Marriage and Divorce
Laura Leigh Fields
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Readjusting to the single life after divorce may seem to be as different as night and day. Your situation may vary depending on how long you were in the relationship, whether or not you had children, and what note you…
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Jennifer Walker - 357834
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Are they married? Are they having sex outside of that relationship? Do they have any clue what this is doing to the family,spouse or the person with whom you are having an affair? There are any number of reasons; all…
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S.D. West
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
DEFENDING DIVORCE Back in the 1950’s when I was growing up in a small town, whenever I heard the D word the stereotype image of a cigarette smoking, martini drinking, high heeled woman would flash through my mind. A divorcee’…
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Bridget Webber
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If you need to communicate with your ex after a divorce then there are some considerations to be made inorder for this endeavor to run smoothly. As a couple, your communication skills with each other will probably already be on…
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Laura Leigh Fields
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
After a divorce, starting a new life can often seem overwhelming. There are so many fish in the sea, and you often wonder if the sea is polluted. When you finally find the one person that interests you, things seem…
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Linnette Manning
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There are many reasons why women return to husbands who cheat on and abuse them. 1.Many generations of women have been brought up to be totally dependent on the male of the species. 2.Some men also have the notion that…
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Bridget Webber
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
To say that life is short may be a cliche, however sometimes the saying just fits the bill. Life really is too short to spend in the depths of unhappiness and pain when there are so many better, happier new…
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Scott Barlow
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Have you ever watched a thrilling movie that does not have sex accompanied by violence? Or perhaps it is the other way around. Porn in its purest form is centered around lust and in that lust is something called addiction….
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Laura Leigh Fields
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Divorce isn’t always like a picnic in the park but neither is marriage or you wouldn’t be considering it. Deciding whether or not you want to terminate a divorce is often difficult. You feel overwhelmed. You think there are no…
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Roberta Velyn
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A marriage gone bad can be disastrous for either or both partners and for their children. A divorce can do untold emotional and economic damage to a family. If you’re contemplating ending your marriage there are several points to consider…
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Oisous Hristosnika
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Is he cheating on you on-line? Of course he is. Go with your gut ladies. Here is a true story. We’ll call my friend “Jane”.Jane thought she was doing beautifully in her marriage of 11 years. Most of the fighting…
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Mr Sleepy
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There is a huge difference between the best solution and the you. Most of the time it,”the big D” does not include just you. There may be a child or two in the mix, but there is still the you….
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Mary Ann Neber
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
If divorce is the death of a marriage, then one must go through the five stages of grief as you would experience with any other great loss. The stages of grief include denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. Theoretically,…
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Colette French
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Sometimes we end up in unhealthy relationships that could possibly become healthy relationships, if we would just stand firm and stop allowing the one we love to dishonor us! We must never accept just half of our mates! It is…
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Pat Gray
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Everyone’s reasons for considering divorce are different. Sometimes it’s boredom, sometimes it’s a catastrophic event that’s put too much strain on the relationship, sometimes the difference are just too great, sometimes one of the partners does something that may be…
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Jim Mentink
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
By and large, virtual relationships are surpassing real life relationships with people that you can physically touch while you’re relating. There are of course pockets, perhaps, in smaller, tighter knit communities where real life relationships are more commonplace, or not…
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February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The Internet definitely encourages cheating! Temptation, temptation and more temptation. It is far too easy for people in the present day to cheat on their partners without them finding out. The ample ways they can cheat is ludicrous. The days…
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Cheryl Williams - 266697
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
What is it about virtual relationships that are so attractive? There must be something because so many people are having them. Couples are saying “I love you” before ever having touched each other. The “chemistry” that used to be the…
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Latin Writer
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Tonight you stay up late. You pretend you are busy. You wait for your wife to turn off the light. You wait a while longer, to be sure she’s asleep. Then, you start putting your things away, silently. You check…
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Julianne Havens
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Does the internet encourage infidelity? Perhaps encourage wouldn’t be the best word choice. The internet definitely enables infidelity. The internet provides anonymity, access, and opportunity. Whether a person chooses to become unfaithful physically, simply waste hours away from their families…
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Jade Wiki
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I had my first real boyfriend when I was 19. He was older than I and he treated me badly. He cheated on me, stole from me and emotionally abused me. I eventually got the message and we parted ways….
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Isolde Marion
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Life takes place within cyberspace. This is the reality of things. We communicate through e-mail and instant messengers. We set birthday reminders on our online calendars and then send virtual cards. We upload our existence into YouTube and write our…
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Marcus Brooks
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Few traumas are more difficult than a husband discovering his wife’s infidelity. For a man, nothing is more esmasculating than some other man bedding down your spouse. It’s an experience that can soften even the hardest of hearts. Most men believe…
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Julianne Havens
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Is it possible to have an affair without anyone getting hurt The very word affair implies a committed relationship. A committed relationship consists of trust, mutual respect, and love. Whether it’s a physical affair, a cyber affair, or an emotional…
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The First Lady
February 9, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
You’re in a relationship or marriage that everybody recognizes as successful. Even you feel that you have been blessed with the best partner in all of time, trusting that he will never hurt you in any way. He has assured…
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Audrey Park
February 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Mama’s boys are good friends but they have not been raised to be good husbands. I dated my husband of two years for a total of seven years before we got married. During those seven years, I really believed I…
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Ben Hughes
February 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Statistically, arranged marriages last longer but I think that this is as much to do with expectations, practices and traditions as anything else. Many different cultures arrange marriages, but this often has very little to do with religion. Instead, it’s…
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Arlice Horton-Lindsey
February 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I have been with my husband since high school. That was 12 years ago. We have spent our entire adult lives together thus far, married while still in college 9 of those 12 years. We were still very young and…
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Silva Payne
February 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
To most people, the concept of marriage involves a couple who live together, do things together and share the bills, kids, car etc. If you ask children to draw a picture to go with the word “marriage”, you will invariably…
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Virginia Gaces
February 6, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Christian marriages are more prone to destructive forces because both partners are aware of “sin” and as such could notice the partner’s “sinful ways” more often. They are supposed to be “Made in Heaven”, the truth, however, is that a…
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