Marriage and Divorce
Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 10, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
HOW TO BE THE PERFECT WIFE A complicated question, as each man will have a different idea of what a perfect wife will be. A man who is obsessed with sex will want a wife who is insatiable and wants…
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Jessi Michaels
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I remember the past. I remember the articles and countless stories of children who were brought into the world for “unselfish” reasons. What I remember most are the countless times I have sat with troubled children who were brought up…
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A. Joerger
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There alot of people in this world that feel that couple’s should not live together before getting married. I know it is agaist some religious teachings, but in all honesty this isn’t anything new or exciting. People living together before…
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Juniper Shea
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Being in a long relationship and deciding to marry one another before living with each other could prove to be unwise. When you think of being with your spouse in long terms, there should be some careful consideration as to…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR PARTNER BEFORE MARRIAGE: Even though many marriages end in divorce or end in sadness and boredom, many people still choose to get married. When we do we have a right to know who we are…
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Margaret Radisich Sleasman
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I don’t know about other marriages, but in our 39 years my husband generally listened to me; never followed my advice, but he did listen. In the last few years I have pretty much given up talking to him at…
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Bernice Dennis - 314242
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Friendship is one of the most valuable commodities that a person can have. If you are lucky enough to have more than a couple of true friends then you are a blessed person. Having good friends are better than…
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Jennie Svogar
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Should couples live together before getting married? This question has been the subject of much heated debate in the past, and never has it been more of an issue than now, when moral ambiguity meets the “moral majority” on a…
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Joseph Whalen
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
As contrary as it may seem to traditional thinking, living together before getting married has definite benefits to making a long lasting relationship. Given a divorce rate of over fifty percent over the past ten years, the institution of marriage…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Forgiveness can be one of the most difficult tasks in life. This is especially true when we trust our spouse with our life, and that spouse does something to betray that trust. Right up there next to communication is forgiveness….
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David Elder
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Men and women are constantly reminded that pregnancy is a shared responsibility. The equality of this responsibility is stressed through the enactment of laws that are meant to protect the child from physical or financial abandonment. Why then, do the…
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James Lindsey
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Career guilt is a feeling that grips many of today’s single and double income families. The balance between working and providing for the family and spending time with the family is often tilted towards work. As a result more families…
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Kevin Horrocks
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
One spouse blaming the other spouse has been happening since the Garden of Eden when Adam blamed Eve for giving him the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:12). “That woman you put here with me – she gave me the fruit to…
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Loralie Lynn
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Overcoming the annoying habits of your partner can help to recreate a good relationship. Everyone has a few habits that annoy others, but overlooking those annoying quirks can make a relationship connection so much better. Here are some tips for…
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Nils Herdelin
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Getting engaged is incredibly exciting. The realization that you really found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with is something that fills you with joy and hope for a happy future. As a soon-to-be college…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There will be major disagreements and maybe some downright dirty fights. If you always agree, someone is probably being way too passive. Let’s talk abut the three C’s of a good marriage and see if they can help us work…
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maddie rose
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Should couples live together before getting married? Should couples live together before getting married? This is a personal decision for two people to come to the conclusion. It is strictly between the couple. I do feel it does not enhance…
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Susie Turk
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If any woman knows her self well enough to clearly choose NOT to have child, than isn’t she obligated to honestly disclose such critical information to her potential spouse prior to marriage, and not after, even if her choice runs…
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Katti Bates
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
“I love you” and being in love with someone do not mean the same thing. It is common to love a person for who he is, or what he does, or simply that he is family. Loving someone is not…
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Jan Beukes
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Money is one of the major causes of marriage problems and breakdown. When two people live together who have opposite attitudes towards spending, arguments and friction begin to bring a strain on the relationship. In the early days of the…
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Dana Toutloff - 111581
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In many cases a persons career comes to them early on in life. First they dream of it, then they put forth effort to realize it, and then they live and enjoy it. It provides an income, but it is…
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Joseph Schwimmer
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
This monumental decision should be based upon a couple’s respective belief. To try and force an opinion on another individual is not the right thing to do. There are many positive aspects of living together before marriage, as there are…
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Cicely Richard
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A few years ago, this study revealed that women wanted their husbands to help out more at home. I remember thinking that this was a waste of research dollars, if they spent any. When haven’t women wanted their husbands to…
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Lija Neal
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
As you say your wedding vows, you are bridging a life with your soul mate and both promise to never leave each side for better or worse. Well this sounds very good in your white dress and his tailored tuxedo…
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Eulalia Prynn
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The only marriage that is “doomed to fail” is one that consists of one or two people who are unwilling to work through the crap and learn what real love is about. A marriage “doomed to fail” is merely giving…
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April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
To find the best balance between work and family is no easy task. It is easier on the men as they are normally the ones to bring in the “bread and butter” back home, whilst the wife is the “home-maker”…
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Carmel Brulez - 538252
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Whether or not spousal consent should be required before a married woman has an abortion depends on the type of marriage and the reason she wishes to get an abortion. A loving, caring and responsible husband would want to know…
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Jan Wright - 516115
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
While a person of a different culture might cause some people to be skeptical and recoil from contact, others are intrigued by the differences in language, tradition and attitudes. A difference in culture certainly does bring excitement and uniqueness to…
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Aeryka Rae
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There is no ‘offense’ that is more powerful than a ‘strong defense’. The most effective way of escaping the affects and power of an offender and his offenses is to change the way you think about them. Forgive, let go,…
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Laura Reynolds
April 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Housework for husbands? Surely this is a joke. Is it heard of? Yes, but only in science fiction novels. I overheard someone say how her husband once loaded the dishwasher, and then she burst into laugher. I’m not sure if…
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