Marriage and Divorce
Kate Johns
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
With the divorce rate at fifty percent in America, and with so many people skipping the altar of wedded bliss and living together for all eternity then why get married? Why do people get married at all, when they can…
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Rella Ingram
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Grey hair has replaced the brown vibrant silk that once topped his head. The toothbrush replaced by a cup for soaking. The hearing and vision are going slowly. Yes, things change. People change. Emotions change, grow, and evolve. Here are…
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Krystle Hernandez
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Although non-human primates do not have marriage, the concept of marriage is a human universal. In other words, all human groups have marriage. Because it is universal, one can assume that this phenomenon is either something very old or something…
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Crystal Leigh
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Can a marriage continue if the couple isn’t in love? I suppose it would depend on the couple, and it would depend on the type of love. There are many types of love, such as the love you feel for…
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Carol Wise
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
It’s not always easy to remember the man or woman you originally chose. I have seen so many couples who seem to have forgotten the love they once had for their spouse. I know I have forgotten at times in…
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Wayne Leon Learmond
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Can cheating save your marriage? I am inclined to say that it can, in certain circumstances. But before I delve into that, let us delve into the question deeper, why do men – and indeed women – cheat? There are…
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Petro Maritz
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Simple questions deserve simple answers. The answer to the question of what you deserve in a relationship is simply: Everything. You deserve everything you’ve dreamed of. You deserve all the love and respect in the world. You deserve it and…
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Cheri Tillman
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
From Father Knows Best to Father is An Idiot where oh where did Ward go? In the early days of television, when Father Knows Best, the Donna Reed Show, and Leave It To Beaver were must see TV, Dad or…
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Jean Knill
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
As the years go by, the reasons for getting married, rather than cohabiting, are not the same as for younger couples. When you are young, getting married to the person you love usually seems the obvious way to make a…
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Carol Dunn - 462065
October 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Some people are very calculating in their decision to marry. The biological clock may be telling them it’s time to set up a family and raise children. They may want to escape the control of their parents. They may choose…
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Jim Thomason
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You walk into the room and your wife breaks another nail on the keyboard as she whips the mouse across the screen, slamming shut the virtual window. Third nail this month, and she blames you for sneaking up on her….
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Barbara Kasey Smith
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When asked the question, “Why secretaries are responsible for breaking up so many marriages,” I would have to respond by saying, “It isn’t only the secretaries who are responsible, it is their bosses faults too. I worked in offices for…
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Patricia Tatum
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
It’s a classic cliche – the boss falls in love with the secretary. It is a scenario that has been played out many times, and it is almost always blamed on the poor secretary. The truth is, there are three…
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Richard Nicastro
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Have you entered an emotional affair Danger zone? You don’t wake up one day and decide to have an affair. You’re more likely to gradually enter into the arena of emotional infidelityand many couples are surprised to discover that this…
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Leah Curtis
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When a married man falls in love outside of his marriage, this is what is called an affair. It can be an intimate affair or an emotional affair, but an affair is an affair. If a man is at a…
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Carona Micheal Davis
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Before you begin to read this article you must first ask yourself, “Is a married man that falls in love outside of the marriage in love with his wife in the first place?” Love is as simple as it is…
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Kristina Mendosa
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A question to men: Is it possible for a man to truly be faithful not just physically but mentally and emotionally? Is it possible that a man can only look yet never touch talk or dream about what could have…
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Andrea-Lee Peters
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “The grass is always greener on the other side”? You have? Then tell me what sense, realistically, does it make to dump one husband and run off with another. What looks initially like…
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Scott Kolecki
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In the past twenty years, the way relationships have been founded and developed have changed so vastly that conventional “dating” is almost as foreign today as the internet was twenty years ago. More often than ever, people are finding each…
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Cherie Camins
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The Internet is a vast network that allows people all over the world to connect with one another, among numerous other applications in both one’s personal and business lives. It can be a good thing. Yet, besides the obvious dangers,…
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Jane Allyson
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I have never had the awful job of telling a friend that her husband is cheating, but I have had a dear friend tell ME that mine was. Luckily my friend is a kind and understanding soul who already knew…
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Victoria Rose Perkins
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A man was sitting at his kitchen table. His wife walked over to him and hit him on the head with a frying pan. He asked, “what did you do that for?” She replied, “I found a note in your…
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Shannon S. Harwell
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Your best friend is cheating on her husband. What to do? Not one thing unless SHE asks for your help or input! After all, SHE is your best friend; her husband is not. SHE is also not your spouse, so…
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Christine Sandor
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
For the purpose of this article I am going to assume “cheating” is referring to infidelity. With that noted, in my humble opinion I will say, the internet not only encourages cheating, it makes it perhaps more of an issue,…
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September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Should wives allow their men to watch porn movies? WHY not!? Because if they are the type that likes to watch porn, then if you demand that they don’t watch it, they’ll just hide it from you, don’t sell yourself…
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Ann E. Smith
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Do you ever sense something is just not right, and later find your intuition was accurate? Well, if you suspect that your husband is cheating, your intuition may give you some initial warnings. Additionally, there are signs you can look…
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Kate Johns
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
With the divorce rate in America at fifty percent it makes a person very aware that their relationship could be in danger of falling apart. There are some terrifying statistics out there such as 67% of second marriages in America…
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Steena Holmes
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You wake up to another day filled with duties and roles that you have to assume. Before you can even begin to think of yourself as a woman, your children are calling, your husband is annoyed because you didn’t do…
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Caroline Cloutier
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I recently found out my best friend was having an affair. While we have very little in common, we have been friends since we have literally been babies and have seen each other through so much in life. She was…
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Rosana Modugno
September 17, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If you suspect your husband is doing drugs, would you ask him, or do you just let him do it? Then why can’t you ask him if he is cheating on you? This is a serious offense but you are…
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