Marriage and Divorce
Elaine M. Doxie
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Every couple needs time to do things together. This is so easy for anyone to say. However, in the day to day routines of life, things can get in the way of that couple time. You may not have someone…
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Vilie Farah
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Each married couple experiences problem. The routine, habits and individual differences can often get in the way of your harmonious existence. Minor quarrels and disagreements are a part of each healthy marriage. Arguments are needed to work over differences and…
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Leo Goodyear
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
What to do with breakups? We all had been through it one time or another. With most things, if you do it a lot it gets better. But with breakups it gets worse. It is one of the hardest thing…
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Laurie Childree
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Whether you’ve just gotten married or have been married for years there are things that your spouse does that are going to irritate you. We all have habits that we don’t realize we have. We also don’t realize that those…
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Suzanne Rose
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It can be a touchy situation when your spouse is jealous of your pet. Obviously for most, their spouse is more important than their animal, so you will want to make sure to remedy this situation. Consider the following moves….
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Edgar Arold
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
All marriages tend to have arguments here and there. If the husband and wife are from different cultures, there could be more arguments depending on the maturity of the couple. The hardest years of marriage for a couple that are…
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Brinda Junkere
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Biblical principles strongly condemn marriage between a Christian and a non-believer. However, in reality, even those with strong religious convictions sometimes go against these principles. For them, finding love transcends religious beliefs. Experience has taught me, after eleven years of…
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Rebecca Mikulin
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It seems that cheating has different definitions in different relationships. Some are more permissive relationships which allow flirtation, physical contact, and even to the extent of threesomes or an evening out with a prostitute. Others go to the other extreme,…
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Russell Waldron
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Financial distress can have a major impact of the stability of your marriage. The pressures of money concerns is said to be one of the most explosive issues within most marriages. Unfortunately financial stress can have couples at each other’s…
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September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Unfortunately all of us do not get the “happily ever after” ending that we dream of. Things happen, people change, love fades and we are left holding the pieces of our hearts, wondering what just happened. Relationships do not always…
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September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
We’re all attracted to the ultimate love story. Big problem is most believe it’ll never really happen to them, or they bail out before they realize it is happening to them. Because the reality is all great love stories are…
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Jade Li
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
How to Deal with Your Partner’s Stress At some point in your lives, you will find yourself in a relationship where your significant other will have to deal with a momentous amount of stress to deal with. This stress will…
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Michelle Wilkinson
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Financial issues are something all couples have to get to grips with, as if you live with someone else and are committed to them you no longer have only yourself to think about. You can’t just go out spending all…
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Belinda Long
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I am a firm believer in communication before marriage. If you can talk and argue constructively before marriage, then you can certainly do it as husband and wife. If you cannot, consider it a sign of things to come and…
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September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Men who blame their wives for everything have problems with accepting responsibility for their actions. They may have grown up in a family where it was normal to always blame someone else. Or it could be a learned behavior that…
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R. Renee Bembry
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
How To Tell Your Spouse That They’re Getting On You Nerves “Honey… You’re getting on my nerves!” No matter how you tell your spouse he or she is getting on your nerves, the end result will likely sound like an…
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September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Relationship problems are not always caused by outside influences. More often it is the fault of the husband or wife and their alienating behavior. So what are some examples of ways that men alienate their wives? Are there things that…
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Aisling Ashbery
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The desire to not hurt a spouse’s feelings will sometimes lead people to keep silent despite being annoyed, but this is a dangerous avenue- it can lead to a situation in which you always feel tense and frustrated, and find…
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Allyn Smith
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Forgiving someone, or being forgiven, for doing or saying something that is unforgivable seems like a contradiction in terms. Our human motivation for forgiving (and being forgiven), as well as our definition of what is unforgivable, determines whether that forgiveness…
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Amanda Ines
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
If you were posed with a question to answer and had to be really honest in answering it, which was – you only have one option, you can choose to have either ‘sex’ in your life or ‘love’ but not…
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Cynthia Kovalesky
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
How do you know that a marriage is doomed? Couples who do not do things together over time will find themselves drifting apart. If they did not establish shared interests early on that they both enjoy, then as they do…
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VK Freelance
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Can a marriage continue without the couple being ‘in love’? When a couple first ‘fall in love’, there is the sense of finality about it, you think that you can never love anyone else, that you will always feel this…
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September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When you look at what pornography is, you can clearly see that pornography is not healthy for any relationship. How can anyone sit and watch someone else have sex and call it healthy? Sex is supposed to be another way of…
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Mason Dolan
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Reality check: We all have our own little traits that rub some people the wrong way. We are human. It’s in our biological makeup. Does it make us a bad person? Does it mean we should be treated differently? In…
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B.J. Tolentino
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
“Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze” – Amanda Cross. From what we see around us, it seems that marriage slowly turns romance from golden haze back to dust again. It doesn’t…
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Rhonda Dunaway
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
For many who want to bring romance back into their marriage this many times means something more basic is suffering. If you’ve tried everything from scented candles to total self-reinvention (and a couple of bad hair experiments), and still no…
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Victoria Tiegert
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There once was a day when it was just the two of you, living and loving your days away. It may seem like quite some time ago if your child is over a few months old. How things do change…
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Jae Z
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Should a woman be angry at her boyfriend/husband for watching pornography? This can be a very delicate situation, but it can be tackled and resolved. First, a few more questions should be answered before this one can be. Is your…
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Natalia Jones
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
If the question was ‘do women change after marriage?’ many would wonder if it was meant to be rhetorical. Indeed the evolution of women before and after marriage has been the butt of many a joke, but are men really…
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Fiori Woldemariam
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Having kids is one of the most rewarding events for most married couples. Having a child to cement the love that that the two of you share is a novel idea. What it can do to the romance may not…
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