Marriage and Divorce
Summer Anderson - 601743
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Should you forgive your husband if they are caught cheating? Its a question all of us think we have the answer to until it happens to us. This choice is a personal one. Well the first thing you have…
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Lilly Fisher
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I’m a married woman of 24 yrs happily I wouldn’t say, but dragging myself through it slowly. I fell in love with a married man I met in a on-line poker room where I play nightly when my husband who…
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Sheree Zielke
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Married women have affairs because circumstances in their lives make the temptation to take a lover, just too hard to resist. Some new men are deliciously attractive, dangerous and off limits. This forbidden fruit is almost impossible for the already…
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July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There are differences in character between both genders that make one gender more vulnerable to cheat than the other. In this case males are more vulnerable than females. Females will find it repulsive to have sex with a stranger but…
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Grace Angel
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Explaining to children that a parent had an affair is a very uncomfortable situation. This is because parents are supposed to be role models for their children and provide moral lessons regarding how children should behave. Depending on the age…
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William Merryman
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There are a lot of couples in this world and if there is something that all of them have in common, that is the fear of discovering that one day their partner is cheating on them. This is a fear…
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Carlie Walker
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It happens one day while you go on the computer to write an email to a friend or to check a bank account balance. You discover a bunch of saucy emails or an exchange of titillating messages or photos sent backwards and forwards between your…
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Grace Angel
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Many times a person is cheated on because they do not realize their girlfriend feels they are not getting enough attention from their boyfriend. Communication is very important in order to fix the relationship after the girlfriend has cheated. A…
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Ms. Know-It-All
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Of course a man can love only one woman. Why wouldn’t he be able to? Men are born equipped with a heart and emotions just like women, the only difference is that society has been pumping all of us full…
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Cathy Wilson
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I myself have never cheated on my partner and in a ‘normal’ loving, honest relationship the goal is not to be unfaithful to your partner. It technically shouldn’t be a ‘want’ of either party if they are satisfied with their…
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Amber Clash
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When you’ve fallen in love with a married man. Get ready for your heart to be stomped on. Even if they say they are divorced. Most of the time they are only separated. They insist that they are divorced and…
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Wayne Leon Learmond
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The question has to be asked, was the human species meant to be monogamous? When one looks at other life forms – other than human – one can clearly see that monogamy is rare indeed in the natural world. Granted,…
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Sam E. Jones
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Men cheat on their wives or partners because they want something they are not currently getting at home. For most men these things they want fall into two main categories: intimacy and sex. While the categories might seem simple, the…
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Ravyn Michaels
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Cheating is a coward’s way of having his/her cake and eating it too. A cheater will do one of two things: Blame the other person in the relationship for the cheating. OR Say they are a horrible person and rake…
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Tammy Cramblett
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Cheating, in any form is not a pleasant subject for most couples to discuss. Rebuilding some level of trust is even harder to think about for most people who have been cheated on over the internet. How can you trust…
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Todd Hicks
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Gee whiz! You have messed up big time. You have cheated on your spouse. It is bad enough you have to deal with it and explain it to your spouse – to add insult to injury, you have to break…
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David Greenwell
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
In the beginning, all was well. Every free minute was spent with the other, hugging and kissing and enjoying life together as one. But somewhere down the road things changed. The hugging and kissing gradually came to a halt. Instead…
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July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There are many reasons why a woman could have an affair. Some of these include: marrying someone for the wrong reasons, not being ready for marriage, pure boredom, insecurity and / or jealousy. There are many women out there who…
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Hermia Soh
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Possible signs of a cheating spouse There are many reasons why you want to read this article. Perhaps you suspect your spouse is cheating on you or maybe you have already discovered your spouse’s infidelity. Perhaps you have simply stumbled…
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Justice Liberty
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Marriages in our society today do not seem to mean nearly as much as they used to in the past, with divorce commonly being the first preferential choice in modifying a married couples problems or troubles. Individuals who exchange their…
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July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
People in a marriage who have had their trust violated need to explore the reasons why the infedelity occured. There can be many reasons or it can just be in your partners nature to cheat. Some men and women have…
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Grace Angel
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Telling your spouse that you are having an affair can be a very emotional experience. This is because the very foundation of the relationship will almost definitely be negatively altered. Many times of affairs happen because one partner is not…
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Lorie Spencer
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Often the idea of cheating is considered an act, an action taken where an actual physical connection is made. Emotional cheating is just as hurtful to everyone involved and sometimes even harder to get past. If you’re in a situation…
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Anna Wright
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Is there a difference between looking and touching? Not as big of a difference as you might think. Some say you can look all you want to but don’t touch. Ladies why are we kidding ourselves? Stand up for yourself….
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Todd Daigneault
July 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
You should show love affection toward your wife, such as kissing and holding her hand when in public. Don’t act like you are not married by walking three to eight feet away from her or have little or no conversation or act like you are not …
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Bobby Gene
July 6, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Is there any mention of divorce in the Bible? Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage. The divine ideal for marriage is clearly a lifelong bond that unites husband and wife in a “one flesh” relationship (Matt. 19:5, 1…
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Effie Moore Salem
July 6, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Is marriage real or is it just playing house? Prenuptial agreements are detrimental to marriage. If you are that uncertain of your commitment to the one you propose to love until death do us part, then don’t marry. Hold on…
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Melissa Zorn
July 6, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Whether you are divorcing amicably or in the midst of war, if you have children there is one important thing to remember: all things change over time. I hate to be the bearer of this depressing news, but unfortunately, you…
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Brandi Turner - 366998
July 6, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Well being in this predicament myself I know a little about getting a divorce while you are pregnant. In my state of Texas you Can not get a divorce while you are pregnant. They want to name a father to…
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Julie Michael
July 6, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
This title really confused me at first, and I hope I’m writing in the right context. How do teens know when it’s time to divorce? Well, my question is, how do teens know when it’s time to get married in…
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