Marriage and Divorce
Angela S. Young
February 15, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The most important consequence of marriage is, that the husband and the wifebecome in law only one person… Upon this principle of union, almost allthe other legal consequences of marriage depend. James Wilson, signer of the Declaration of Independence and…
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Adai Goldberg
February 15, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Common interracial marriage stumbling blocks and how to overcome them I couldn’t wait to call my best friend, back home in the states, to announce the birth of my baby girl, Ariael. “Are you sure she’s not an albino? Being…
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S A Dalton
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Change is one of the few constants we have in life. It happens regardless of want or need. Without it everything would be at a standstill. Just like the old saying “Wisdom comes with age” so does growth come with…
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Bill Woffington
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Can second marriages work? Sure they can. I know three couples, my wife and I included, who have been married more than ten years, still care for each other and have no intention of not staying together. All of these…
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Angie Lewis
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
What Really Causes a Spouse to Cheat – I keep reading in various articles and in marriage self-help books that the reason a spouse cheats is because of something the other spouse did or didn’t do? But this is incorrect…
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C. L. Craven
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
In any relationship, forgiveness is the glue that holds it together. Many relationships are severed, due to the inability to forgive. Infidelity, for example, is probably the straw that breaks the back of the marriage vows, in most cases, because…
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Rachel Howells
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
With half of all marriages ending in divorce, relying on your eternal love to carry you through until death do you part is probably not the best strategy for beating the odds. Of course, love is important in any marriage…
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Kim Sharpe
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Yes, I think the sacred character of marriage has definitely been lost. American people have become such a throwaway society that it makes me sick. And nothing represents this more then marriage. The current outlook seems to be that its…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Can second marriages work? *In my opinion second marriages can work: I definitely believe second marriages can work because I am now into my second marriage of has lasted forty-eight years and it has been a great fulfilling marriage. The…
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J Richard Karlsson
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
After the heated argument, the dreadful forgetting of an anniversary, spending more money than the budget allows, having one to many drinks, saying something wrong about your in-laws, staying out late with your friends, these are all good reasons to…
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Mrs. C in Ohio
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Yes, the sacred character of marriage has been lost. It’s not just in divorce that tells us that something is “missing”. Somewhere, somehow, we humans have lost the instruction manual to what marriage really is. We have become to scientific,…
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Gloria Edmonson Nelson
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Always go to the American Embassy in the country which you are residing to determine whether the U.S. honors that country’s marriage license. You can also contact the Attorney General in the country which you will be going to determine…
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Tena Faruque
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
There we are, newly married. We can’t believe any woman could be so happy and alive and fulfilled. We have a partner and companion, a lover and friend~~~and we have him for life. Do we? Will we always be happy…
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Carolyn Tytler
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Second marriages can and do work; hundreds of thousands of couples in North America in the twenty-first century testify to the truth of this observation. My husband and I are among this multitude. Statistics indicate that almost half of first…
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Ed Barkum
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Common Interracial Marriage Stumbling Blocks And How To Overcome Them An assessment of common interracial marriage stumbling blocks, along with a prescription for overcoming them, presents a challenging and thought-provoking exercise. To begin with, the world only has three major…
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Rex Trulove
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Anyone who has been married for more than ten years has already discovered that the expectations change through the length of the relationship. This isn’t just easy to see, it is easy to understand, and it isn’t a bad thing…
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Kat Ballew
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Finding out that your wife has been unfaithful is devastating and painful, and often hard to comprehend. As shocking as this may be, on the other hand, the time invested and the years spent together may be worth trying to…
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Gary Campbell
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A soul mate’s spirit should be linked with mine. Their personality, core or essenceshould be in conjunction with mine. We should be vibrating on the same level from the beginning of the relationship. Our rhythm and pulse should beat in…
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P. M. Montgomery
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The damage done to a marriage when someone cheats is terrible. The trust you have worked so hard to build up vanishes in one, horrible second. There is actual physical pain involved, horrible anguish, and sadness. There in that one…
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Desiree Gordon
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Many may not agree with this thought, but cheating is emotionally harmful for both the person that cheats and the person that gets cheated on. We hear it all the time from people who appear on talk shows to give…
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Jessica Jake
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I have been involved with a married man for going on 3 months now. When it first started, I honestly had not been with a man or had an orgasm in about a year and since I’m a single mom…
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February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Second marriages can work and many do work really well. Of course a lot of second marriages end up the same way as the first but for those who have matured, mellowed and done a lot of soul searching and…
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Pamala Ott
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
We never think it could happen to us. Our husband or wife would never cross that line, break their vows, and hurt us in such a harmful way as cheating on us. Sadly it happens, and it happens far too…
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Arlene Hauben
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When two people enter into marriage they form a unit or a family. If they marry for the right reasons, the couple expects to be lovers, best friends, and a support system for one another. But when one party is…
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Barbara Kasey Smith
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The single biggest killer of relationships… *Get to know your mate before getting into a serious relationship: Are you currently having a relationship with someone who is great to look at but lacking personality, intelligence, manners, and an emotional attraction…
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Mark Radulich
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A friend once said, “Marriage is not easy, it takes hard work.” That’s the irony of my situation. I wasn’t afraid to put the hard work in. I wasn’t too lazy to try; to compromise; to be open-minded; to be…
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Elaine Sihera
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Help! My ex wants me back but he is married! Q. My ex just call me today asking why I left him. I told him that I sent him a letter stating all I wanted to tell him. It was because…
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Linda L Kinyon
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Many people erroneously believe that if they didn’t actually commit the physical act of sex, they haven’t had an affair. Whenever a couple is in a monogamous relationship, there should be no other attempt at sexual contact with anyone else….
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J. Lee Kenser
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Absolutely, in todays’ marriage function that is to say walking down the aisle, standing in front of a judge, minister and the like. It is such a shame that in todays world too often most people want the cake but,…
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Patricia Cox
February 14, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Is having a sexual fantasy cheating on your partner? Another term for sexual fantasy is erotic fantasy. A sexual or erotic fantasy is a series thoughts that have the ability to create or enhance sexual feelings. In order to achieve a fantasy you have to mentally…
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