatly enhanced by…
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Janette Peel
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
All body odors, both the subtle odor that attracts and the stale odor that repels, derive from sweat. Sweating is an integral and essential part of the body’s internal temperature control mechanism. If exertion, fever or emotional tension causes the…
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Heinz Sladek
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Warts are not only embarrassing, they are also highly contagious. All warts are caused by the same virus, human papillomavirus or HPV. Most recently, this virus has been more widely known because it has been found to be one of…
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Currie Jean
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
From a distant perspective, there are more reasons to wax than to shave. Compared to shaving, the effects of waxing are cleaner and last many times longer, with less chance of irritation and ingrown hairs over time – if it’s…
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Pauline Abreu
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Deciding on what style of facial beard or moustache to have will have a lot to do with the shape of a mans face. Different styles are suited for certain face shapes, and you need to decide what facial shape…
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Mona Gallagher
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
The typical males that I know, don’t want to have a conversation about using “cosmetics” as part of a grooming regimen. The typical males I know, won’t ask directions when he’s lost and won’t go to a doctor unless he…
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Mohtasham Qadri
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Excessive facial hair is not only an issue for men but many women, nowadays, are suffering from it too. Previously, women used razors and other similar tools to remove facial hair which proved to be a disastrous approach. Of course,…
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Sam E. Jones
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
One stress inducing thing in life is sitting around wondering if you have bad breath; and it’s bad enough if you worry because you might have been eating something recently that might have caused others to avoid getting too close…
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Edgar Arold
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Bad breath is something that many people have and want to get rid of, but do not know how. Whether you are at work, out with friends, or at home, bad breath is never welcomed by those who are around. …
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Angie Pollock
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is generally an avoidable problem that many people suffer with every day. Dental hygiene is big business – breath mints, sprays, gums, and mouthwashes – there is something for everyone. However, there are some…
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Sam E. Jones
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
A straight razor is a tool used for shaving the male face; it looks sort of like a switch blade knife and was the most commonly used tool for shaving (both male and female) before the advent of electric razors…
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February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
From the Barbie dolls women play with as children to the real live Supermodels gracing magazines, females are subjected to a nonstop barrage of what society finds attractive. The message that attractiveness requires being thin and well built, has been…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Sweating is a natural process that the body undergoes regularly in order to cool down and keep cool as a result. Sadly, a common side effect of the sweating process of the body is that it can cause you to…
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Jordan Claire
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Do you want energy, health, success, money, power, and confidence? Learn to love exercise. It sounds like a paradox, since we usually associate exercise with suffering, but the truth is that exercise is somewhat addicting. It releases chemicals in your…
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Wayne K. Wilkins
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Growing facial hair can prove to be a huge boost of confidence and motivation for any man that considers it. Growing facial hair can be a contributing factor when considering a change of image or appearance or when trying to…
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Suzanne Rose
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Body image is very important because it can affect how a person sees themselves as a whole. In some cases, a disorder in body image has even led to life-threatening eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. The following are some…
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Cicely Richard
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
There are a number of facial and body hair removal techniques that men and women have at their disposal. The technique used depends on personal preference and, in some cases, a person’s pain threshold. Hair removal techniques also come in…
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G. Lee
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Onychomycosis is the term used for fungal infection of the nail. The condition is unsightly and may cause discomfort. Toenails are affected more commonly than fingernails. It is most commonly produced by dermatophyte molds such as Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton…
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February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Fungal nail infection is something near and dear to my heart, or at least to my left foot. I picked up what physicians call onychomycosis at some point in my life, possibly from my husband, who is an athlete’s foot…
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February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
When we go on holiday we seem to spend an awful lot of time walking about. Whether it is abroad, or in the UK, my feet still can get a bit hot, tired and generally rather icky! In fact my…
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Cicely Richard
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
When it comes to purchasing beauty products, no place comes close to Sally Beauty Supply. They are one of the few stores that stock products that fit the needs of women and men of all ethnicities. Not only do they…
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Donna Agnew
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Compose yourself! jesus ! Hair ! so many ways to get rid of unwanted hair. Yet there are so many ways that getting rid of unwanted hair for man or woman that hurt. The burning sensation of the cremes mixed…
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Cindy Abbate
February 25, 2015
Skin and Body
Onychomycosis is the name of the fungus that makes your nails appear discolored and become unnaturally thick. You may also find that they are brittle and change shape. The first stage of treatment is a trip to the doctor who…
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