Marriage and Divorce
Barbara Stanley
November 15, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is a traumatic event that forever alters the life of a child. Whatever means available to make the transition from “family under one roof” to “family divided” a less stressful event is a good thing. Unless a father has…
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Elena dal Friuli
November 15, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When you marry, you do not marry with the idea that, if things do not work out, you can just divorce your spouse. You marry because you envision yourself growing old with each other. However, life has a way of…
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Rebecca K.
November 15, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is a messy situation many times. Spouses are arguing over splitting of property and anger is flaring. Add into the mix a couple of unassuming children. Having their parents stay together and argue viciously is not good for their…
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Annette Liike
November 15, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I am sure that child support is wonderful for some families. Idealistically child support should work and all children will be well cared for by their parents. Realistically I think it falls far short of this goal. If a father…
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November 15, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I recently attended a workshop entitled: Children and Divorce. This class was a complete eye-opener on the effects of an ending marriage for the children involved. It inspired me to share the tips and information that I learned. The teacher’s…
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Dawn Duddy
November 15, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Children are the greatest guard dogs in the world for a newly single mom, let me tell you! I am the lucky mother of four terrific children, two boys and two girls. My rocky marriage broke up after 12 years…
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Laura Leigh Fields
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
After a divorce, life starts over for some. For others, it just continues on. Regardless of the way you view it, divorce can be painful for all those involved. Children often take it the toughest. They are pushed into feelings…
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K.C. Jean Kellam
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Even the most conscientious divorced parent may find themselves stumbling when it comes times to deal with entering into new relationships, or at least playing the field. Deciding what level of participation the child will have in this new endeavor,…
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Vicki Phipps
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce can be a confusing time in any adult’s life, but imagine what it’s like in the mind of a child. Even so, in the midst of pain and strife, it’s easy to forget that a child needs to be…
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Lee VanAmee
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
My parents divorced when I was about 8 years old. This was many, many years ago, when divorce was almost thought of as a crime! Most of the time, I remember being confused at the new rules more than anything….
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Renee Morgan
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
There are some questions that the world can ask that just shouldn’t be placed on the table to be asked. Okay, I am not naive! I do know that there are some people whom are not fit to be called…
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Kim Russell
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Parents and Dating After Divorce Parents’ separation and subsequent divorce are obviously extremely traumatic experiences for most children. If all goes as well as possible, and with extensive, focused parental support and encouragement, the children can begin to heal,. However,…
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Denisa Howe
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It’s time that our society remember just how important both a mother and a father is in a child’s life. Even when the children are grown they seek out mothers for certain things or problems; and at other times it…
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Vicki Phipps
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I got divoced at the age of forty-one, but since I’d been married since the age of eighteen, it seemed like a life time to me. Thinking it would be wise to wait until my daughter reached the age of…
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Paul Lines
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Whilst a divorce can be a shattering experiences for you and your children, there may come a time when you want to start dating again. When this happens it is likely that your major concern will be how the children…
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November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
My parents were never married but they were together for 13 miserable years. They never really wanted to be together and never really wanted to try, but they stayed together because of me. They thought they were doing the right…
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Rebecca Dyson
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is hard on everyone involved, but it is especially hard on the children because they have no control over the situation. Children react to divorce in different ways; some adjust easily, others become sad and withdrawn, and yet others…
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Elizabeth Picard
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It’s only natural that at some point after a divorce that dating will begin again. Finding a new partner is hard enough, let alone finding a new partner when you have kids. Letting your children be involved will re-enforce with…
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Paul Lines
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Letting your child be a child after a divorce can seem to be a strange statement to make, as it almost suggests that we can change their age overnight. However, it is an important issue to address following a marriage…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
What are the positive effects of divorce with children? *Parents are not aware of how their actions are destroying their children: A family, and especially children, who are going through abuse, verbal name calling, alcoholism and drug addiction, cruelty to…
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Mike Faulk
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
As a single father with sole custody of my two sons, I must admit I had to think about this question. I realized that the reason for my indecision was because the question is flawed. More precisely, the premise behind…
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Kim L Kirsch
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Returning to the dating scene can be hard for any adult after a divorce. This being true, one should keep in mind how this is going to affect your child. When a divorce occurs in a family there is going…
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C. L. Craven
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Children go through the same stages of a divorce as the parents. So, initially, they are looking to the parent to provide stability through out these stages. They may not understand why they are sad, angry or confused and introducing…
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Nicole Williams
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce is not only an emotional time for you, but it’s an emotional time for your child too. Your child, like yourself will go through an array of different emotions and feelings during a divorce between you and your souse….
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Maria C Collins
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Cohabitation before marriage is normal for some people and a controversial subject for others. Some people have religious objections to a couple living together before marriage, indeed the popular descriptive phrase “Living in sin” alludes to religious scruples about couples…
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Kim L Kirsch
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
After a divorce arguably the most sticky part will be child support. There is a growing number of parents in the United States that feel that they do not need to pay child support. This problem truly is a disgrace….
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Maria C Collins
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Many couples today live together before marriage. People have many reasons for living together, they may wish to marry at some time, or they may not wish to marry at all. Couples’ reasons for cohabiting are as individual as each…
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Paul Lines
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
When a divorce disrupts a stable family environment, it is not surprising to find that this causes the child a lot of suffering. From the instant that a break-up is announced they will experience a myriad of conflicting emotions. There…
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Mark Capozzoli
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The issues affecting child support are extremely numerous, but contemporary questions surrounding the process certainly revolve around support guidelines, parental ethics and accountability of payments. Child support issues can best be summarized as a heart-wrenching process which forces a quantification…
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Silva Payne
November 14, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Sisters, aunts, daughters, mothers. For as many different kinds of woman as there are, you will find representatives from every group that have married a man in prison. Young and old, rich and poor, working and unemployed, pretty and mousy;…
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