Marriage and Divorce
Sandra Piddock
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There’s a saying that what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger, and, while a failed marriage can be a traumatic event in your life, you can survive it and learn from the experience. Here are some of the…
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Rebecca Graf
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
To many people there are “restrictions” that traditional marriage imposes on society. Generation after generation balk at these “restrictions” and wonder if they are actually good for society or just there to control the populace. Can these so called restrictions…
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Julie Michael
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Second marriages can work, but it isn’t a piece of cake. No marriage is easy, but when you add baggage of previous marriages or relationships, it can be extremely difficult to make a second marriage work. I am not a…
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Loralie Lynn
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Sometimes we can’t help but to fight in a relationship when arguments come up that upset us or things happen that we feel we need to discuss, but there is a right way and a wrong way to fight in…
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Suzanne Rose
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Your 25th anniversary is a special one, comprised of many years of happiness together. There are many gifts that you can get to celebrate such an occasion, including the following. Photo album or scrapbook You can make your spouse a…
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Terri Woodard
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
This is my husband and I second time around. I must say that I though it would of been much better than this. I finally realized what went wrong in the first place. We did not give ourselves enough time…
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Emily Dent
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Marrying the same man twice! A twist of fate? Or familiarity obsession? The reasons behind the first divorce plays a huge role in determining whether or not this sounds like a good idea. A lot of divorces could be considered…
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September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Some people spend a lifetime trying to find the right soul mate for themselves, while others found theirs early, only to lose them. And then in some rare cases, rekindled love happens when the two soul mates meet once again. …
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Suzanne Rose
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
She is your Mrs. Right, and you want to make that clear when buying her something for your anniversary. There are many options when it comes to gifts, and you will have to take into consideration her likes and dislikes…
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Michelle Wilkinson
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Relationships are difficult enough to make work in the first place, without having the added burden of financial troubles. However, financial troubles are something that many couples experience, which is perhaps why divorce rates are so high. If you marry…
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Dreidle Flare
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Every person is in control of their own thoughts and actions. However, the actions of another can have deep impacts on which road a person will choose to take. This is true in the case of marriage. A woman may…
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Anne Gable
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Why don’t people get married any more? This is a question I have so desperately wanted to ask all of my friends who call me up to let me know they are moving in with their boyfriend of some odd…
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Brynna Slavik
September 2, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
If your spouse cheats on you. This is a touchy subject for people who have cheated and who have been cheated on, but comingfrom an open mind, i believe that cheating is wrong and the cheating spouse should not…
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Michelle Wilkinson
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
If a person wants to have an affair, nothing is going to stop them. Some people are monogamous to the core and couldn’t even envisage cheating on their partner or spouse. For others affairs are what make life interesting; they…
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Lynne Larock
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
People often say that marriage is an ancient institution that dates back to Adam and Eve. But what they are really thinking of just a few historical eras in the Western world, usually the Victorian Age and the 1950s. In…
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Angel Shrout
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When in the midst of an affair one often desires to keep it a secret from everyone. Occasionally you get the rare soul who will dare take their lover out into public but usually not anywhere they would be easily…
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Lynette Alice
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage can best be summed up by saying it is a legal institution which has religious components attached to it. The tricky part is the religious component of marriage is only attached to it if that is chosen, it is…
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Suzanne Rose
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When your partner cheats on you, it can be very hurtful. Many long to get revenge. There are ways that you can do this that are healthy and can help promote personal growth. Leave them The best revenge you can…
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Brandy Fee
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
While the easy answer here would be a simple “yes,” there really is no simple answer to any question, and this one is not excluded from that. Had you asked me this question a few years back, I would have…
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Jo Chris
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
In the event that you want to build a stronger marriage after an affair, intensified effort in the part of communication is essential. And although many aspects of the communication principle need to be dealt with in this journey, one…
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Victoria Tiegert
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage is hard, remarriage is even harder, most especially when there are children involved from previous relationships. There are very few blended families that don’t have to do a lot of adjusting and compromising. One of the issues that makes…
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September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I have only been married for almost 5 years. I am a Christian woman and a firm believer that my body belongs to my husband. Should it be a crime most certainly. Lets look at all the facts. If you…
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Heart Mom X 2
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I believe that marriage is a sacred commitment. Where two people who complete each other become one life, heart, and soul. They change each other for the better. They begin a new chapter in their lives where they are no…
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Sophia Tesch
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce can be one of the most painful experiences that a human can endure. It is natural after experiencing that type of pain to ask the question “Can second marriages work?” and the answer is Yes! After some personal preparation…
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Tina Brewster
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
People don’t get married anymore because it is just simply too complicated. Living with someone has a lot of problems associated with it by itself, but when you add marriage (a legal binding contract) into the mix, the problems increase…
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Victoria Tiegert
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The decision to marry is one of the biggest you’ll ever make, second though to the prospect of remarrying. By the time that decision comes up, you’ve already developed some ideas of what you’ll be looking for if you try…
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Angel Shrout
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When one thinks of infidelity we envision sneaky rendezvous in sleazy motels. In today’s society of social networking, porn at your fingertips and text messages infidelity has grown to an all new level. One would ask if were ever acceptable…
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Jobie Weetaluktuk
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I’ve personally known two men who have gone by the route of the mail order bride. Both choose their bride from the Philippines. There stories however took two decidedly different turns. One I shall call John and the other Paul…
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Angel Shrout
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When we think of love and relationships we often talk about how someone makes us feel. They make us feel loved or desired or sexy, wanted, interesting, smart, funny. All can be used as an emotional description. When in a…
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Emma Mcgregor
September 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I am the last person you would imagine getting involved in an affair of any sort. My father left my mother for his mistress because she fell pregnant with his child. I was tortured after the break-up of my marriage…
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