Marriage and Divorce
Rebecca Carroll - 229644
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
You get up in the morning and he drinks coffee from a cup with the same, tired old slogan plastered on the front of it. You drink yours from a flowered mug he gave you ten years ago. He fries…
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Suzy kew
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When you say the words “I Do” on your wedding day there should be more words that follow. Some of them could include but not be limited to: I Do Respect Your Independence: Being a married couple is wonderful but it…
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October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Most of us know someone who has been married awhile and to say that he or she “really let themselves go” would be a true statement. This happens all too often in marriages. After the new wears off and you…
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Marquita Wanslow
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
In the era of the ninteen fifties the expectation was that when you got married, the marriage was forever. In our day, divorce was not part of our vocabulary. When our marriage started we expected it to end when death occurred for…
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Jane Smith - 210665
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
You shouldn’t ask too much from marriage. You should ask nothing. That way you will have everything you ever wanted. The secret to a happy marriage is no secret anymore. The secret to a happy marriage is to have no…
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Paul Solomon Peters
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There are many tricks to a successful marriage that are circling around the internet. Most of them either state the exact same thing (with different titles), or they give some of the most obtuse advise that it is almost…
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Jordan Claire
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The key to a happy relationship is to want one, and yet, not need one. Wanting to be with someone involves appreciating who that person truly is and enjoying spending time with them, so much so that you want to…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Let us take a look at our everyday lives. We get up at about six, we have a bath or shower, we then go down for some breakfast. We greet our partners and then say goodbye to them as we…
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Amela Piric - 507810
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It is a hurtful and degrading experience to discover you’ve been cheated by your loved one. What hurts and humiliates you the most is that your heart has been broken by the person you trusted the most as your life long…
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Grace Angel
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Dealing with a spouse that has tendencies to be a bully can be very hard. Many times finding out that partner has controlling tendencies can be a very scary experience. It is extremely important that the individual who is on…
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Bankole Ogunnowo
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
HOW TO ACHIEVE A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE Introduction Marriage is a well known pillar of any sane society. We all agree that every family is a product of one. And if we also agree that families make up a defined society…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Couples should remember to spend time with one another. You should try to not let your relationship fall into routine. We all do things at a certian time of the day and in a certain way and we forgrt to…
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Suzanne Rose
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There are many bad habits that can cause problems in a marriage. Some of these are trivial and annoying while others are serious and even life-threatening. The following are some to watch for. Interrupting A lot of spouses have the…
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Victoria Tiegert
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, affects one out of every fifty people in the United States currently, an extremely high number, and that is not even taking into consideration those people who have the disorder but have not been formally…
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S. Dawn Denby
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
How do you know if your relationship is worth saving? Sometimes answering that question can be almost as hard as the relationship itself. First of all, you must take a hard look at yourself and your situation to determine if…
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Gabby Bugwadia
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Looking for good qualities in your spouse is what can make your marriage tick. Seeing good in any person and more especially in your spouse is a skill that can be mastered with practice. Undoubtedly, it requires your genuine intent,…
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Suzanne Rose
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Does he pick his nose? It may not be what you signed up for when you entered into the holy state of matrimony with your spouse, but bad habits come along with the package. From nail biting to interrupting to…
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Storm Russell
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Abortion is never an easy topic. In fact the word itself is unpleasant to the ear. The divisiveness of the issue is understandable when you considered the stakes involved are nothing less than human lives whichever side you take on…
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October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage is a wonderful institution where two people take vows and promise to love, honor and cherish each other til death do them part. Once the honeymoon is over and real life begins so do the trials and tribulations. Work,…
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Elaine M. Doxie
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Sometimes, after you are married, you start to discover things in your spouse that you either didn’t know existed or ignored prior to the marriage. One of those things that can come out is bullying tactics. Often they were actually…
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Donique C. Perez
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
BE COMMITTED; one of the most important principles that keeps life going. Your marriage, job, whatever, calls for the ‘I’ll do it/stay together, come what may’ principles. No marriage counselor can save your marriage/relationship, you have to be the one…
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October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
In order to understand what cheating in a relationships we must understand what kind of relationship we are in and what are the rules of this relationship. If this is an open relationship that both partner see other people and…
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Peter Robertson - 597205
October 1, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
What is the secret to a long and passionate relationship? Well different people will have different answers to this, of course. However I think there is one very simple key to really living with that passion. First of all, let’s…
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Sam E. Jones
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
You hear a lot about women who have a less than helpful mother-in-law, step-monster comes to mind; and how it puts a strain on a marriage; what you hear a lot less about is how it puts a strain on…
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Elaine M. Doxie
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Communication is vital to a healthy relationship. Without communication, there is no relationship, and therefore the marriage is doomed to fail. Even if the couple manages to stay together, it’s not a real marriage. A good marriage is built on…
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Lori Salsgiver
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
You should not ask what you would not give of yourself. You should ask yourself if you are giving all that you can to your marriage. Unfortunately we live in a selfish world where people seem to think more about…
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Brenda Cruz
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When you really think about the concept of marriage, you may very well answer your own question as to why it’s so difficult. The American Century Dictionary defines marriage as a legal bond between two people who vow before their peers…
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Bridget Webber
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The first place to start dealing with your partners stress successfully is to recognise that it’s a dis-ease. Your partner is not at ease and is suffering as a result. However, unlike some diseases your partners stress need not be…
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Amelia Randall - 546119
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When you decide to go into business it is stressful no matter who it is that you go into business with, even more so if you do it alone. Going into business with your partner, can lead to a lot…
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Patrick Sills
September 30, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
We live in a rather complex world, and unfortunately, fairy-tale endings rarely if ever materialize. Thus, priorities sometimes must be set. Neither gender is immune to finding themselves trapped in the figurative confines of an unhappy marriage. Ideally, most marriages…
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