Marriage and Divorce
Kathy Lyons
March 16, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
To stay married or get divorced, that is the question. This question can be e very difficult one. If you love the person you are with, you must realize that no marriage is continual bliss. There are always different issues…
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Karen Anson
March 16, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is something that we dread yet we strive to accomplish just that without even knowing it. Our society today focuses on taking care of number one. Once you find someone who you have intense feelings for you think of…
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Rex Coker
March 16, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You have remarried, your ex has not. Your ex has invited you to their house for dinner and to meet the new person in their life. Your ex only wanted you to be happy when you remarried again, now they…
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Francisca J. Ballesteros
March 16, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Separate or divorce your spouse if the children suffer.Don’t think that you must stay only because two incomes are needed. Two parents are needed to raise a child. A father or mother figure is necessary for a normal child development….
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I. Michael Akbar
March 16, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Many questions need to be asked and weighed before deciding to go through with a divorce. Even as common as divorce has become these days, it is still a very traumatic life event and needs to be given long and…
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Rex Coker
March 16, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I have been divorced now for six years and I dealt with the stress in my own way.I am not going to say my way is best but it helped me survive the onslaught of problems to come. When I…
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Sheila-Ann Bender
March 16, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Open your eyes, honey. The spouse is always the last to know because we put on blinders when it comes to the possibility of our life-long partner’s infidelity. Never assume that he or she won’t cheat if given the right…
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Bethany Gentry
March 12, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The choice to live together before marriage is one based on factors such as morality, finances and feelings. Choosing to live together is a decision not to be made lightly. For years I held the belief that it was wrong…
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Julianne Havens
March 12, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Ten Step Program Since the beginning of time mankind has been on the quest for the elusive soul mate. Our one true love, our better half, a life long partner. We seem to feel incomplete without it. But, how do…
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Michelle Reyes
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I never like to tell others what they should do, because I don’t know what is best for someone else. Heck, many times, I don’t even get it right for myself. Life is a constant learning experience and one thing…
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Charlee Kleve
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Meeting someone new is a wonderful and uplifting experience. It causes all kinds of emotions to run through us. With emotions running high, people are known to make snap decisions. Well, we like each other so much after one month,…
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Connie Morrow
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The answer to this question depends on what is meant by being dependent on your partner. To some degree I am dependent on my partner. The same is true of other women although they would not like to admit it….
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Christina Rivas
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
It is my belief that yes, couples should live together before they get married, it would be for everyone’s benefit and for many different reasons. I will take the time to explain what the benefits are. Living together with your…
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Ann Rivers
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There are many key elements required to make a marriage work. I believe that forgiveness is the number one element necessary in a successful marriage. There is a reason for the saying “It’s human nature to err.” At some point…
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Julie Michael
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Re-connecting with your spouse is extremely important to your marriage, and can make the difference between success and failure. If you don’t periodically re-connect with your spouse, you’ll soon find that you’ve grown apart from them, and that you both…
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Dr. G. A. Anderson
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
To answer the question of whether or not a person should be dependent on a partner, it is necessary to define “dependent.” What does it mean to be this? Dependent in a relationship means not being able to exist without…
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Ruby Ernica Samy
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There was a time when people used to show up for work Monday through Friday and worked eight to nine hours. The boundaries between work and home were fairly clear, but with the changing times people no longer have set time schedules and their…
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K.J. Ness
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
This writer is married to her college sweetheart. They dated for five years, were engaged for a year and a half, and just celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary. Here are a few rules for success based on my personal experience with the transition…
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T. Marie
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Everyone has annoying habits. The problem is that you don’t usually notice them when you first meet someone. Most of the time, these are small things that don’t really matter but when you’re around it all the time it can…
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Angela S. Young
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
By partner, I presume we are talking a long-term boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. My partner and husband likes to tell me he is ‘practically perfect in every way’, but that’s only in his imagination. In fact, it’s one of his annoying…
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Dr. G. A. Anderson
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Do you recall that terrible feeling you had when you heard someone scratching their fingernails over a blackboard? That cringing, wincing, grimacing reaction of yours? Are you remembering it so well as you read this that you’re almost feeling it…
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Katie Arden
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Rewind five years ago and ask me if I believed in living together before marriage and I would have blatantly told you no. Being raised in a traditional household with strong moral values, I had never imagined myself “living in…
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Pilar Witt
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In my opinion, it is not only that couples should live together before getting married, I think that they ought to. That would really drop the divorce rate. Maybe in your country it is different, but here in Spain, where…
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J. Horne
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The single most important thing in any relationship from dating to marriage is communication. No matter the attraction, things you have in common, matters of convenience…if you are not heading in the same direction, the relationship will fall apart. Before…
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Jag Garcia
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The successful transition from dating to marriage is not as simple as it may seem. I The factors leading to a successful romantic relationship between a man and woman are too many and too complex to narrow down into a…
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Zipporiah Brockman
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The divorce rate in America has gone sky high. It seems as if it is a new fashion trend and everybody wants a piece of the action. Most couples when going through a divorce want to know what went wrong,…
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Andi S Green.
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There are no hard fast rules for success. If dating and marriage came with a rule book then we would all be happily married after our first date! If we wanted to be that is! Rule 1 The most important…
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Reverend Ashira Goddard
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Have the fires gone out? Often after being with a partner for a long period of time, we tend to become complacent. It starts off slowly, fewer nights out and even fewer nights of passion. It is not as though…
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Meredith Rutter
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A good marriage is, of course, more complex than a date, but there are some interesting rules that apply to both. Just take them to different extremes for best results. 1) Manage your expectations If it’s a date, think of…
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Victoria Rose Perkins
March 11, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Since choosing a marriage partner is one of the most important choices of all one can make in life, it can be likened to shopping for the very best car on the many, many used and new car lots that…
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