Marriage and Divorce
Alexandra Heep
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
One might think that there would be advantages to being the second wife. After all, wouldn’t the man have learned from his mistakes and be a better husband the second time around? Not necessarily so, but even if he makes…
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Sarah Arnette
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Money: it is a taboo subject for most people. Many people do not know how to properly handle money, and may or may not know how much debt they actually have, how to properly invest the money and be unwilling…
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Era Petersen
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Every relationship in some way has similarities with the other. Ups and downs are given and all these are attributed on the uniqueness of both the individuals involved. The values, beliefs/religion, family background and culture play key roles in the…
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Lesley Rigg
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Some friends you may have, because it’s in their nature to see the bleak side, or be blinkered can give you bad advice based on mistakes that they may well have made in their life. The answer is simple. You…
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Kat Shaw
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Time…just one more thing we don’t seem to have enough of. Americans are world famous for their mobility, their hurry-scurry-worry race till you drop behavior. At best, we consider ourselves a nation of rugged individualists, always on the move, always…
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Carol Noble
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
War is not a game; it is a life sentence for many, and a death sentence for others. No-one should marry a military person unless they are prepared to lose them to a bomb or some other means of killing….
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April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
One of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make is who you marry. This may sound like heresy to people who believe that “all you need is love” but different opinions on how to spend money is the root…
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Joseph Lemah
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Does my career wreak havoc with my family? An emphatic Yes! I am in the military and spend a majority of my time away. I can’t count anymore how many birthdays, anniversaries I missed. But the military did not issue…
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Lauren Rivers
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Love and happily ever after do not follow suite like in the fairy tales. Surely you know this fact? After walking down the aisle in the big pretty gown and taking a large trip to your dream vacation, real life…
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Gloria Edmonson Nelson
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Continue to respect your partner during a marriage crises, and if youhave children do not speak about your spouse in a negative manner. That person is also part of them, and they do not understand what is going on, or…
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Amy Beekley
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Fifty years ago, men worked 40 hours a week outside the home while women stayed home to nurture and raise their children. Nine to five meant work started at nine and ended at five, including a lunch break. Meetings occurred…
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Celia Winchester
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Control is an issue that affects everyone, whether we are aware of it or not. However, balance of control in a relationship is something that is necessary. If someone constantly has the upper-hand or is abused mentally, physically, or socially mayhem can ensue. I remember…
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Dave Brown
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
American men are encouraged to equate what we do with who we are. Think about the last time you met someone new at a party or social function. The first two questions asked: what’s you name, and what do you…
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Laurie Childree
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The importance of having a night out with your spouse should not be under estimated. It could be the key factor in keeping your marriage a happy and long lasting one. Having a night out with your spouse is an…
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Angie Lewis
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Is Looking At Pornography The Same As Adultery? Pornography has snuck into our homes like Satan did with Eve in the Garden of Eden, tempting even the purest of heart. Some people have never thought about looking at porn before…
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Ellis Hayford
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
With a joyful heart you gave your hand in marriage. Joined forever with your one true love, marriage was such a beautiful thing. Then, like a smack in the face, your spouses controlling nature really put a negative spin on…
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Kat Apf
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
My father left our house promptly at five-thirty every morning for his thirty minute commute into New York City. He arrived home promptly at four every afternoon. He never had to travel for work. He had weekends off. Cell phones…
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April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Submission is synonymous with respect espescially in a marriage. Lack of submission only leads to chaos in the home. A submissive wife, by choice, is stronger than the most aggressive woman in a marriage. The power to walk away from…
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Karla Perry
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The Jewish court system highly esteems marriage and makes divorce extremely difficult. Instead of the American 50% divorce rate, Israel has 3% divorce rate. In the positive, that means 97% of marriages do not end in divorce in Israel compared…
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Ann E. Smith
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The modern woman tends to pursue a career, with the knowledge that the other things may fall into place. She is not necessarily hoping to get married for the sake of getting married. She is more hopeful that she will…
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Vanessa Tracy
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There so many of us out there who believe that they are being cheated out of their “Happily Ever After”. We have a mind set that you are suppose to fall in love, have a big wedding and then live…
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GW Michaels
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Awakening the sleeping beast.If you think that, coming home to an empty house will teach him a lesson or solve your problems, it won’t. All it will do, is give him a greater resolve to find you. And he’ll be…
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Nicolette Montano
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. How many times have we heard that saying…except from the gazillion amount of pages in Jack’s book? We can actually take The Shining as an example and of course we…
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JM Hemphill
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Live together die alone. I must say that my life is no less fulfilling because I am single. I’ve read a couple of these articles, and I take issue with the married folk who say singles aren’t ready to “take…
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Kristy Jacks
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Do we really want to know what is in the mind’s of our Husbands? After a long day at work, he looks across the dinner table at you, and looks into your eyes… Is he thinking that he is glad…
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April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If you think you are unable to find a trustworthy spouse, it is probably because you have been looking for someone that too many people are looking for. Many women, some of them well above 40, are still looking for…
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Kelli Christopher
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I have two daughters, a 6 year old and a 1 year old. I worked full time from the time my first daughter was 6 weeks old. I left the house every morning at 7am and got home at 6pm….
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Jeffrey Ong
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A man’s Career reflect’s both his bread and also his influence to his kids. One man should have the ability to earn enough to feed his family and also ensure they live in comfort, have a shelter over their head….
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Amber Hilton
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The choice not to have children is generally not a popular one, although it is more acceptable in recent years than it was for past generations. Oftentimes, when someone choses not to have children, others think that there must be…
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Tonia Sharp
April 8, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
So tell me who out there lives the whole “June Cleaver” life? Whose husband goes to work and you stay home taking care of the children and home while he actually makes enough money to support a family? Let’s face…
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