Marriage and Divorce
Steve Bruno
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Who am I? For the last 8 years, I knew who I was. It was an easy question. I was quite simply a husband and a father. That defined me, so making decisions in life was pretty easy. What to…
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Dr. Judith Gerhart
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
How to cope with the depression that comes from separation, divorce and widowhood Depression is a constant theme in separation, divorce and widowhood. It is fuelled by low self-esteem and guilt. Depression is often the flip side of anger on…
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Dr. Judith Gerhart
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
“There is no such thing as a painless divorce unless it wasn’t much of a marriage to begin with.” The initial period of shock lets you build up the strength to face the pain. Relief and disbelief have been called…
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Suzanne Fort
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Dating as a single parent can be one of the most challenging things you can ever try to do. As a single parent, you still have the same needs and desires as you did as a married person, but you…
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October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When people don’t make it a point to define them, the rules of separation can seem vague and confusing. Some couples separate to solve their problems with much-needed space, while others break up completely, but still have common ground (e.g.,…
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Veronica Bright
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Grieving the loss of a marriage is as natural as grieving the death of a loved one. Part of your life has been removed. Death and divorce have the same stages of emotional grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance….
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Harmony Wells
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There is no specific formula for moving on after the difficulty of a divorce. Living in a separate house from your former spouse does not always mean you have truly moved on with your life. Usually, there are emotional ties…
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Michelle Radley
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The entire time I was married, everything and I mean EVERYTHING was hush hush. I remember being kicked under the dinner table at family dinners, for things I would say, (by my then husband). At my house at family dinners…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
During a marriage most goals and accomplishments are shared as a couple. Sometimes people lose track of their individual strengths because everything as been done as a team. Now is the time to take a look inside and rediscover your…
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Harmony Wells
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
As you navigate your way through all the difficulties of divorce, expect to go through several stages before you reach a place of acceptance and healing. – You will experience shock and denial, which may make you feel your life…
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Desiree Stewart
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When I married for the first time I was immediately brought with open arms into a massive family. My then husband had five siblings and they all had children. It was a dream come true for me because my immediate…
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Greg Rouse
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I am seriously set beside myself as to how accurate it truly is. I find my self caught, literally stuck, between the possibility of its truth and the reality of its results. I cannot come to a decision as to…
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Suzanne Roerig
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Prepare yourself. It’s going to get bumpy. You will go through such a range of emotions. At first you may be totally surprised. Then you may wonder, why me. The next emotion could be, what am I going to do…
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Allen Teal
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
After the divorce is final, the grieving over a failed marriage continues. Anger is a natural part of dealing with any loss. There always comes that time when your frustration at a situation that leaves you feeling helpless to fix…
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Alexandra Heep
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Moving onto a new life after the divorce can’t happen until you close the door on the old one – the old one of course referring to the dissolved marriage and all aspects of it. In this content, all aspects…
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Pat Gray
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Anger is probably THE emotion most associated with divorce. Something has gone horribly wrong with a part of our lives that once was very precious. For many, anger is often the easiest emotion to experience and to ‘share’ with others…
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Nicole Williams
October 13, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce can be a very painful time. Whether you decided to end the marriage or your spouse did, it still is a very painful experience. The situation of the divorce is what it is, but how do you deal with…
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Sondra Deuber
October 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Have you ever known anyone who was going through a divorce? Silly question; who hasn’t these days? Have any of them chosen your shoulder to cry on? If you’ve been a good friend and provided the support and comfort they…
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Harmony Wells
October 12, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The financial realities following a divorce can be harsh if you are not prepared. You no longer have a two-person income and must learn to manage debt and expenses differently than you did during your marriage. Although it is best…
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Matthew J. Geiger
October 4, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The recent California Supreme Court decision to lift the ban on homosexual marriage has brought further conflict to an already controversial issue. In part, this newfound tension is a result of the fact that the Court has ruled against a…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
How old should children be when they get to decide which parent they want to live with? *Allow children at any age to make their choice: Let’s all face it, children are devastated when their parents divorce and the family…
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Corinne Mullen
October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorces are never easy. They can be complicated as well, with costly traps for those who do not have good professional guidance. Beside the emotional turmoil, there are many details that need to be negotiated and settled. If there are…
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Volecia Plafcan
October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
A father should have equal custody rights to his children. So should the mother, but sometimes that is not worked out equally. In other words, mothers have nearly always been awarded full custody of the child. Sometimes, a man, such…
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October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Yes! You should always stay married. Problems are and were created by you, and your personalities and egos. Where is the child at fault? Why should she miss the love and care of both parents together? If you can’t stay…
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C. Ann Cunningham
October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce after having children is not easy. It is really simple to start blaming the other spouse in front of the children, and pretending that you are the perfect parent, that one that does no wrong and only wants the…
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Kim Russell
October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Helping your teenager cope with your divorce is not much different than helping her/him cope with their topsy-turvy, confusing, hormone-driven, everyday, average, angst-filled teenage life. Your divorce has just added another obstacle to their desperate attempt to reach adulthood as…
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Kim Russell
October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Of course, fathers have equal rights to their children. But the wording of the question itself just p*es me off! It is not about the father. Or the mother. We have to change our focus as parents, and as a…
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October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When a divorce is filed, parents have many things to focus on such as: -anger around the reason for the divorce-betrayal-addiction-disenchantment-a new love-telling friends, coworkers, church, and family-the demands of the legal process Children, however, are experiencing a completely different…
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Eva Chorazak
October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When I first saw the title of this article I was extremely bothered. I instantly knew I had to write this article to express my opinion but every time I started I felt stranded. So I had given up and…
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Bob Zimmerman
October 3, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Yes, you should stay married for the children. If you were to give up on your marriage and walk out, what kind of message are you sending your children? You’re sending them the message that it’s alright to say “til…
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