Marriage and Divorce
Em Dickinson
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
The most frequent cause of divorce is marrying for the wrong reason. I have a friend who is going through her third divorce. Each marriage started out the same way. She bought into the “princess principle” that she was frail…
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Sam E. Jones
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
People get divorced because they come to realize that they don’t want to be together anymore; because when they look at their spouse, instead of love, they find anger, resentment or bitterness; because when they look at themselves, they find…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
When it comes to telling your husband that you want a divorce, you are going to feel the pain with him, no matter how bad things are or how well you dress up the situation. It is likely that a…
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Derek Oxley
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is an emotional and financial roller coaster. Riding the ebbs and highs without any formal experience is enough to drive your stir crazy. Constantly tumbling can be discouraging compounded by the self inflicted deception to remain strong in face…
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Elaine M. Doxie
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
It’s hard to be really sure exactly where this quote came from, but it definitely holds true when it comes to ex husbands or wives. There are a select few that feel their exes are entitled to happiness, but there are many…
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Alvin Poliran
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
A divorce is generally a very unpleasant experience. It is never easy to acknowledge that everything you struggled for – everything that was once so fantastic and awesome, ideal and true – has ended. People usually grieve over the death…
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Todd Daigneault
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
An amicable divorce is what most people want. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen that way, as a once robust marriage seemingly literally deteriorates overnight. Fights over custody of minor children, monetary issues, and even custody over children devastate a marriage-like a…
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P.D. Rivers
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Reasons Why People Get Divorced People don’t plan on getting divorced when they get married. The problem stems from the fact that they get married for all the wrong reasons. Most people generally say that they got divorced because…
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Jane Allyson
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Children often bear the brunt of emotional conflict during the separation of a marriage or relationship. It is important to remember that seeing a parent distressed can have a marked effect on a child and at a time when they…
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Jenna Pope
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Even though some people divorce to make life more tolerable, divorce is not for the fainthearted. Whether you are on the initiating or the receiving end of a divorce, it’s unlikely that you will emerge from it unscathed. This is…
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Rebecca K.
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce can have a strong impact on children, there’s no debate about that. Both sons and daughters alike feel the strain when mommy and daddy call it quits. The general idea is, it’s easier on them at a younger age…
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Victoria Tiegert
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is, for most people, an extremely painful event. The pain that you were probably enduring towards the end of the marriage is going to linger on and even if the divorce really was exactly what you wanted, there is…
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Lavel Wideman
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
A pretty woman is the devil’s hook and bait- Old Proverb It was under her wings my brother and I found solace; we never feared her, always wanted to be together with her-it was her presence that assured us we…
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Donielle Smith
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Many marriages despite the tries end up in divorce court. A divorce is very difficult to get pass especially when there are children involved. The hurt and pain usually takes a toll on everyone in the family. Children are especially…
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Jessica Kuzmier
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
If the past can teach you anything, there is no better lesson plan than to search through the wreckage of your romantic past. It seems fashionable nowadays to assume everything in your life is a mommy or a daddy…
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April May Maple
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Divorces are messy, even the most amicable separations have points of contention. When children are involved it can be a huge challenge to parent together with someone you would rather never see again. This is the reason that many struggling…
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Jody Renee
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Conquering Your Fear of the Unknown and Finding Peace After a Divorce I remember clearly that Friday evening when my ex husband told my kids and me that he was going away for the weekend and would be back on…
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Suzanne Rose
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Many dream about getting revenge against their ex. When you do something negative, however, you could end up hurting yourself as well and possibly setting a bad example for children. Instead you should consider using success as a means of…
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Samantha Grey
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
I have one word Why? Why does a divorce have to be the end of something and why do people expect a couple to hate one another. Perhaps people are programmed to expect a divorce to be hateful and that…
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Barbara Griffin
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Marriages based on idealistic happiness instead of preparation for a lifetime are doomed from the start. Love will never define a marriage, love is why people marry. Marriage requires dedication and long term commitment, cornerstones needed to enable and support the…
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Jane Allyson
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
One of the best ways to keep your divorce from being traumatic is to accept what has happened and make a conscious effort to switch off individual defense mechanisms that can delay the healing process, and hinder the ability to…
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Michigan girl
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce…an ugly truth in today’s world. It happens to the best of us and when it does the fact of the matter is you have to go on and rebuild your life. This is my personal journey that I want…
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Todd Daigneault
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Divorces invariably happen, and will happen long into the future. As a parent of an adult child, who is going through one, you have to be prepared for losing that favorite son-in-law or daughter- in-law. The one who seems so…
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Tamara Haddock
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Half of all marriages end in divorce, the statistics are staggering. Why do so many people call it quits? Why do they give up and decide that they just don’t want to be married any more? What makes a person…
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December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Even when we know that divorce was the right thing to do, we can still be left with feelings of guilt and regret. The guilt often comes because of children born to the marriage. We feel guilty for being unable…
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Jane Allyson
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Dealing with the aftermath of divorce can be a traumatic and life changing experience. Depending on whether you were the person who initiated the split or the partner who has been forced out of the marriage, there is going to…
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Frances Shea
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
The idea that anything can be forever seems to be a little naïve or ignorant. Some things seem to be forever, but are they? They might be constant but are they constant all the time without change? Take wedding vows…
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Kat Ballew
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Meeting the right person, getting married, and living happily ever after is every person’s dream. However, life does not always work this way, and when marriage ends in divorce, heartache usually follows. Learning to survive heartache after divorce is hard,…
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Bridget Webber
December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Many people believe a traumatic divorce is part and parcel of the official break-up of a marriage. However a significant amount of stress can be avoided if spouses undertaking divorce prepare themselves mentally and emotionally beforehand. Achieving the right frame…
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December 14, 2013
Marriage and Divorce
Even when you know that a relationship has run its course, still a breakup is painful. A chapter of your life closes for good and you have to start all over again. Things become especially difficult when it comes to…
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