Marriage and Divorce
Cara Dack - 489175
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There are three people in my marriage; me, my husband and the “mistress”. Unfortunately the mistress isn’t a flesh and blood floozy that I can track down and maim, it’s a piece of hardware that sits in our living room…
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Hal Lillywhite
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Let’s face the facts. Forgiveness can be devilishly difficult. The natural human tendency is to be angry with someone who does something terrible to you. We want to think how bad that person is and never let it go. However…
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Latanya Span
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
How to argue without fighting wow! Can that be done? The answer is yes, In a marital relationship you have to be willing to compromise work together. In order to be compromising towards one another you have to be willing…
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Julie Michael
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In-law problems can be the bane of a marriage. You can’t have a negative relationship with your in-laws and expect that it won’t affect your marriage. Thankfully, most in-laws truly aren’t out to do you or your marriage harm- most…
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Paula Papazoglu
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Someone once said “Marriage is 50-50 as long as I get my 50, doesn’t matter to me.” I asked myself is this a true statement? For as long as I can remember this stayed with me, until I realized NO…
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August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Proverbs 19:22 What a man desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar. Years ago, when I ministered in Scotland, there were two elderly sisters in the congregation. Both of them had been members of the church…
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Janet Farricelli CPDT-KA
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The debate on whether a woman should be angry if her significant other watches pornography really depends on her moral values, education, religious beliefs and personal perspectives. Each woman is different therefore no generalizations should be made. There are women that are…
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Jay Bruce
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Do you know what the number 1 marriage saver is that you can use to heal your broken relationship? It’s not more sex (although I’m all for that if you both are). It’s not more talking. And although listening more…
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Leslie Keck
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I have come to realize that there wasn’t one guy I dated that didn’t act like a baby. I’m beginning to wonder if there is a man out there that doesn’t act like that. I’m sure there is somewhere, I…
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Mark Young - 113590
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I agree with most of your opinions on men and their reluctance to do house chores. I cannot help noticing though a couple of prevailing suggestions on how to get us men to do something in the house. We are…
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August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The idea of a license for parents has been around for a long time. There are many ways in which a license would make a big difference, making sure that people are mentally and socially prepared for children, reducing or…
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Sam Madsen
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You have just finished graduating from college, with stars in your eyes, anticipation in your mind and itchy palms for all the things your going to do and how you are going to live your life. Most start out with…
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August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Not all things deemed “unforgivable” deserve forgiveness. Human integrity and dignity command that we only take so much, if for nothing else than to survive. If someone does enough damage to another, then sometimes it is too much to ask…
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Rebecca Davis
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
How does one forgive the unforgivable? As for myself I have been a victim of infidelity and someone who has been unfaithful. There is no real excuse for cheating and I took full responsibility for my actions. The way it…
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Melinda Roberts - 485363
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
WHAT WIVES WANT: When we get married women really do not know what they want from their husbands, but for some unknown reason we all seem to follow what other women want from their men. As women we really need…
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Denisse Ocasio
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Some people have a plan in life that consists of finding that special person to build a life with. Marriage has become what society values as a level of communal finalization. It is viewed to most as the beginning to…
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Amber Martin
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When looked at as a whole, our society has developed into one that simply does not facilitate successful marriages. Obviously, this did not happen overnight. In addition, there is no definite answer as to why this has occurred. According to…
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Brian Peters - 413578
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marital infidelity is one of the most painful events an individual can experience. The sense of personal betrayal and lack of worthiness felt by the victim of infidelity is a difficult thing from which to recover. Often, it ends in…
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Victoria Hall
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I was told the word “all” falsifies most statements. So of course ALL women are not nags. An individual who nags is fresh out of ideas and feels as if repetition is their only hope. Nagging is verbal harassment and…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage relationships are like plants. If we neglect them, they will not grow. However, if we spend a little time each day to nourish and care for the relationship, it will grow and blossom into more than you ever imagined…
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Viv Corridor
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Forget the old adage that holds “to forgive is divine.” Forgiveness is fundamental to human survival. In marriage, forgiveness can be the difference between staying together or splitting apart over the many myriad conflicts that make up day-to-day married life….
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Jennifer Claerr
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There are many anniversary gifts that are both affordable and romantic. If you’re struggling for the perfect romantic anniversary gift for your spouse, you can look to both unusual gift ideas and anniversary traditions for inspiration. In addition to giving…
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Ann Major
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There may be various reasons why people are not tying the knot these days. Weddings have reached such a level of sophistication these days, having an elaborate once in a lifetime event can put a married couple into the poor…
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Michele Mccullough
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
This whole lifestyle of being together only on the weekends is extremely hard on any relationship. After some years of job searching, my husband finally found his lifetime career and landed a full time day job while I still sit…
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Thom W. Conroy
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Regardless of what the Marketing Wizards on Madison Avenue try to sell you on, the best gift ideas for your wife are created in your heart and presented to her in the strength of your actions. Any possible gift that…
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Colette Duval
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
‘ We don’t need a piece of paper to feel we are married !’– A lot of couples consider themselves married, ie they have made a not -so -public commitment to each other- and simply do not see the point…
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J. Lee Kenser
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In a marriage as with any relationships love is an essential thing to bring to the party though there are relationships that do actually survive as if they are no longer in love. These marriages seem to be more of…
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Victoria Harris
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Particularly as a new wife, it takes incredible courage to submit to a man who you have just married, and a man you are just beginning to trust. When I got married, I told God, “I’m not getting married because…
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Rosemarie Schaut
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In some marriages, men expect women to assume certain gender-stereotyped roles in managing a home for no other reason than because their mothers always did these things, and often that includes bill-paying. Many attitudes regarding who is responsible for what…
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Angie Lewis
August 13, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Husband’s Should lead the family, but if a wife is treating her husband like a little boy, how can he do his leadership job properly? Are you treating your husband like a man or like a little boy? The best…
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