Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
The AIDS quilt came to life in a San Francisco storefront in 1987. Strangers gathered together and began making the first panels to memorialize those they feared history would neglect to remember. They were very different times for the LGBT…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
Pink Saturday, for the uninitiated, is quite simply put just about the biggest annial block party for the LGBT community that doesn’t have the word “Pride” attached to it. Actually that is only partially correct as it is Pride related…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
San Francisco, California has long been known as not just the gay capital of the United States, but quite possibly the world. No matter who you talk to or where they are from, if you talk about the great gay communities on…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
London’s gay community is an interesting group to examine insofar as they sure have come a long way in the past forty years or so years, but done so in a way that most people wouldn’t expect. Perhaps you can…
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Rochelle Foulk
September 15, 2013
Teaching history on cultures, people, countries and/or events gives the new generation the ability to discern their own beliefs. It is an important subject to teach, underlying this is the necessity to help the student advance past the mistakes in…
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Lynette Alice
September 14, 2013
Gaydar, or the ability to spot an LGBT person is a real thing. It may not be 100%, but what in life is aside from death? Gaydar is a form of intuition, it isn’t sorcery or something that only gay…
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Greg Dalton - 553015
September 14, 2013
You can find hundreds of articles that give advice about what to do and what to say when your child tells you that he or she is gay. They will all tell you to be supportive, loving, and open with…
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Lynette Alice
September 14, 2013
“Lady Gaga is over!” “Lady Gaga is the ultimate rip-off!” “Lady Gaga is a farce!” Look around the web and various columns by people like Camille Paglia and you are sure to find those or very similarly worded statements regarding…
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Lynette Alice
September 14, 2013
The Rhode Island gay community is not only alive and well but thriving. Hidden within its tiny borders is one of the best gay communities in the country that few have ever heard of or even thought about. The size…
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Lynette Alice
September 14, 2013
Being the third largest city by population in the U.S., it is no surprise that Chicago has a large, strong, and healthy gay community. Aside from the fact Chicago is a great place for anyone to visit, or even live,…
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Kayleigh Williams
September 14, 2013
If I ever feel a little bit down, there are a few places in this city that can cheer me up pretty quickly. Soho is one such place. I love to just sit in a café there and watch the world go…
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Kristen Pizzo
September 14, 2013
Interracial marriage was legalized in 1967. Gay marriage is still not fully legal throughout the United States. In my opinion, the issue is the same. The prohibition gay marriage is no more moral or right than banning interracial marriage was. Whatever…
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Lynette Alice
September 14, 2013
Morty Manford was a witness to the Stonewall Rebellion of 1969 which was an event that changed his life forever. Morty saw a great need for LGBT persons to start standing up for their rights and became one of the…
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Patricia Quick
September 14, 2013
President Obama has decided to embrace gay marriages. I do believe with all my heart that this is a good thing. Not only for his re-election but for gays and lesbians everywhere in the United States. They are just like…
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Lynette Alice
September 14, 2013
While San Francisco grabs attention as being traditionally accepted as California’s gay capitol, Los Angeles’ gay community is alive and well and growing! In some circles there is a growing sentiment in fact that perhaps Los Angeles has actually taken…
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September 11, 2013
Admitting the truth is one of the hardest processes anyone undergoes. Saying one is gay in front of people they most care about, particularly their parents, takes tremendous courage because they confront fear of rejection, judgment, guilt from keeping a…
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claire coshan
September 8, 2013
Coming out can be an incredibly stressful time in a person’s life no matter what age they are. The fear of not knowing how people will react and whether or not they will accept your news well can make the…
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Jacob Woods
September 6, 2013
There are many reasons the right wing argues against gay couples and their right to marry in a free nation. There are well formatted arguments available to refute all of the accusations for why gay couples shouldn’t have the same…
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Kevin W Byrom
August 18, 2013
Being transgendered is like being blessed with the most pleasant, wonderful gift in the entire world, while being condemned by the most dreadful, diabolical curse at the same time. It’s a blessing, because transgendered men and women see the world…
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Tucker Lieberman
August 18, 2013
As we enter 2014, same-sex marriage law in the United States is changing rapidly. Just two years ago, at the beginning of 2012, same-sex marriage licenses were granted by six states – Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire and New York…
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John Paciorek
August 18, 2013
People are found passionately arguing this case from two distinct levels of thought. Human opinion services mankind only by assisting to correct misconceptions from which error in thinking has propagated renegade assumptions. How could one honestly judge another merely on the…
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Scott Lau
August 18, 2013
When one thinks of a transgender, they think of a person who dresses and behaves like the opposite sex. For example, a guy that dresses like a girl or a girl dressing up as a guy. One can easily judge…
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Dawn McCaslin
August 18, 2013
Ending a relationship of any kind is painful, complicated, emotional and disappointing. It doesn’t matter whether you’re gay, straight, male or female…it’s the end of a dream that you both shared and its the closing of a chapter. Lesbians are…
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Amanda Chaput
August 18, 2013
I know many lesbians that originally started out married to a man. In fact, two of my girlfriends fit into that category. Everyone likes to tell them that they aren’t lesbians because of their marriage to a man, but I…
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Angelia Campbell
August 18, 2013
I would like to start by telling you about a conversation that I just had a couple of days ago with my baby brother. I am a lesbian and been in a relationship with the woman I consider my wife…
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Christine Zibas
August 18, 2013
While barriers are being broken in many sectors of society for the lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual (LGTB) community, the most recent is within a surprising format: DC Comics. Such LGTB characters, once banned from the world of comics by…
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Tina Brewster
August 18, 2013
The title of this debate: “Do the attitudes of men contribute to women choosing a life of lesbianism?”, leaves one to speculate that the person who put this debate out here believes that people choose to be gay. I don’t…
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Brick Calloway
August 18, 2013
To understand hate, prejudice, one must “…consider things from his point of view…climb into his skin and walk around in it.”– spoken by the character of Atticus Finch in Harper Lee’s novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” Today there exist as many…
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Renee Dawson
August 18, 2013
I am in a lesbian relationship and I have two sons ages 4 years and 1 year. They are the joy of my life. My wife and I looked into the many different ways that one could obtain sperm and…
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Jerome Espinosa Baladad
August 18, 2013
This article targets to illuminate notions on intimacy according to the experiences of this writer, and how they provide a gay person with the basis of his / her decision to venture into online dating. As it is, when you…
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