Marriage and Divorce
Lynette Bell
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You would think a husbands words, “I love you sweetheart, you are my world.” would make any wife smile with heartwarming happiness. So you would be surprised that this wife’s reply to these sweet words were, “You lying sack of…
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Kelly Ismail
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage is a commitment. When you take your vows you are committing your love to the other person. You are making a promise to love your spouse for better for worse, for richer and poorer, and in sickness and in…
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Narayanasamy Prema
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
“In happiness and sorrow …’til death do us part;” the universal marriage vow is given much respect . However , in reality , this vow seems to be difficult to sustain as man and wife go through several tests in…
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Kenneth Crawford
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Oh how wonderful it is to be a newlywed couple. You remember how it was, all the time laughing and enjoying each others company. Saying goodbye and going to work was really difficult, and then you kept counting hours until…
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Buddy Netter
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Can Marriage Last Forever? On March 10, 1968, my beloved husband and I tied the knot in the Silver Bells Wedding Chapel in Reno, Nevada. We vowed to love, honor and cherish each other for better or for worse, for…
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October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If I was presented with this question 10 years ago, my answer would have been “no”! It was taboo, especially in my family. I was a conservative girl who wanted a “traditional” relationship. You date for a while, get engaged,…
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Danielle Friedl
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Whether you’re just starting out, fresh off the honeymoon or you’re celebrating your 15th anniversary there are few things more important in the health of a marriage to spend at least one night a week in each other’s company. Just…
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Lyn Carrier
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
This is not only a tough question but something that could turn into quite a serious problem which could very well be detrimental to the health of one’s marriage. It’s also something that works both ways if the marriage is…
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Cartwright Austin
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Preparation for any serious endeavor is highly recommended. However, when it comes to marriage that preparation need not and should not include “playing house”. By the time one has reached the age of consent, one should realize that playing is…
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David Brown - 226423
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Spiritually, financially, emotionally, sexually and physically are reasons why couples should not live together before getting married. So many relationships ended abruptly because the live-in before marriage lasted so long that they just fell apart and faded away. Looking at…
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Nicole Lepke
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The Four-Stranded Diamond Knot can easily be the symbol for a long-lasting marriage. The four strands being Faith, Communication, Respect and Truth are tightly woven together, year after year, eventually making a beautiful rope, or bond, not easily broken. Denominations…
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Anitra Lahiri
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
So, what happens after Cinderella is whisked away by the handsome prince? She lives “happily ever after”, of course, but what does that mean? Clearly, this is not a case where the handsome prince eventually squanders away his inheritance on…
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Melissa Aytche
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Life’s routines can sometimes block valuable time with your spouse. When bills, chores, errands, and kids take over finding time with your spouse can become increasingly diminished. Finding time even if it is only for a few moments is one…
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Blaize Shepherd
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage, just because your pregnant? I thought people got married because they loved each other? Not because they got pregnant. Isn’t it marriage first, then babies? In earlier years, it would be inconceivable for a pregnant woman to not be…
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Kaitlyn Hamilton
October 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
My father can certainly give other men some pointers on how to be the best father and husband possible. My father has worked hard his entire life and he has always been an excellent provider for my mother and our…
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Lang Zaam
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Sooner or later a healthy girl and a healthy boy are going to live together. In the first instance they will do that because they love each other and they have outgrown their parents. They are accepting the responsibilities and…
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Rob Purifoy
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Cohabitation prior to marriage may go against the grain of religion and what your parents want you to do, but it is your life after all. That may sound direct and rebellious, but with 50% of couples ending in divorce,…
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Rick Wildman
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There’s a reason we don’t treat rental cars as nicely as the cars we buy. Living together to check each other out first sounds rational, but weakens the marriage, if it happens. This has been shown by multiple studies, which…
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Tina Shelnutt
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Love never goes away…it only hides when it feels neglect or hurt. Too many times, we attach our ‘Love’. To the daily grind of life’s problems and obstacles Love seems to fade as we bury ourselves in our day today’s…
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Sue Langeder
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage can be a contentious issue for many – is it easier to live together and never get married? Are de facto relationships able to gain the same rights as a marriage, if the relationship were ever to fall apart?…
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Teddy Ward
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Can marital issues linked to video games? Yes I believe they can be and I am guilty. I have neglected my wife in the past because I was really into a video game I was playing. Did it hurt our…
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Eugene Stevens
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Modern society has shaken the foundations of many long standing institutions, including that of religion, government and of course, the institution of marriage. These shifts in paradigm have occurred for many reasons. Fueling these changes are technology, medicine and socio-economics…
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Kristin Jackman
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
It was a Wednesday in the middle of July. Seated hundreds of feet in the air, confined to a small twin-engine prop plane, I found myself living my fears… and having fun while doing it. It was also the moment…
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Jennifer Behm
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
“We were so happy in the beginning.”, they proclaim, while joyfully dating back to an era of their marriage when two people were one. Then, with a great deal less joy in their hearts, they recall how rapidly the “good…
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Victoria Tiegert
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Ask my husband what being a good one means and he will tell you that it requires going to work to pay the bills and…hmmm…I guess that’s probably about it. Ask me, though, and watch out! I definitely have a…
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Thom W. Conroy
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Every relationship has it’s peaks and valleys in terms of the enjoyment it provides, and wise partners in a good marriage understand how to navigate around the pitfalls. Life is a constantly changing process and a good marriage is not…
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Stephanie Kjaerbaek
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Spousal consent laws are just another way for the pro-life community to control women. There is an assumption that married women automatically want children. It is obvious that not everyone marries before childbirth and that not all married women have…
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Kim Sharpe
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Husbands and Pornography I know a lot of women feel threatened when their husbands indulge in the viewing of any type of pornography, be it magazines, movies, or the Internet. They somehow feel its a reflection on them. That it…
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Anne Tran
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You’ll know your husband loves you when he seems to put so much effort into ensuring your happiness. He does everything in his power to make sure you feel loved each day. And you’ll know your husband loves you when…
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Cheryl Oliver
October 4, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The other night my husband and I were watching the Reverend from Saddleback Ranch ask questions of Presidential candidates Obama and McCain. When the question about “what stage does a fetus gain human rights” was asked, my husband became upset…
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