Marriage and Divorce
Elaine Sihera
January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Is it moral to go through your partner’s things? Q. One of my very good friend was suspecting that her partner is up to something no good. When he had a shower, she looked into his mobile. She then discovered…
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Kirsten Locke
January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Some may say yes because there are lessons to be learned, but most will answer with a resounding no. How can there be advantages to cheating? Trust betrayed is some of the worst kind of social and emotional damage that…
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Krymzen Hall
January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The instant gratification that comes from an affair yields an awesome power, allowing a person to forget the realities of home. Those few moments of passion may cause an adulterer to disregard anything that has to do with truth, including…
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Selena C.
January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In the Myspace era that we live in right now, there seems to be an increase in the propagation of virtual relationships that are taking precedence over real life relationships. This is a sad indication on the addictive nature of…
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January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Cheating can be done for two reasons in a marriage. Loss of emotional connection, the sexual connection, or both, go hand in hand. If you don’t feel connected to your partner emotionally, it can lead to unfaithfulness of the mind…
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Joscelyn Kenon
January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Some women go back to husbands who cheat for a variety of reasons. It could be that the woman doesn’t want to be alone. It could be low self esteem. It could be that they are torn between what the…
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January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You can say you forgave him all you want… are you saying that for your sake or his? Think if you say it enough he’ll believe you.. or you’ll believe it yourself? You can “forgive” all you want- your never…
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Andi S Green.
January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
They hide phone bills, so that you don’t spot any unusual calls. They may start paying bills from work for example. They start deleting everything from texts to emails. Also they use passwords and phone locks that you don’t know….
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Angela S. Young
January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Once infidelity has entered a marriage, rebuilding trust is a very difficult job. If the marriage is to work, however, it is essential. Rebuilding trust starts with confession on the part of the cheater, along with true repentance. Being sorry…
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Laurie Childree
January 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Your marriage isn’t the same as it once was. There haven’t been any nights out for a while. At first you chalked the lack of time up to busy schedules, now you aren’t so sure. You begin to go over…
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January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
We have become so dependent on technology, so why not spend time on virtual relationships? There have been plenty of stories of virtual relationships that eventually turned into wonderful, loving and lasting real life relationships. Virtual relationships creates a psychological…
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Kristal Mcvicar
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marital infidelity should never be condoned in any way, shape or form. It is destructive emotionally and mentally and highly disrespectful to the partner being cheated on no matter the circumstances. The choice to leave is as available to a…
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Jemuel Johnson
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
It is something that seems will always be around. Although it does not dominate serious relationships, it is a reality a lot of people have faced. Cheating. The word itself drips of scandal. Webster’s dictionary defines “cheat” as “Deception; fraud;…
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Danine Manette
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
All signs are pointing to the fact that your spouse is cheating. So many critical mistakes are made during discovery and confrontation. Here are a few tips to help you avoid common mistakes one makes when confronting a cheating spouse….
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Anne Stone
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
One of the most painful experiences we can go through in life is finding out that the person we love has been cheating. So what do we do next?First you need to forgive them. Now, I don’t mean immediately take…
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Danyelle Scroggins
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In reality an affair is only considered a mistake when the person who fell in error realizes that he or she was in error. This realization happens before the activities of an affair is made reality. The word mistake means…
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juy gray
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I have forgiven him, but not her. She was my best friend and he was my husband. How do you forgive and forget that. When your spouse is cheating they say there are signs. I guess I missed them. I…
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January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I have been wronged. Out of protection for myself, I put up a wall between me and my offender. I keep them at arm’s length; I can’t let them get close enough to hurt me again. I don’t trust them;…
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M.R Vavala
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Confessions of a Married Woman… Recently a very close friend of mine confessed to me something I would never have imagined that she would do, or be capable of doing.She cheated on her husband of 12 years. I was shocked….
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Will Bracken
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Infidelity, or “cheating” as it’s more commonly called, has become the “in” thing to do nowadays. The rich and fabulously wealthy seem to swap mates as easily and readily as most of us change our socks or our underwear. The…
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Gena Green
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In today’s society, many marry with the mind-set, if it doesn’t work out we can always get divorced. That is if they get married at all. The generation before us was pressured by society to stay together “for the sake…
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Debb Angel
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You have to forgive them at one point or another, whether you stay with them or not is a totally different question. We argued a lot and had three daughters together, but his extra-marital relationship was unforgivable, so we divorced.I…
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Altha Faye Fugett
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Since infidelity is a complete destruction of trust, the rebuilding of trust is impossible. You cannot rebuild on something that has been destroyed. You must build anew. Is it just a play on words? No, to redo anything there is…
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Tim Thacker
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If you are experiencing hurt due to a spouse’s extramarital affair(s), keep in mind that you are not the first to experience this type of pain. It is gut-wrenching, and it is always present, as if is now a part…
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Jane Allyson
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Rebuilding trust in a marriage takes determination, sensitivity and a great deal of bravery. To rebuild the trust that has been stripped from a marriage after infidelity is hard and to carry on with the relationship and build anew you…
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Wendy Writes
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In today’s society, divorce is an easy way out. The “sacred” vows we take when we commit ourselves to marriage, usually address the subject of fidelity directly and we acknowledge it as we say…”and forsaking all others….” yet…so many marriages…
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Beatrix Kiddo
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In 1997, the Internet had grown into social networks, advisers that encourage and business partners. A person, in time, can become addicted to the computer as well as easily influenced since the beginning of usage. Back in the day when…
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Enright Uzoma
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Trust in a marriage damaged by infidelity is a very far issue and trying to rebuild it is a very difficult task and mostly impossible. In most cases, infidelity is followed by a divorce or an annulment which is a…
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Brian Dowling
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Rebuilding trust after an incident of infidelity can be an extremely difficult, and time consuming task. Both partners must be willing to make some sacrifices, as well as start to come clean to each other, about every little detail of…
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Michele McDonnell
January 5, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Choosing to love or trust someone is exactly that, A CHOICE. We are NEVER guaranteed that someone we love and care about will not hurt or betray us at some point in the relationship. We then have to CHOOSE if…
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