Marriage and Divorce
July 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It is sad that something of this nature even needs to be discussed. Unfortunately, there are first wives out there who seem determined to cause as much emotional pain and conflict in her ex husband’s new marriage as she possibly…
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Rozilawati Kasran
July 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Arranged Marriage:A marriage that happens as a result of a mediation by someone for two strangers to meet with the intention to be married. Love Marriage:A marriage that happens as a result of a full fledged relationships between two individuals…
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July 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Just because you are married doesn’t mean you have given up your right to some privacy. Your spouse, however wonderful, may not share the same views on this, however. She might be inclined to look through your files, internet history,…
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Angel Liu
July 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage: “an interpersonal relationship with governmental, social, or religious recognition, usually intimate and sexual, and often created as a contract.” From Wikipedia. Interestingly enough, Wikipedia also provides a boxed listing of “Close Relationships” on the same page. Alphabetically, the word…
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Anh Kim
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
What is an arranged marriage? Unlike popular belief not all arranged marriages are loveless. Not all women have no say when it comes to who their spouse will be. These things depend on culture and wealth. Some cultures you never…
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Howard Miller
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There are many different reasons people tell themselves they got married. Often, people believe that the only really good reason is, love. This is far from true. The initial reason that a marriage begins is relatively unimportant. In the course…
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Joseph Hazelbaker
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Setting aside for a moment the sacred element, a legal marriage in the United States is governed by state law. If we look at the law of Ohio, for example, the case against “mail order brides” is clear. The law…
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David Braybrooke
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The concept of an arranged marriage is an idea that is abhorrent to many Westerners yet it is surprising at how high the success rate can be for a marriage of this nature to last a lifetime. Contrary to much…
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Dee Holder
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It is often assumed that marriage is something that all should aspire to. That every normal person wants to get married and have kids and that when they do all will be fixed and they will live happily ever after. …
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Bhumika Ghimire
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Believe it or not arranged marriage is still a reality of life in many cultures around the world. I belong to one of them. Except for myself, all members of my family had an arranged marriage. My mother was married…
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Ian Loft
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
An arranged marriage takes on many forms. In Western culture, the first concept that usually springs to mind is the thought of parents choosing partners for their children as some form of business arrangement, and with respect to some existing…
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V.J. Lott
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
In this day and age there’s no telling what new trends will plague society. It makes some of us wonder is marriage still a “sacred union?” In my opinion It’s not the way it was when Harry met Sally. Mail…
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Tena Kight
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Can second marriages work? Yes, they can. I know that some statistics show that only 20% of them work, but I would like the statistics to state the specific circumstances of each marriage before the majority of second marriages are…
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Rachel Torres
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
By mere definition…..Courage is having the conscience to do what’s right even when doing what’s right is painful. So where do you begin? Are children involved? So many issues to deal with when for the majority of the relationship you…
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Sean Harrod
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
This point of view may not be attractive but it’s got to be heard!The only role Government should have in marriage is the confirmation of the ceremony in paper work. After that,Personal business is between the couple,the family,friends and the…
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Matt Bird
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Revenge… is such a hurtful thing. What does it achieve? Satisfaction, at best, though hollow satisfaction… and besides that, it can even get you in legal trouble. Revenge may be warranted in cases of infidelity, but it’s not recommended. No…
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July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Second Marriages can surely work. A man/woman who has been in a previous marriage that ended up in divorce has seen the good and the bad. They are able to define what is important and what is necessary to make…
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Summer Anderson - 601743
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Twelve years ago I met the man of my dreams. We had a wonderful relationship. We grew together in every way. Our first child was born a little over a year of us being together and we married shortly after…
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Krystle Hernandez
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Marriages have been arranged for hundreds of thousands of years, and arguably before then. From the beginning of contemporary Homo erectus and the formation of communities and horticultural societies, individuals have joined forces for emotional, political, familial, or monetary reasons….
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Royce Radcliffe
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
We all know love is not for sale. You cannot purchase, parcel, post-mark or deliver it. But many pretend that some equivalent of exactly that is possible, those who promote mail order brides most of all. Let me start out…
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Cate Chapman
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It is a beautiful thing when two people can recover from infidelity. But, whether a couple stays together or decides to end their relationship, the healing process is a nebulous journey that has no formula or time frame. Often, healing…
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Erin St John
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The debate over government’s role in marriage is a complex one because throughout history, the institution of marriage has changed dramatically. Having been a contractual agreement and at the same time subject to religious law, marriage is in the precarious…
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Jocy Christensen
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Infidelity is never acceptable in any relationship, whether it is marriage or friendship. I consider infidelity a very negative word because it inevitably causes divisiveness in the family and often the cause of a marital break up. How many families…
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Todd Daigneault
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The problem in seeking revenge against a cheating spouse is that it prolongs the hurt and agony that you are obviously going through. Plus, it precludes the possibility of reconciliation with a cheating partner-if a chance exists. For if you…
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Annette Miller
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Wow! Cheating. Hm mm.. Now that’s a very touchy subject for many. I honestly cannot say I agree or disagree its a forgivable sin. I went to the YES side because I believe it solely rests in the hands of…
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Mona Gallagher
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Ask ten married women why they had an affair and you would probably get ten different answers. There is no one, all inclusive, answer to why some married women have affairs. But we do know some of the answers to…
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Summer Anderson - 601743
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Confessing your affair to your spouse is of course a personal choice. Should you tell them. Most certainly. Even if the affair is long done and over with, your spouse has every right to know. Of course there is that…
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France Cain
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There are many people who are afraid of seeing their wives or their husbands engaging into an extramarital affair after so many years of marriage. This is something that will come as a massive blow to any woman out there…
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Randa Morris
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Why Some Women Cheat. If we are going to make excuses for cheating, I suppose the same ones should apply to both women and men. I don’t believe there is an excuse, or a justifiable reason for cheating on your…
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Elizabeth M Young
July 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
While there are some very sad or neccessary cases where virtual relationships constitute the majority of human interaction for individuals, there is simply too much going on in the real world for a complete displacement of human interaction to the internet. Far…
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