Jae Baeli
September 15, 2013
In standard dating, meaning, in person, and not in the preliminary meeting stages online, there are often a different set of red flags and deal breakers. These are usually connected to the dynamic that is created through several interactions. Swift…
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Adelani Aderemi
September 15, 2013
As I prepare to write on this topic I remember the testimony of Fola (not her real name) She grew up with her maternal aunt having lost her own parents when she was just five. Her aunt’s husband, the only…
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Jae Baeli
September 15, 2013
The advise I offer here is based upon my own hard-won understanding, and the counsel of other lesbians who have also been privy to the lessons that relationships teach us. Many of the same rules apply to nurturing a long-term…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
While transgender individuals are a part of the LGBT community, the manner in which they are treated by society as a whole has been pointed out as being significantly skewed in regards to the number of legal issues they often…
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Ian Farquharson
September 15, 2013
Intolerance towards people that are considered to be different is common in the world we live in and, although this is unfortunate, it can be a fact of life for many. It can certainly be true for the transgender population…
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Mister Alexander
September 15, 2013
The process of going from living as one gender to living as another is a very strenuous process for most people. There is no wrong or right way to tell your parents and/or guardians that you are transitioning from one…
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Sylvia Farley
September 15, 2013
The United Nations define “gender” as comprising the widely held beliefs, expectations, customs and practices that define ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ attributes, behaviours, roles and responsibilities within different societies. The World Health Organisation says gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviour,…
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Bethany Birley
September 15, 2013
To answer this question I am going to look at not just what a tranvestite is, but also gender dysphoria, transsexuals and the umbrella definition of transgenders. I shall often refer to the Wiktionary but also to examples from my…
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Giorgina Angela
September 15, 2013
When I first moved down to Adelaide, as many of you now know, I worked for a group of Orthopaedic surgeons. We shared our building with a gynaecologist, who had his office on the floor above us. His name was…
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Jasmine Starr
September 15, 2013
The effects on relationships because of Gender Identity Disorder (GID) are, in a word, ubiquitous. I cannot think of one relationship that has not been affected at some level by my own GID. I offer my humble opinion on this…
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September 15, 2013
The three main types of binding include using a compression shirt, using bandages, and using sports tape. Compression shirts can be used with any bust size to achieve dramatic results, but taping and binding generally only work on bust sizes…
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Amanda Bailey
September 15, 2013
When many people think about gender, they assume it’s something we’re born with – that babies come into this world possessing either male or female parts. However, this isn’t necessarily the case, and in recent years, the distinction between sex…
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Mary Tyrer
September 15, 2013
The formation of the brain is different as it develops and makes contact between the developing brain cells and hormones. Psychologists and neuroscientists believe the basis of sex is different and has a wide variety of behaviors for each gender….
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
National Transgender Awareness Day is actually an offshoot of the National Transgender Day of Rememberance. What is the difference you may wonder? Simply put there is none aside from National Transgender Awareness Day that is the product of a different…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
The liberal movement as it pertains to transsexuality is not in all reality very liberal. Transsexuals are still the outcasts in society as a whole and even within the LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender) community. While progress has been made to, specifically over…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
To be a transsexual in Iran is a mixed bag of who knows what. Iran has long been noted for a very strong anti-gay stance which at times has resulted in homosexuals receiving the lash, being hung, or stoned. This…
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Jacquie Schmall
September 15, 2013
Gender is guided by a genetic legacy, provided by the chromosomal contribution from both parents. The female provides an X chromosome, and the father, a Y chromosome. However, meiosis, the division of the fertilized zygote is not always an exact…
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Ashley Hendrick
September 15, 2013
Binding. What is it? Why? There are many of us out there, believe it or not, who are cursed with an unwelcome large chest. Many people with body image disorders, or transsexuals, may choose to bind. Binding allows for a…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
The transition process of changing genders is riddled with potholes. At every turn there is always going to be a new stress or demand, and while most of the time these are personal or emotional issues, the one common thread…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
While there are dozens of online communities that tout their site as geared for the transsexual person very few actually deliver on that claim. When considering what makes for a good online community for the transsexual person many of the…
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Duane Kuehn
September 15, 2013
“Drag Queen”, “Transsexual” and “She-male” (or “Shemale”), these terms can, but do not necessarily, overlap on another. The oldest of these three terms, “She male”, is considered by many Shemales to be derogatory. Though the term is more widely accepted…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
Martin Bauml Duberman, born on August 6, 1930, has worn many hats in his day other than historian. He is a noted playwright, biographer, essayist, and academic enjoying international recognition and success. While not everyone recognizes his name, most do…
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Helen Stuart
September 15, 2013
Eureka Springs, Arkansas is a lovely Victorian town nestled in the Ozark Mountains. “Eureka,” as the locals call it, is a prime destination for tourism because of the many fine artists and craftsmen that work and reside there, the ancient…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
The Mattachine Society was born out of necessity during the McCarthy era witch hunts of not just communists but gays and anything that was somehow deemed as “Un-American.” The sad fact is that McCarthy believed homosexuality was something that prevented…
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Camille Germain
September 15, 2013
I used to judge gays and lesbians but I really didn’t believe that I was judging them.I was always taught that homosexuality was wrong and disgusting. It was easy for me to accept since I wasn’t gay. I loved the…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
The GLBT Historical Society (GLBTHS) located on Mission Street in San Francisco serves as a durable archive for everything which relates to the gay and transgender community. With that said it is more than just a library housing text material…
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Kelly Williams
September 15, 2013
Some people in this world despise the rights of gay/bisexual people, often criticized for being a sinner and not normal because of their sexuality. In some countries it is illegal to be found gay therefore being imprisoned or even the…
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Lynette Alice
September 15, 2013
In 1979 the Radical Faerie movement was sprang into existence as the brainchild of long time gay rights activist Harry Hay who was instrumental in the formation of the Mattachine Society. Over the course of around three weeks, Hay, his…
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September 15, 2013
Who does it hurt for homosexuals to receive all the rights and benefits of marriage? It hurts the homosexual couples that can’t get married. If my lesbian partner would be in an accident, God forbid, and in intensive care, I…
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Dan Stannard
September 15, 2013
I am going to say this now. I am a gay male 19 year old student of religion and philosophy. I have been homosexual for as long as I can remember. And yet still my parents don’t know. I haven’t…
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