Marriage and Divorce
Alexa J.K.
October 26, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I’ll be totally honest, I love my video games. I love playing every now and then. I limit my time to how long I do actually play, because I do want to spend time with my son and with my…
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Sarah Keefer
October 26, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
After the fairytale wedding and the romantic honeymoon with champagne; reality starts to hit in once you check your bags and you are on your way home. You are wondering to yourself, “I can’t believe we are finally married.” As…
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Dennis Smith
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
My five-year old daughter watches a lot of Disney movies, you know “Cinderella” “Aladdin” and “Beauty and the Beast.” As I watch them with her, I sometimes wonder if many people watch such moves and think to themselves that married…
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Celestine Jones
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
These women just didn’t know the truth. Often times these men will rush the relationship. He won’t give her enough time to figure it out. He will be on time, or even early for every date. He will be gracious,…
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Gerry Legister
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Is marriage a unique gift from God? or a treasure chest of generational continuous disaster? That we have inherited from a reminiscent age, and taken for granted by some who may even be asking themselves what is the meaning of…
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Linda van der Byl
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
GUYS GUARD YOUR HEARTS Guys, listen to your wife when she warns you about other woman. She is simply guarding your heart because you are too thick (closed) to realize how easy it is to walk into a trap. Go…
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Daniel Belcher
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Well, let’s get right to it. Marriage is a word that is becoming smaller and smaller in the America. Many people chose to live together instead of enter into the bounds of matrimony. Scripturally and moral, living together instead being…
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Tony Connor
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
We all worry about getting a wedding anniversary gift that isn’t quite what they wanted. Even though it’s the thought that counts, a disappointing gift can cause tensions. The main reason for this is that men and women have different…
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Joi Marie Francisco
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I’m a newly Military wife and boy has life changed. I recently had a conversations with one of my girlfriends who is also married to a Military man and I’ve realized Marriage and the military is a whole other life….
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October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Yesterday morning I woke up and worked towards shuffling my daughter to school just like I always do Monday through Thursday. The day before the house was in great shape but as I looked around it definitely was not in…
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Carol Wise
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Wow! What a title. Certainly one that invites us to drag out our sexual stereotypes and give “the wife” a laundry list of do’s and don’ts to make life easier for her husband. I can see cleaning and cooking tips…
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Amanda Coers
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
“To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, til death us do part.” This vow today comes with amendments such as, “or until I just don’t like you anymore, or we don’t have enough money or the kids…
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Tonya Moses
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Staying at home with your children is one of the most wonderful experiences in the world. You get to see them grow and experience all the new things they learn to do, rather then being told about them by someone…
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Yvette Durham
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Admittedly women, especially wives, can seem hard to please. After all, we are very complex creatures who sometimes cannot even work ourselves out. Husbands often have to liaise through a minefield of pre-menstrual tension, erratic mood shifts and emotional out-pours….
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Carol Wise
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
I, once was trapped in a marriage that didn’t work. In reality I did this to myself twice, although I was quicker to get out the second time around. My husband wasn’t a bad person and he did love me…
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Greg B.
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage has become like pieces of candy to many. I believe God intended that we should only be married to one. There are circumstances where I may be able to understand a second marriage,but very few.One of those circumstances could…
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Eden Gardner
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Although the the divorce rate in this country is staggering at well over fifty percent and while a marriage in which one or both partners suffering from a mental illness does certainly increase the divorce rate, it is possible to…
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Elaina Wicks
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
When you first utter the words “I do,” you don’t dwell on the chance that years or perhaps only months down the road your marriage could fail. You envision white picket fences, junior versions of you and your partner running…
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Thom W. Conroy
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
A marriage is designed to be an equal partnership, at least in the concept of sharing the work and rewards attained in living life as a couple. Unfortunately, life is not a theoretical concept consisting of hypothetical situations, but a…
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Escarly Quintana
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Sharing housework between husbands and wives is a good start to a successful marriage. It is not the only thing in a marriage yet its the one thing that can destroy it. Balancing out the chores in the home so…
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Meghan Rizzo
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The Internet, and social networking in particular, has created a wealth of new issues with which married couples must contend. One can easily find and befriend ex girlfriends or boyfriends, good-looking coworkers of the opposite sex, and, worst of all,…
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Elaina Wicks
October 25, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Does every individual have a soul mate waiting for discovery? Is there really a yin for every yang? With infinite perceptions of perfection, the answer lies in the eye of the beholder. The one exception that must be realized, however,…
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Ronni Dee
October 24, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Like too many other people, in late 2008 my husband lost his job. I started working part time to help cover expenses and at least have some entertainment money. It wasn’t long after my husband was at home all day,…
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Laurie Childree
October 24, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The stay at home mom isn’t appreciated anywhere near enough. Once there was no choice as to whether or not a wife and mother stayed home; it was expected of her. Now that she has a choice it’s frowned upon…
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Tony Connor
October 24, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
The tenth anniversary is a significant milestone that needs to be celebrated together and in the best way possible. The traditional symbol for the tenth anniversary is tin or aluminum – demonstrated the toughness and durability of their relationship, and…
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Sheila-Ann Bender
October 24, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Let’s face it, one marriage is too many for some! Some men and women simply aren’t marriage material and should not be allowed to walk the happily-ever-after aisle at all. Society tells them they should-as well as well-intending friends and…
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Victoria Tiegert
October 24, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Relationships are one of the greatest blessings that people can receive. They can also be some of the most difficult to keep healthy and happy. They take work in order to maintain their place in our lives as a blessing,…
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Lauren Ice
October 24, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
He is my first husband and I am his second wife. This is a situation that is becoming more common, as people divorce at younger ages and then choose to remarry. In my case I was 23 and he was…
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Trenna Sue Hiler
October 24, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Love, hate, jealously, are somehow very closely related. We need to work out the details so we can have healthy relationships with those we love. If we can’t have a healthy relationship we need to have the courage to end…
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Pull The Letter
October 24, 2015
Marriage and Divorce
Before I asked my wife to marry me, I did what most men do before making a major life decision; I weighed the pros and cons. I asked myself,” Is this the woman I want to spend the rest of…
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