Marriage and Divorce
Mariah Caffee
February 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
People everyday say that they are unhappy in the relationship that they are in. The key on having a happy relationship is very simple things that people make difficult everyday. The first that is vital to a happy relationship is…
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Jerry Curtis
February 1, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Prolonged separation during deployment can stress even the strongest marriage. Sometimes even the anticipation of that dreaded departure date can cause stress fractures as the spouse who will stay behind becomes morose and withdrawn. It is natural to resent the…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When you have a spouse that appears to be uninterested in you, it is all too easy to blame yourself for the lack of intrigue that you are experiencing from him or her. You are probably feeling that you must…
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Joyce M. George-Knight
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When something is precious to you, you take specials measures to preserve and take care of it. Right? For example, a brand new car or house for which you worked long hours to save up for the down payment, or…
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Juniper Shea
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Some people get married for different reasons and mostly it’s for love. Though love is so powerful you would be willing to marry even if you vowed you would never get married, there are some people who don’t get married…
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Laverne Rodriguez
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
It does not matter whether it is your best friend since elementary school, your significant other, spouse, family member, boss, co-worker, or your neighbor if you interact with other people at one point or another you have had an argument…
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April J Evans
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
As sure as the day has a beginning and an end to it, a relationship has many of the same characteristics as the passing day. Unpredictable as they both can be, never knowing what can or will happen. This one…
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Parin Waljee
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriages are made in heaven, presented directly to the individuals on earth. However, to make that beautiful gift from above as worthwhile as it was brought down, it all depends on the persons intellectuality. To achieve a successful marriage is…
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Lorraine Egan
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I should have known the first time he stood me up. I should have known when he finally showed up and was roughly shaven and gnattily dressed. I should have known when he said he had no car, grilled the…
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Kristen Paulsen
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Maintaining a marriage is hard on a normal day, but couple that with when a spouse is deployed and it can be overwhelming. You are now fighting lapses in communication, inconsistent contact, the possibility of miscommunication because of technology coupled…
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Chanell Gautreaux
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Taking your relationship for a test run by moving in together before getting married may seem like a good idea, but preparing to live with someone as if you were married without the legal protection of actually being married can…
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Melinda Barr
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Although a relationship can survive without intimacy, it will not be a true and fulfilling relationship. Intimacy is far more than just sex and it the glue that holds everything else together. Without intimacy your relationship can become more like…
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B.J. Tolentino
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The quintessential question of humanity is how to be happy. This becomes even more difficult when two individuals seek happiness while making compromises in any relationship. Happiness is a state of being but the tricky part about relationships is that…
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Aline Neal
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR MARRIAGE- There are many ways to improve your marriage, the trick is not to let your love for each other be put on the back burner as many couples tend to do because of everyday life…
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January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
We would all love to live in a world where disagreements could occur that did not escalate into the negative realm of fighting. But this idea of arguing without conflict has as its unstated premise that the two or more…
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Sheila Clifford
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Recently it’s come to attention that many have lost their passion in their marriages. This is not to say they don’t love their spouses or are not attracted to them. They have just forgotten what their spouses need and desire…
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Rhonda Taylor - 554312
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Are you one of the women out there who have discovered that your husband or boyfriend is frequenting female strip bars? If you are one of these women you may be asking yourself questions such as: Is there a problem with our relationship? What is wrong with…
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Norah faith
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Every married couple would like to have a marriage that will last until the end of time, but what if suddenly the dreaded occurs and you want to get divorced? Here’s some advice to avoid a pending divorce. It may…
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L L - 558339
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The question should not be how to be the perfect wife, but how to be the perfect wife to your husband? The reason is everyone is different, therefore every relationship is different. When you marry someone you know (or should…
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Monika Johnson
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Roughly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. There is no guarantee that your marriage will last, but you can improve your odds by communicating with each other. Here are some things you should discuss before…
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Jon Coe
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Here is an alternative way to argue without fighting, I just wish that my Wife and I had done this before. Often, couples will argue about anything at all! Especially in this fast paced society, with kids and bills to…
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January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A happy relationship is what everyone is looking for. Being able to share with another person the most profound feelings, thoughts, worries and fears, find encouragement and support and even inspiration to become a better person is extremely important. In…
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Ian Loft
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Arguments are part of human interaction because each of us has a different view on issues, were exposed to different experiences in life and have a hugely varying level of education and ability to process information. Even in agreement the…
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Victoria Tiegert
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage can be hard, even during the most normal of circumstances where the stress and strain is kept to a minimum. When you are married to a man or woman in the military, marriage is a bit harder at times…
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Daphne Cojoe
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The Wife on the Side Some men have a woman on the side but to hear some of the women tell it, it is more like the man has a wife on the side. So, if you have become the…
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Author Name Withheld 61
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Money doesn’t destroy relationships. It’s the love of money that can destroys relationships. We all need money to survive. Parents need money to feed, and cloth their children. These are necessitates. Thinking responsibility about money helps a marriage. Putting material…
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Mariah Caffee
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When you think of control issues, the first thing you think of is, someone being controlling over another. In a marriage two people work together to make each other and their life styles better. When control becomes an issue for…
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Priscilla Benfield
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Maintaining a good marriage while your spouse is deployed is a challenge that many military couples face. The relationship needs to be strong with a good sense of trust and firm commitment to each other. The spouse who waits at…
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Elaine Sihera
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
It is a most stressful time when there is a marriage crisis because it is easy to feel that one’s world is falling apart, slowly and menacing;y. There is often a lot of anger, resentment, blaming, confusion and bitterness. At…
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Gabrielle Schrader
January 31, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When your spouse is deployed, it sometimes becomes rather difficult to maintain a good marriage. However, it is not impossible. In fact, it is fairly easy to hold a marriage together as long as the two of you remain in…
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