Marriage and Divorce
Dana Toutloff - 111581
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
How is any movement, co-dependency or otherwise ruining anything? Especially a marriage. Movements are basically the catch-word or newest label given to what has been going on long enough to name it. The institute (the marriage in this case) was…
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Corrie Bryant
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
I normally try not to write articles that are based upon my life. I am not big on talking about myself but I thought this would be a good topic to share with you. I have been in an almost perfect…
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David Braybrooke
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Effective arguing that avoids fighting is a lot like what happens in the course of a formal debate and is an important skill that you need to master in order to keep your relationships intact and thriving. There is no need to fight…
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Victoria Tiegert
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The bonds of love in a marriage can be some of the strongest in the world, but it doesn’t always just happen. In fact, most marriages will become closer over the years that the couple has together, indicating that this…
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Royce Radcliffe
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The key to arguing without it evolving into something ugly is simple-enjoy it. Yes, I said it. And even if this leads to more arguments, at least it will lead to better ones as well. If you are going to…
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Charles Johnson
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Sometimes people will be married for twenty years and never know their marriage has been over ten years. A lot of people are so busy they never see any signs of their marriage not being a good marriage. When the…
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Joyce Priddy
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Learning how to argue without fighting is important to a relationship. It is impossible for people to live together without having some type of argument from time to time. You can decrease the emotional damage in a relationship by not…
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Enoc Flores
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
No, interfaith marriages don’t always fail. However, it also depends a great deal on what type of interfaith the couple is experiencing. Whether the combination is between a Jewish and a Catholic, Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness, Atheist and Evangelical Christian,…
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Amanda Ines
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The answer to whether restraining orders are effective against violent spouses has just got to be a big ‘no’ due to the fact that so many times after a battered wife or woman has complained to the police, asked for protection and has…
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Victoria Tiegert
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Jealousy in a marriage can be an extremely destructive force. It can, in fact, destroy a marriage completely if it is not dealt with and managed before it gets out of hand. Jealousy is rooted in fear, insecurity, and mistrust….
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Shannon Cartwright
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Pornography can be a pretty hard thing for a woman to deal with when it comes to her man. The time he spends watching other women is time he is not spending with you, right? I understand completely because i…
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PK Hawk
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Restraining Orders against violent or abusive spouses is an issue open to much debate. It is generally recommended by attorneys and law enforcement that anyone with a violent spouse get a Restraining Order. However; There is no guarantee that it will…
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Amanda Ines
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
My story starts quite a long time ago when I was very young, when my ever increasing hormones were rife and I still hadn’t gotten my ideas on life quite clear and even less did I have any idea of…
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Madison Briggs
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Lack of communication is the root of all marriage fatalities. Some couples will site infidelity, alcohol, in-law problems, money problems, or apathy as the cause of their marriages ending, but all of those reasons began with a communication problem. Over…
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Anthony Megna
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
One of the major causes of divorce is financial stress. Especially with the way the economy is today, it really takes discipline to make a marriage work as there is only so much money to go around. Partners in a…
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Ayodele Eddo
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The old folks would tell you that true love conquers all, even snoring. True love, they might say conquers your spouse’s unaccepting friends or children. They’ll probably direct your attention to the Good Book, perhaps knowing that if you argue…
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Grace Angel
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Temporary separation can help your marriage, but only if both partners are willing to use the time apart for honest reflection. Many people believe that once you have moved out of the marital home there is nothing more that can…
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Little Momma
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Consent, what does that word bring to mind? For me it triggers’s getting my Mom’s approval to do something, like go to a concert, or get my ears pierced. It’s 2008, and I am a grown woman, I don’t need…
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Grace Angel
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
It can be difficult to manage your jealousy in marriage. However, you cannot let it consume you. Being jealous can ruin your marriage if it gets out of control. Most jealous people have this issue because they are scared to…
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Carolyn Teasley
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Are Restraining Orders Effective Against Violent Spouses? After much on-line research, I have found that the above question to be either yes or no depending on the victim (petitioner), the respondent (defendant), their relationship and even the location where they live. …
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Grace Angel
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Dealing with your partners stress is never easy. Often times you see them hurt or upset and it angers you because you can’t fix all of their problems. Sometimes just taking a quick breath or time to center your thoughts…
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Anthony Shaw
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Been there, done that, and I suppose that I am still doing that. My wife and I are a text book full of examples of why a relationship should not work. We are from different generations (I am old enough to…
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The Real American
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
As a man who has [factually] faced this problem, I fully realize the philosophical and logical arguments on both sides of this socially sensitive issue! Just 17 years and 10 months ago, my first wife and I were suffering a…
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Robert Patison
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Whereas half of the divorces occur in the first seven years of marriage, of research show that people generally not only very satisfied with their relations at the beginning but are also engaged and optimistic compared to the future of…
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Jackie Ballway
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
“A woman’s body, a woman’s choice.” The phrase has become a tired cliche in the post-feminist world. Instead of embodying independence and self-worth, it has come to be synonymous with self-righteousness, especially regarding the subject of abortion. Happily married woman…
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Roman Del Bosque
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
A marriage is over when love has departed. Trying to maintain a marriage when love has departed is like trying to start a fire without a match, a car without a key. Where there is no love there is little…
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Kristine Tucker
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
One of the most conflict inducing factors in a marriage is a troubled financial situation. Financial strain can take a toll on even the most stable relationships. Maintaining a healthy marriage can be a difficult journey, and financial stress can…
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Amela Piric - 507810
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
The importance of developing and sustaining intimacy in a relationship is more important now than ever as you live in modern age of information and technology where you are inclined to rely more on impersonal contact through the internet and…
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Sandra Piddock
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
If you read the advice columns in magazines, there are plenty of tips about how to know when your marriage is dead. Often, the advice may not relate to your particular situation, or it may be so general, it could apply to…
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Lymari Fernandez
December 22, 2014
Marriage and Divorce
Have you ask yourself the same question over and over? How to know when it is time to go or let it go? Is hard and I’m been in a same situation that I don’t know what else to think,…
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