Marriage and Divorce
Paul Lines
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The moment to start dating again after a divorce is not something that you can answer by looking at a calendar and saying “the hundred days are up you can go out and find a new man or lady now!”…
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Melissa D. Ing
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Even after a divorce that involved no children, and no mutual property, one still has to periodically communicate with the ex. Communicating with your ex is never easy; after all if your marriage ended amid shouting matches that involved verbal…
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Rachelle de Bretagne
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When that piece of paper arrives in its envelope that you dreaded receiving and that spells the end of a marriage, it’s time to reflect. Many divorced people get that horrible feeling in their stomach that a chapter of their…
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Jennifer Atkins - 243595
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
My 19 year marriage ended about 2 years ago.It ended because my hubby mainly wanted to swing and date while married. It didn’t quite work out the way he thought it was going to. When he wanted us to date…
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Vicki Phipps
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Face it. The day will come when you must speak to your ex again. There’s no getting around it and especially if you have kids. The best way to approach this is do a few things ahead of time, so…
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Amanda Gonzalez - 274547
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce something forbidden or frowned upon decades ago is now popular and frequent occurrence in modern times. There are several causes such as cheating spouses, abuse and it’s all too hard can I have another husband thanks. But those serious…
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Kim L Kirsch
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When one goes through a divorce, there are many emotions, feelings, and trials, which are to be expected. One of them is how one tends to feel toward their ex-spouse. You loved this person once and now they are gone….
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Rachelle de Bretagne
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce figures are very high these days with many marriages hitting the divorce courts within the early years of marriage, balanced against those divorces of people that suddenly find they have the choice that perhaps our grandparents didn’t have. No-one…
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Dan Keizer
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Dealing with your ex is always going to be rough. It can seem like every little issue has to be nitpicked, and arguments can arise even when the two of you agree about something. Mom may not want to let…
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Paul Lines
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
In the heat of the moment and often in the cold light of day, sometimes your mind is set on that divorce being the only solution to the troubled marriage that you are in, and maybe it is. But then…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Everyone enters a relationship with baggage. Baggage is the sum of experiences, memories, family ties, past relationships and traditions. It is normal and that is what makes you the unique person you are. Don’t let anyone take that baggage away….
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Sharon Chapman
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce defines divorce as “to disassociate part or break association with”. Divorce means you are no longer with the person you married; it doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t love that person any more, especially if you are not the one…
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Harmony Wells
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Should you choose to file for a divorce, you will be making one of your most life-altering decisions. Setting the legal process of divorce in motion will change your life and its routines even long after it is over. There…
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Paul Lines
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There is one thing that can be virtually guaranteed in most cases following a divorce and this is the fact, certainly at times, that your relationship with your ex will not always be like sailing on a calm blue sea….
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Alexandra Heep
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Needless to say, communication during the divorce (as well as after) can be quite a challenge, especially if a lack in that department contributed to the breakdown of the marriage to begin with. On the other hand, in some cases…
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October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Many factors should be considered before you start dating after a divorce. Whether you are young or older, after a divorce, the concept of dating again is a scary thing. It’s natural to wonder if anyone is ever going to…
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Allen Teal
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Stress levels run high during the divorce process. Prior to the divorce, stress is generated by a deteriorating relationship and concerns about how it is affecting the family. Also, anytime that a decision is hanging before it is made, stress…
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Michele Mathews
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When you first start through the divorce process, dating should be the farthest thing from your mind. You should be focusing on the divorce and preparing yourself for what might happen. You should also focus on the mental and emotional…
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David Ramey
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The end of my marriage was a bit like a Woody Allen script. It wasn’t until things were done that entire conversations with my “ex” started popping up in my memory and making sense. I think as males we are…
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Jane Allyson
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It can seem that couples will tolerate any amount of problems in the marriage even that of infidelity rather than face the awful prospect of divorce. The decision to divorce is never an easy one and it can have far…
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Jennifer Fogg
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
My 17 Year Old Anger As so often happens during and after a divorce, a lot of attention is focused on those individuals signing the paperwork. Sure children are mentioned in the “poor them” sense, but few who aren’t involved…
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Michele Mathews
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Communication between ex-spouses is important, especially when children are involved. Even though they don’t love each other anymore, the ex-spouses do still have to work together as parents to raise their children. The parents must be able to communicate and…
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Ali Mechelle
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Adultery…falling out of love…boredom…lack of passion…these are just some of the reasons given as the cause of divorces around the world. But in all actuality, these are just the symptoms, not the actual problem. The real cause of divorce is…
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Michele Mathews
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When I got married, I thought it would be forever just like our vows stated. I dreamed of growing old with my husband just as my parents are growing old together. However, a few years into my marriage, I realized…
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Laurie Childree
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Your divorce is final after months of going back and forth with lawyers and your spouse. It is time to start a new life and you have no idea how. The idea of being single again can be scary if…
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Lang Zaam
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
That decision came when my third and last child got married. Arrived at a time that monetary consequences took a back seat to a feeling of pursuing ones right to happiness. After college and a stint in the military for…
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Anil Machado
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is never best solution to end marriages. How to stop a divorce is also not easy for couples on the verge of getting divorced. As long as partners decide that they are ready to work it out, to find…
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Tim Gray - 227057
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Although it doesn’t bode well for the future of marriage domestically, statistics bear out that, at least in America, the institution of legal matrimonial bonding is going the way of the dodo bird. Approximately one half of all American marriages…
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SN Bynoe
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is an very ugly occurrence. When it is mentioned, most couples will wrinkle their noses and detest the idea of leaving someone they promised to love forever. However, the statistics of people dragging themselves through unhealthy relationships increase by…
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Can Tran
October 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The concept of sin was introduced through religion let alone Christianity. Outside of religion, let alone Christianity, the concept of divorce is not considered a sin. Depending on the circumstances and culture, divorce is perfectly legal. At the same time,…
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